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The National State and Democracy Chapter 13, Section 3.

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1 The National State and Democracy Chapter 13, Section 3

2 Western vs Eastern Europe Western Europe – What kinds of progress have we seen for Great Britain, France, Italy? – Political Democracy characterized by: Universal male suffrage, civil liberties Ministerial responsibility, or a prime minister responsible to the elected legislature rather than king Eastern Europe – What have we seen with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia? – Does power rest with people or those in charge?

3 The West Great Britain – Two-party system (Conservatives and Liberals) – By the end of WWI, all men over 21 and women over 30 can vote Labor unions, Labour Party, and legislation protected workers and their rights France – Elected president and legislature set up following Louis Napoleon Senate and Chamber of Deputies make and pass laws – Prime minister (ministerial responsibility) Italy – Constant fighting between workers and industry – Corruption exists despite universal male suffrage

4 The East Germany – Strongest military and industrial power in Europe – Otto von Bismarck prime minister – Although there as an elected portion of the legislature, ministers answered to emperor Austria-Hungary – Emperor Francis Joseph ignored constitution and appointed and dismissed ministers that answered to him – Still troubled by nationalities of governed peoples Russia – In 1905, workers swarmed St. Petersburg to speak out against conditions, fired upon by soldiers Called “Bloody Sunday” – Created legislative assembly called Duma, only lasted 2 years

5 Across the Pond United States – Aftermath of Civil War 13 th Amendment – Abolished slavery 14 th Amendment – Citizenship to African Americans 15 th Amendment – Voting rights to African Americans – Economy Agrarian to Industrial By 1900, U.S. is world’s richest nation – Imperialism Samoa, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines all added Canada – Canada branched from Atlantic to Pacific

6 International Rivalries Bismarck’s fear – Thought France was conspiring to create an anti- German alliance – Made an alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879 Added Italy in 1882, forming The Triple Alliance – Also made a separate treaty with Russia and tried to remain friends with Great Britain Western Europe responds – William II got rid of Bismarck, dropped German treaty with Russia – France picks up Russia as an ally in 1894, Britain in 1907 Triple Entente created, Europe divided

7 Crises in the Balkans With Europe divided, one mistake would bring war – Balkans again become a concern Begins when Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina – Serbia is outraged, Russia backs them William II demands Russia back down or face war with Germany – Russians back down Creates distrust, hatred between these nations

8 Exit Slip What two things characterize a political democracy? How did Eastern and Western Europe differ politically during the late 1800s and early 1900s? Who made up the Triple Alliance? The Triple Entente?

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