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Unit: World War I Topic: Long-Term Causes. War is Inevitable  As the 1900s began, forces were pushing Europe toward war.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit: World War I Topic: Long-Term Causes. War is Inevitable  As the 1900s began, forces were pushing Europe toward war."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit: World War I Topic: Long-Term Causes

2 War is Inevitable  As the 1900s began, forces were pushing Europe toward war.


4 M.A.I.N. = Long Term Causes of World War I!

5 M = Militarism

6 1. Militarism, the glorification of military power, led to fear and suspicion as nations became willing to use military force to attain goals.

7 2. For example,Germany and England were competing to have the most powerful navy: Germany started to build a large number of battleships, which made the rest of Europe nervous.

8 3.There was an arms race, in which European countries competed with each other to expand their armies and navies as quickly as possible.

9 “All the long years of my reign, my colleagues, the monarchs of Europe, have paid no attention to what I have to say. Soon, with my great navy to endorse (back up) my words, they will be more respectful!” “All the long years of my reign, my colleagues, the monarchs of Europe, have paid no attention to what I have to say. Soon, with my great navy to endorse (back up) my words, they will be more respectful!” - Kaiser Wilhelm II - Kaiser Wilhelm II

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11 A = Alliance Systems

12 1. Nations agreed to defend each other in case of attack - by 1914, there were two major alliances.

13 The Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (drops out later). The Triple Entente: Britain, France, Serbia (secret) Russia (drops out later), and Italy (joins later). Britain, France, Serbia (secret) Russia (drops out later), and Italy (joins later).


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16 I = Imperialism

17 1. The European nations competed for colonies and economic power. 2. Germany industrialized rapidly, and England and France felt threatened by Germany colonies in Africa and China..



20 N = Nationalism

21 1. People were willing to fight and die for their nations. 2. Germany, now unified, was growing in strength. 3. France wanted to regain its position as the leading European power. 4. Many French also wanted revenge on Germany for having to give up land in the Franco-Prussian War.

22 5. Besides having to pay money to Germany as a result of losing the Franco- Prussian War, France lost the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.

23 ch?v=RyZ4EWVMSpw ch?v=RyZ4EWVMSpw

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