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Cargo Loading Training & SOPs Cargo Operation Management Team

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1 Cargo Loading Training & SOPs Cargo Operation Management Team
Korean Air Cargo                                                                                                                                                                     Cargo Loading Training & SOPs Cargo Operation Management Team Good afternoon, It is my great honor to have an opportunity to hold a presentation on the status of Korean air cargo business and Cargo Loading Training & SOPs(Standard Operation Procedure) My name is min su Hwang and now I am working in korean air cargo operation management team in Seoul head quarter office. My presentation today will deal with two main issue, One is the current status of Korean air cargo business, that include Korean air cargo convenient service, capacity, freighter operation, information technology system, and major cargo products. The other issue is on Korean air cargo Loading Training & standard Operation Procedure, Chief contents of which are Korean air’s diverse experience and know-how to handle special cargo such as heavy and outsized cargo, dangerous goods, live animal and so forth, Moreover standard loading and un-loading process based on Korean air safety policy. Safety is the most valuable price in Korean air. Before I start the presentation, I would like to show a short DVD to give a overall view of Korean Air Cargo Business. Then we will get back to today’s main topic such as Korean Air Cargo Handling safety procedure. SEP 10, 2008

2 Contents Build-up Load Planning Loading & Unloading Procedures
Safety Reinforcement for HEA & OHG Special Cargo Transportation Case My presentation consists of five main sections. Firstly, I would like to mention cargo build up procedure, we, maintain a standard process to build up cargo in compliance with company’s safety policy. This procedure is a fundamental part to maintain safety. Second part is on weight and balance procedure to load cargo in the aircraft. The person in charge of weight & balance procedure are commonly known as load master. The ideal center of gravity of aircraft may not only guarantees safe flight but also enhance fuel efficiency. Third and fourth sections are on our special loading and offloading procedure for heavy or outsized cargo such as helicopter and aircraft engine . HEA stands for heavy cargo and OHG indicates longer cargo than normal pallet size. And lastly, we will review korean air’s actual case of special cargo transportation

3 Build-up Procedures Each stage performed according to Safety Regulations Laying a pallet on a work station Lading cargo as a build-up plan Covering a plastic sheet & Netting Final Check & Weighing Standard Cargo handling procedure is implemented in accordance with strict procedure and regulation. It would be natural that the cargo build up should be within the limitation of aircraft contour and height. Boeing freighter can load up to maximum of 30 sheets of pallet provided that 7 pallets cannot exceed 96 inch height limit. The remaining 23 pallets can be built up to 118 inch but need to shave off one corner to match the shape of the aircraft. And for various reasons, the cargo is built in ULD (unit load device) such as pallet and container. Cargo standard handling procedure starts with selecting a proper pallets to load cargo at the work station. In order to prevent wet damage, we lay plastic cover on top of the pallet and apply extra sheet after the build up is completed. Before the build up procedure, we always check the pallet condition, since any crack or bent could create incidents during loading. And to come up with optimal center of gravity, we load heavy cargo in the middle and spread the weight according to the loading manual. After the build-up, we re-check the netting status to prevent cargo tilt. Finally, we check the contour and other safety factors and weigh the whole pallet. Loose net or poor B/UP could result in extreme result. Consequently, we check the pallet status right after the build up and after the loading has been completed, load master and captain inspect the cargo as the final procedure. Cargo handling procedure is the basic element to assure safety

4 Load Planning Procedures (1)
Build-up Status Transimtted to Load Control System Web-based Integrated New Load System : WinLoads ULD NBR Gross WT Contour SPCL Code After the pallet weighing procedure is completed, all the necessary information (ULD NBR, G/WT, CONTOUR TYPE, SPCL CODE) are transmitted from Terminal Management System to WinLoads, are new load control system. Winloads system was introduced last year after development and test for 2 years. Since it based on internet. Whenever or wherever we can access this system and do load control work. Moreover because this system has a lot of mistake warning functions, it is useful to decrease human error and can guarantee safety in load control. The picture on the right side shows the actual W&B system handled by L/M. If the L/M drag the ULD to the A/C position map, the center of gravity will be calculated automatically. This system was established to prevent human error or mistake and it also reduces substantial time to perform W&B duty.

5 Load Planning Procedures (2)
Ideal Load Planning for Safety WinLOADs provides real time build up status and it is also designed to actually perform load planning. Considering the limitation factor, L/M can easily drag the pallet to ideal position. If the limitation has been breached, warning message pops up immediately. The system provide other flight information along with loading status and helps to perform W&B.

