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5 Semesters per Year: (8-Jan, 19-Mar, 28-May, 6-Aug, 15-Oct) Each class meets just one night per week All classes also available online Open to all military.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Semesters per Year: (8-Jan, 19-Mar, 28-May, 6-Aug, 15-Oct) Each class meets just one night per week All classes also available online Open to all military."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Semesters per Year: (8-Jan, 19-Mar, 28-May, 6-Aug, 15-Oct) Each class meets just one night per week All classes also available online Open to all military and civilians in Utah Offices right on base (in Ed. Offc. Bldg 383) 80+ years working with the military “The Harvard of the Sky” - TIME Magazine

2 Subject to Change Without Notice ATTENTON CORPORATIONS the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION offers the following non-degree professional development courses: –Corporate Aviation Management Certificate –International Air Cargo Management Certificate –Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Programs –Modeling and Simulation –Aviation Business Law and Finance For more information, contact program manager Dr. Jim Gallogly at or (386) 226-6263. For more information, contact program manager Dr. Jim Gallogly at or (386)

3 Subject to Change Without Notice BROWN BAG U LUNCH HOUR CLASSES are now available Classes are held in Bldg. 58 (near flight line) and/or Bldg. 125. Classes are held in Bldg. 58 (near flight line) and/or Bldg. 125. Courses applicable to your CCAF degree will be the primary focus. Courses applicable to your CCAF degree will be the primary focus. You DO NOT have to be enrolled in Embry-Riddle to register for these classes. You DO NOT have to be enrolled in Embry-Riddle to register for these classes. Next Semester’s class (beginning Oct 15th): Next Semester’s class (beginning Oct 15th): ENGLISH ENGLISH in Bldg 58 - Call 7-0952 for more info.

4 Subject to Change Without Notice Degree Programs Offered: Bachelor of Science in Technical ManagementBachelor of Science in Technical Management Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics Bachelor of Science in Aviation Maint. Mgmnt.Bachelor of Science in Aviation Maint. Mgmnt Master of Aeronautical Science Master of Science in Technical ManagementMaster of Science in Technical Management Master of Science in Technical ManagementMaster of Science in Technical Management * DID YOU KNOW? * According to the U.S. Census Bureau a COLLEGE GRADUATE will earn approximately $1,000,000 (one million dollars) MORE in their lifetime than a non-graduate!!!!!!!!!! (Can you afford NOT to go to college?)

5 Subject to Change Without Notice SEEKING YOUR A&P LICENSE? Each A&P class may count not only toward the certificate, but toward your CCAF AND Embry-Riddle degrees as well! Each A&P class may count not only toward the certificate, but toward your CCAF AND Embry-Riddle degrees as well! You can finish our A&P certificate program in just 3 semesters! You can finish our A&P certificate program in just 3 semesters! TA covers all tuition costs! TA covers all tuition costs! Embry-Riddle will pay all of your FAA testing fees! (about $800 worth!) Embry-Riddle will pay all of your FAA testing fees! (about $800 worth!) Can you say “what a great deal”! Can you say “what a great deal”!

6 Subject to Change Without Notice Contact Information Ph. 7-0952 or 801-825-8246 Email: Email: Northern Utah Center Northern Utah Center 75 MSS/DPEE 75 MSS/DPEE 7290 8th Street 7290 8th Street Hill AFB, UT 84056 Hill AFB, UT 84056 (Located on HAFB in Bldg 383)

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