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ENGL 101 – Mrs. Salazar Judy Sevilla-Marzona Librarian Oct. 22, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGL 101 – Mrs. Salazar Judy Sevilla-Marzona Librarian Oct. 22, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGL 101 – Mrs. Salazar Judy Sevilla-Marzona Librarian Oct. 22, 2008

2 Step 1: Understand the Assignment Read the assignment sheet carefully. What are you expected to write about in Essay #3? What should your thesis statement include? What should your essay have? How long should your paper be? How many sources do you need to use? When is it due? And so on….

3 Step 2: Select Your Topic See suggested “hot topics” in assignment sheet. Consult the Rio Hondo College Library’s web site –“Research Paper Topics” or –“Controversial Topics” or –“Subject Guides Select a current event by watching the news, reading a newspaper or magazine, or listening to talk radio.

4 Topic should be –Current –Controversial or debatable –Not too broad, not too narrow, but just right! You can always ask a librarian for help!

5 Sample thesis statement: The U.S. space exploration program has been attacked for its costliness and irrelevance, but its supporters say we need to continue the program in order to advance our scientific knowledge and to help support life on Earth.

6 Step 3: Identify keywords and concepts Jot down the most significant words and ideas in your topic. –Example Look up synonyms for these keywords and concepts. –Example Now you’re ready to start!

7 Step 4: What Sources Will You Need? Books? Articles? Quotations? Personal Interviews?

8 Step 5: Locating Books To find books, use the Library’s online catalog, and choose WebCat. Search by: –Subject –Author –Title –Search Everything

9 Step 6: Finding Articles Why articles? –Usually more recent → may discuss the status of the controversy –Shorter than books → summarize one of more major arguments, usually citing a specific example or several cases

10 Use Online Databases –Searchable because the databases contain an index –Contain full-text articles from thousands of magazines, journals and newspapers –Note: RHCL has more than 40 databases, many of which are subscription-only. ARTICLES & MORE ARTICLES & MORE ◊ ProQuest ◊ SIRS ◊ PsycARTICLES ◊ Issues & Controversies ◊ ArtStor ◊ Gale Virtual Reference Library ◊ Trials More... ONLINE DATABASES ◊ A-Z List ◊ Subject List ◊ Off-campus accessProQuestSIRSPsycARTICLESIssues & ControversiesArtStorGale Virtual ReferenceLibrary ◊ TrialsMore... ONLINE DATABASESA-Z ListSubject ListOff-campus access

11 For controversial topics, look for articles in these online databases: Issues and Controversies – debatable issues SIRS – controversial social issues CQ Researcher – current events & issues Pro & Con Online – government & politics, foreign policy, civil rights, environmental policy

12 Other useful databases: Gale Virtual Reference Library ≈ 200 reference e-books Health Reference Center ProQuest

13 Step 7 (or the beginnings of): Finding Web Sites As a general rule, consult the section “Subject Guides” in the Library’s home page. Web sites in each of the Subject Guides have been evaluated by librarians for content and reliability. To be continued…

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