6 Load Planning Procedures (3)
All the calcuations automatically done & finally verified Flight Basic Information and W&B Status displayed in real-time Balance Grid displayed For example, flight information indicates the basic flight information and clearly show the CG indicator, the key factor in loading procedure. As displayed in the picture, you can easily identify Balance Grid, LITOW, MACTOW, LIZFW, etc. LITOW=Loaded index take off weight LITOW MACTOW LIZFW

7 Loading & Unloading Procedures
Loading & Unloading according to Final Load Planning Ideal C.G. Suitable Handling for Special Cargo Along with the procedure explained previously, aircraft loading and unloading will be processed under the final loading plan. The loading plans are prepared under the ideal C.G in order to fulfill ground safety and fuel reduction. That is the main reason in which all loading and unloading must be proceeded under the safety regulations. When actual loading and unloading is being done, the basic ground safety equipments such as Nose tethering, tail post, safety cone must be in place and all procedure must be inspected and supervised by the korean air staffs. Especially, depending on the character of the cargo, appropriate handling and loading is very important. As you can see on the screen, Korean Air has maintained high quality service over the past years by handling various special cargo such as sensitive cargo, live animal, heavy & outsized cargo and dangerous goods.

8 Safety Reinforcement for HEA & OHG (1)
Preliminary Authorization System Cargoes weighing over 11,300kg or measuring 7m in length or over among weighing over 1,500kg must be authorized to transport in advance. Loading possibility must be checked : Structural Load Limitation, Contour Restriction and handled according to safety instructions : Shoring, Tie-down & Lashing. I would like to introduce heavy and big cargo handling procedure, one of the strongest part of our cargo service. It is especially crucial to follow the appropriate procedure in handling these special cargo to prevent any accidents. Thus Korean Air implements pre-authorization to carry these special cargo. If the cargo weight is over 11.3 ton per piece or over 7m in length (over 1,500 kg / pc), it is mandatory to acquire pre-authorization before implementing the loading procedure. The cargo loading expert will verify the structural load limitation, contour and other safety factors to conform load ability. If the load ability factor is cleared, specific build-up & tie-down instruction will be issued to secure safety.

9 Safety Reinforcement for HEA & OHG (2)
Changing BTUs to Caster Type for New Freighters All of the new type freighters are equipped with BTUs (Ball Transfer Units). Due to structural weakness of BTUs, those located near Nose Cargo Door are being changed to Swivel Casters. It is expected that A/C floor parts damage will be remarkably decreased. BTU We are undergoing aircraft loading system reformation to enhance safety to the world top class level. The newly induced aircraft like Boeing ERF has Ball Transfer Unit system in the floor which is lighter and less expensive than old caster type used in Boeing Thus, it is possible that floor damage could occur during the loading of Heavy and big cargo. To resolve this problem, We are in the process of changing BTU near nose door area to swivel type. Such implementation will clearly enhance the safety factor. After the transition is completed, we expect to vastly reduce floor part damage. In the next section, we will see the DVD of Heavy and big cargo loading procedure. Swivel Caster

10 40ton Heavy Cargo from ICN to JFK
Special Cargo Transportation Case (1) 40ton Heavy Cargo from ICN to JFK This film shows the loading process of 40 ton turbine generator shaft loaded on 20th August, 2007. To spread the weight within the regulation, we connected 2 20ft pallet and lay steel beam to prevent any damage. Also we prepared 2 main deck loader and use crane to complete loading. After the loading we applied multiple of tie-down altogether 18 steel wire, 100 general strap to secure the cargo. As a result the cargo transportation has been successfully completed. Please pay attention to build up procedure and loading process in this film.

11 18.5m Extra-sized Cargo from SIN to FRA
Special Cargo Transportation Case (2) 18.5m Extra-sized Cargo from SIN to FRA This film shows the pipe 18.5m in lengths. We have connected 3 20ft pallet It was first time in our history. This cargo used of total 12 main deck position which is enormous considering the fact that a single position takes up at least pallet of 96 inches in length. To spread the weight, we used 70 6 by 6 inch wooden beam and used 3 main deck loader on Nose cargo door. This loading process reflects the competence of Korean Air in special cargo handling.

12 Thank you for your attention
As we are running out of time, I will close my presentation. Thank you for your time and listening.

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