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Selecting a Topic. Introduction l In this presentation we will: l Introduce the process of selection of a topic; l Consider the contents of a research.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting a Topic. Introduction l In this presentation we will: l Introduce the process of selection of a topic; l Consider the contents of a research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting a Topic

2 Introduction l In this presentation we will: l Introduce the process of selection of a topic; l Consider the contents of a research proposal.

3 The Scope of a Research project l Selecting a topic for study is one of the most difficult tasks faced by a researcher. l Generally people set their targets too high: –scope; –discoveries.

4 The Scope of a Research project l It is surprising to many first-time researchers just how little can be achieved in a research project. l Most MSc /MA proposals attempt far too much and have to be restricted in order to obtain the required depth of study.

5 You can not expect to change the construction industry on the basis of 200 hours work!

6 The Scope of a Research project l Seek advise from more experienced researchers (your supervisor) to quantify what is achievable in the time constraints that you have identified. l YOU are the most important person involved with the research project. l YOU will have to live with the decision YOU make concerning YOUR project.

7 Subject Selection l This will be the starting point for most of you. l In general all subjects offer opportunities for research. l However, in the context of your MSc / MA programme you are restricted to subjects that are “related to the pathway” you are studying.

8 Subject Selection l Even with this restriction, possibilities are still vast. l Thus subject selection can be seen as a process of progressive narrowing and refinement. l Many believe that this process is one of strategy!

9 Subject Selection l If you agree with this approach then the process can be helped by the use of strategic tools such as: l SWOT analyses; l PEST factors.

10 Subject Selection l Strengths: –of the researcher; –of the organisation. l Weaknesses; –of the researcher; –of the organisation.

11 Subject Selection l Opportunities: –topical issues within the industry; –opportunities within an organisation. l Threats: –unavailability of data; –cost. l Identification of Opportunities and Threats can be aided by PEST factors.

12 Subject Selection l Political l Economic l Social l Technical

13 Subject Selection l It is often a sound strategy to build on strengths and overcome weaknesses in order to take advantage of opportunities and eliminate threats.

14 Subject Selection l In selecting a topic for a research project it is often useful to draw up a number of lists. l Topics of interest to YOU. –Sustainability; –Facilities Management requirements for high street banks.

15 Subject Selection l Personal strengths and weaknesses. –Good at economics, weak at math's and stat’s. –experienced in contracting not in design. l Certain strengths and weaknesses could influence the choice of topic directly, others may influence the methodologies available.

16 Subject Selection l Note: Whilst building on strengths is good, a research project that extends your knowledge and expertise in a currently weak area could provide you with greater opportunities in the long run.

17 Subject Selection l Topics of current interest: –what is in the technical press? –what are the ‘hot’ topics of the day? »Urban Regeneration; »Globalisation; »Modern Methods of Manufacture; »Sustainability etc. l Adopting such topics can ease data collection.

18 Subject Selection l Other criteria to consider are: –Access to data. –Desires of employers. –Expertise of potential supervisors. –Constraints and resources available.

19 Subject Selection l It is best if the lists contain raw ideas not sophisticated evaluations. –The ideas will have to be restricted because of time constraints. l Most ideas come from ‘brain-storming’ in a group or amongst colleagues. l Don’t force the issue.

20 A Tentative Title l Once you have produced your various lists you have to begin the process of evaluation. l Let the suggested topics be the driving force in the evaluation and the constraints be the parametric factors defining the limits and extent of what may be done.

21 A Tentative Title l When considering each topic it is useful to address the following questions: l What do YOU want to achieve? –Get a good mark for your dissertation; –Extend your understanding in a subject; –Broaden your understanding in a subject. l This should lead to the identification of a broad subject area.

22 A Tentative Title l What do YOU want to find out? l This concerns the selection of a particular topic within the broad subject area previously identified. l Examine each topic on your list that falls within the broad area against the lists of personal factors and constraints.

23 A Tentative Title l From this process you should be able to narrow your original list down to two or three topics which you can now evaluate in greater detail. l Consult literature; l Examine terminology/data needs. l Discuss with potential supervisors.

24 A Tentative Title l Don’t be dismayed if a topic has already been studied. l An integral part of research is replication. –Tangential approach; –Temporal displacement; –Physical displacement.

25 A Tentative Title l The process of selection will take some time to complete. l However it is an integral part of the research process and should not be rushed. l At the end of the process you should be able to write a tentative research project title.

26 Example (Bell 193)

27 Example l The following example is taken from Bell (1993) and, although she doesn’t follow exactly the same process as outlined in the presentation, I believe her approach is close enough to illustrate the general process.

28 Example l She presents the following scenario. l As an academic working in higher education she is interested in researching a subject related to mature students. l The first thing she has to do is to refine the broad subject area down to a more specific project.

29 Example (Brainstorm list) l Barriers to learning: –Timetabling; –Mode of delivery; –Age at entry; –Previous academic history; –Family profile –Student support mechanisms

30 Example (SWOT) l Strengths –Experience, Availability of subject group l Weaknesses –Controversial, Lack of control. l Opportunities –Topical, life-long education. l Threats –Opposition of colleagues/university.

31 Example (Refining ideas) l Build on the strengths, overcome weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities eliminate threats. l A project which: –uses current students; –not controversial; –life long learning; –useful to the university.

32 Example (Brainstorm list) l Timetabling; Uses current students Non controversial  Life long learning Useful to university

33 Example (Brainstorm list) l Modes of delivery; Uses current students  Non controversial  Life long learning Useful to university

34 Example (Brainstorm list) l Age at entry; Uses current students  Non controversial Life long learning Useful to university

35 Example (Brainstorm list) l Previous academic history; Uses current students  Non controversial  Life long learning Useful to university

36 Example (Brainstorm list) l Family profile Uses current students  Non controversial  Life long learning Useful to university 

37 Example (Brainstorm list) l Student support systems: Uses current students  Non controversial Life long learning Useful to university

38 Example (Brainstorming) l The SWOT analysis identifies a number of potential problems, particularly relating to the controversial nature of some of the data required. l However, overall the project would appear achievable.

39 Summary l In this presentation we have examined a process by which a suitable topic for research may be selected. l The process is one of narrowing down and refining ideas. l Next… Aims and Objectives. Further Reading: Bell chapter 2

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