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Build an Equipment Building for Ski Venture. My building will house a small Groomer that is used to keep the hill in shape for Skiing and Snowboarding.

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Presentation on theme: "Build an Equipment Building for Ski Venture. My building will house a small Groomer that is used to keep the hill in shape for Skiing and Snowboarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Build an Equipment Building for Ski Venture. My building will house a small Groomer that is used to keep the hill in shape for Skiing and Snowboarding. The shed will also be used to store fire wood on the side of the building. This building will help SkiVenture remain part of our community for future skiers SkiVenture was established in 1937 as one of 3 ski clubs in the West Glenville Hills. It was the first ski area established in Glenville and the only one remaining today. Ski Venture is a non profit ski club that is very affordable so anyone can join. It is a unique Ski area recognized by the town of Glenville as a community asset. Spring 2009

2 9’ Nick Kudlacik Eagle Scout Project 2009 3’ 8’ A A 3’ A B 14’ A 9’ B C C Your business can help keep Ski Venture stay alive and remain part of our community There are many reasons that you should help. The first reason is your business will be giving back to the community and helping to keep a local ski club alive. You will be helping me obtain the rank of Eagle Scout Your business name will be placed on a plaque that will be going on the finished project recognizing your support. 10" X 4' tubes, Concrete bags, Hold down bolts, Hold down brackets, rent machine for holes main supports,Purlins, metal roofing, Ridge cap, Roofing screws StainBrushes, Rags for clean up Food for work the work days Trusses, stringer, Slidingboards, Batten, Bolts, Nails I am also looking for monetary donations if you can not supply any other materials Please Call 399-5530 Visit Or email me at Nick Kudlacik 114 Hetcheltown Rd Glenville NY 12302 Foundation For any information about my project or donations. Structure Roofing Other

3 Thank you for your support

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