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CH1 – 3 REVIEW Summary. CHAPTER 1: 1A RECOGNIZING FALLACIES KEY TERMS AND KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Key Terms  Logic  Argument – premises, conclusions.

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1 CH1 – 3 REVIEW Summary

2 CHAPTER 1: 1A RECOGNIZING FALLACIES KEY TERMS AND KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Key Terms  Logic  Argument – premises, conclusions  Fallacy  Key Ideas and Skills  Identify an argument’s premises and conclusions.  Recognize fallacious arguments, which contain logical flaws so that their conclusions are not well supported by their premises

3 1B: PROPOSITIONS AND TRUTH VALUES KEY TERMS  Key Terms  Proposition  Truth values, truth tables  Negation: not p  Conjunction: p and q  Disjunction: p or q  Conditional: if p, then q  Logical equivalence

4 1B: PROPOSITIONS AND TRUTH VALUES KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Understand truth tables for negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional.  Inclusive vs. exclusive: Inclusive (or) means either or both; exclusive or means one or the other, but not both  Variations on the conditional: if p, then q  Converse: if q, then p  Inverse: if not p then not q  Contrapositive: if not q, then not p

5 1C: SETS AND VENN DIAGRAMS KEY TERMS  Key Terms:  Set  Categorical  Propositions  Venn diagrams

6 1C: SETS AND VENN DIAGRAMS KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Set Relationships  Subsets, disjoint sets, overlapping sets  Four categorical propositions  All S are P;  No S are P;  Some S are P;  Some S are not P  Uses of Venn diagrams  Illustrating set relationships  Organizing information

7 ID: ANALYZING ARGUMENTS KEY TERMS  Inductive argument  Strength  Deductive argument  Validity  Soundness

8 1D: ANALYZING ARGUMENTS KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Evaluating arguments  Inductive arguments in terms of strength  Deductive arguments in terms of validity and soundness  Venn diagram tests of validity  Chains of conditionals  Induction and deduction in mathematics  Propose a theorem inductively  Prove a theorem deductively

9 1E: CRITICAL THINKING IN EVERYDAY LIFE KEY TERMS AND KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Key Terms  Critical thinking  Key ideas and skills  1. Read (listen) carefully  2. look for hidden assumptions  3. Identify the real issue  4. Understand the options  5. Watch for fine print and missing information  6. Are other conclusions possible

10 CHAPTER 2: 2A PROBLEM SOLVING POWER OF UNITS KEY TERMS AND KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Key Terms  Units  Conversion factor  Currency conversions  Key ideas and skills  Identify units with key words per, square, or cube or with hyphens  Write conversion factors in three equivalent forms  Work with units to check answers and help solve problems

11 2B: MORE PROBLEM SOLVING POWER OF UNITS KEY TERMS  US customary system (USCS)  Metric system (SI)  Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin  Absolute zero  Energy units: Calorie, Joule, Kilowatt-hour  Power units: 1 watt = 1 joule/s  Density  Concentration  Blood alcohol  content

12 2B: MORE PROBLEM SOLVING POWER OF UNITS KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Understand and convert basic USCS and metric units  Know metric prefixes  Know temperature units and convert between °F, °C, and Kelvin  Understand energy units and power units  Energy is what makes matter move or heat up  Power is the rate at which energy is used  Apply the concept of density to materials, population, and information  Apply the concept of concentration to pollution and blood alcohol content

13 2C: PROBLEM-SOLVING GUIELINES AND HINTS KEY TERMS AND KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Key Terms  Four-step problem-solving process  Key ideas and skills  Apply eight strategic hints for problem solving

14 3A: USES AND ABUSES OF PERCENTAGES KEY TERMS  Key ideas  Absolute change  Relative Change  Absolute difference  Relative difference

15 3A: USES AND ABUSES OF PERCENTAGES KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Absolute change=new value-reference value  Relative change (formula)  Absolute difference (formula)  Relative difference (formula)  Understand the of versus more than rule  Understand percentage points versus %  Solve percentage problems  Identify common abuses of percentages

16 3B: PUTTING NUMBERS IN PERSPECTIVE  Key terms  Scientific notation  Order of magnitude  Key ideas and skills  Write and interpret numbers in scientific notation  Put numbers in perspective through  Estimation, including order of magnitude estimates  Comparisons  Scaling

17 3C: DEALING WITH UNCERTAINTY KEY TERMS  Significant digits  Random error  Systematic error  Absolute error  Relative error  Accuracy  Precision

18 3C: DEALING WITH UNCERTAINTY KEY IDEAS AND SKILLS  Distinguish significant digits from non significant zeros  Identify and distinguish between random and systematic errors  Absolute error  Relative error  Distinguish between accuracy and precision  Apply rounding rules for combining approximate numbers  Add/subtract – round to the precision of the least precise number in the problem  Mult./division – round to the same number of significant digits as in the number in the problem with the fewest significant digits

19 3D: INDEX NUMBERS: THE CPI AND BEYOND  Key terms  Index number  Reference value  Consumer price index (CPI)  Inflation  Key ideas and skills  Understand index numbers and how they are useful for comparisons  Understand how the CPI is used to measure inflation  Adjust prices for inflation with the CPI (formula)

20 3E: HOW NUMBERS DECEIVE: POLYGRAPHS, MAMMOGRAMS, AND MORE  Key terms  Simpson’s paradox  Test results: false +, true +, false -, true –  Key Ideas and skills  Understand and give examples of Simpson’s paradox  Understand and give examples of how mammograms and polygraphs can lead to surprising results  Understand and give examples of how Democrats and Republicans can make different claims about the same data even if neither side is lying

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