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Mrs Burson  Weekly timetable  Most subjects will be covered weekly. Literacy and maths everyday.  Morning routine  PPA timings  Wednesday afternoon.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Burson  Weekly timetable  Most subjects will be covered weekly. Literacy and maths everyday.  Morning routine  PPA timings  Wednesday afternoon."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mrs Burson

3  Weekly timetable  Most subjects will be covered weekly. Literacy and maths everyday.  Morning routine  PPA timings  Wednesday afternoon – Mrs Clare  Tuesday afternoon – Miss Bakewell

4  Uniform/Shoes  Daily warm/waterproof clothes please!  PE kit  Jewellery/Hair/N ails

5  A ‘Learn It’ is a number fact that is learnt so well that it can be recalled instantly. It includes the entire 1 digit add 1 digit answers as well as the 1 digit multiplied by 1 digit answers.  The pupils should know all ‘Learn Its’ as well as they know their own name! When they recall these facts there is no thinking time.  They should also know the opposite and inverse, e.g. is they know 2+3=5, they also rapidly know 3+2=5, 5-2=3 and 5- 3=2.  When this is achieved it opens the door to a whole new world of numeracy e.g. 80 x 70 is easy to do if you know 8 x 7.

6 If you would like copies please ask Miss Jeavons/ or me and I will get them from her


8 Look out for WILF lists in the classroom! Use the games and ideas in the Maths Leaflets – maths can be fun! Look for online games and apps too. Show your child maths in real life all the time, especially shopping, measuring/weighing and time – this is free 1:1 Tuition on problem solving and needs no fancy maths knowledge! Recite number facts (LEARN ITS) at every opportunity – the sooner they are learnt, the more confident a child feels in every lesson. Top attainment is almost always linked to knowledge of number bonds and times tables at the age appropriate level.

9 Spelling can be really tricky for some children! Let’s have a go! How would you spell fish? Obviously it’s ghoti ! gh= f as in cough o = i as in women ti = sh as in function Hum…not so easy is it!



12  Expectation is that each child will complete an hour and a half a week.  Homework will be set on a Thursday  Reading daily – recorded in journal checked on a Monday  Maths games or activity  Topic ‘a la carte menu’  If your child finds a task difficult please do come and speak to me.

13 How to Support your child in Year 3 Website and class notice board Wow wall – outstanding work WILFs – how to do something Shared Learning at home

14  On the Year 3 and home pages of the school website (check whole school and Y3calendar)  Parent teacher meetings November  Class Assembly 24 th Nov 9am  HAS AGM 30 th September 7:30

15 Any questions?

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