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Tasks. Objectives that will be covered: Setting up a task 1.Create a new homework taskCreate a new homework task 2.Assign groups of pupils to a taskAssign.

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Presentation on theme: "Tasks. Objectives that will be covered: Setting up a task 1.Create a new homework taskCreate a new homework task 2.Assign groups of pupils to a taskAssign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tasks

2 Objectives that will be covered: Setting up a task 1.Create a new homework taskCreate a new homework task 2.Assign groups of pupils to a taskAssign groups of pupils to a task 3.Enter task instructionsEnter task instructions 4.Add Assessment InformationAdd Assessment Information 5.Save your taskSave your task Task Administration and Inspiration 6. A child’s view – taking tasks: taking, submitting tasks and receiving feedbackA child’s view – taking tasks: taking, submitting tasks and receiving feedback 7. Marking Tasks: adding assessment and giving feedbackMarking Tasks: adding assessment and giving feedback 8. Accessing tasks from a communityAccessing tasks from a community 9. The DB Mark Book: recording children’s progressThe DB Mark Book: recording children’s progress 10. Ideas for using different task typesIdeas for using different task types 11. Further ideas for using forumsFurther ideas for using forums 12. Further ideas for using blogsFurther ideas for using blogs Tasks

3 Setting up a task Objective 1. Create a new homework task You can create a task for your class either directly from your teacher homepage or from within a community. We will have a look at creating a task from your homepage. Note: To create a task for a group that is not your class, please visit the community and click on the Tasks button within the community. You can create a task for your class either directly from your teacher homepage or from within a community. We will have a look at creating a task from your homepage. Note: To create a task for a group that is not your class, please visit the community and click on the Tasks button within the community. Step 1: Make sure that you have set up you class and that the My Class tile is enabled. Click on the 3 dots (Class Actions). Step 1: Make sure that you have set up you class and that the My Class tile is enabled. Click on the 3 dots (Class Actions).

4 Step 2: On the next screen select Create Task. Step 3: Give your task a name and from the drop down menu select the type of task you would like the children to take. There a number of options available for tasks that incorporate DB Primary tools. Later in this webinar we will take a closer look at examples of forum and a blog tasks. Step 3: Give your task a name and from the drop down menu select the type of task you would like the children to take. There a number of options available for tasks that incorporate DB Primary tools. Later in this webinar we will take a closer look at examples of forum and a blog tasks.

5 A summary of different types of task: Answer Quiz – allows the teacher to create a task and then create a quiz for the child to answer Answer Survey – allows the teacher to create a task and then create a survey for the child to answer New Forum Topic – Improver themed community only – Allows the child to start a new Forum topic Forum Reply – allows the child to reply to a topic that the teacher has created New Blog Entry – allows the child to create a personal blog entry Write Document – allows the child to create a document using the built in document package and then it is saved in their ‘My Work’ area Draw Picture – allows the child to create a picture using the built in paint package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area A summary of different types of task: Answer Quiz – allows the teacher to create a task and then create a quiz for the child to answer Answer Survey – allows the teacher to create a task and then create a survey for the child to answer New Forum Topic – Improver themed community only – Allows the child to start a new Forum topic Forum Reply – allows the child to reply to a topic that the teacher has created New Blog Entry – allows the child to create a personal blog entry Write Document – allows the child to create a document using the built in document package and then it is saved in their ‘My Work’ area Draw Picture – allows the child to create a picture using the built in paint package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area

6 A summary of different types of task: Record video – allows the child to record a short video using the built in recording package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area Record sound-clip – allows the child to record a short sound clip using the built in recording package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area Wiki Contribution – allows the child to make a contribution to a wiki using the collaborative feature Any File – allows the child to upload any file from their ‘My Work’ area in submission for the task Other File – requires the teacher to place a link for the children to complete or share a file for them to access A summary of different types of task: Record video – allows the child to record a short video using the built in recording package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area Record sound-clip – allows the child to record a short sound clip using the built in recording package and is saved to their ‘My Work’ area Wiki Contribution – allows the child to make a contribution to a wiki using the collaborative feature Any File – allows the child to upload any file from their ‘My Work’ area in submission for the task Other File – requires the teacher to place a link for the children to complete or share a file for them to access

7 Objective 2 (optional): Assign groups of pupils to a task Step 1: Your whole class will already be added to the task. If you need to remove any members from the task click on the Previous button. Now you can uncheck any names from the task. Step 1: Your whole class will already be added to the task. If you need to remove any members from the task click on the Previous button. Now you can uncheck any names from the task. Step 2: Click the ‘Next’ button Objective 3. Enter task instructions Step 1: Enter the instructions for the task. Step 2: Select the date you would like the task to go live and when it is due in. Step 3: Select the icon that you would like to represent this task. This is what the children will see when they log in.

8 Objective 4. Add Assessment Information Step 1: Click the ‘Next Task’ button Step 2: In the Marking Scales section choose the relevant marking scale from the dropdown and click on the ‘Add’ button.

9 Step 3: If you would like the children to self-evaluate, add a question prompt and either add your own answer types or select from the traffic lights or smileys. Enter your own options Choose from the pre-set options

10 Congratulations You have successfully created a homework task and assigned it to pupils Objective 5. Save your task Step 1: Click the ‘Save Task’ button

11 A child’s view – taking tasks When a child logs in and they have outstanding tasks, they will automatically be taken to their ‘Things to do’ page. Children will be able to click on any of the images to complete the task. When a child logs in and they have outstanding tasks, they will automatically be taken to their ‘Things to do’ page. Children will be able to click on any of the images to complete the task.

12 A child’s view – taking tasks: a blog task The instructions for the task will appear at the top of the screen. Here you can see the pupil has started a blog task, where they have to keep a reading journal. When they have completed the task, they click on ‘Save’ to submit it for marking. They will be shown the following confirmation dialogue.

13 A child’s view – taking tasks: a drawing task The instructions for the task will appear at the top of the screen. Here you can see the pupil has started a blog task, where they have to keep a reading journal. When they have completed the task, they click on ‘Save’ to submit it for marking. They will be shown the following confirmation dialogue.

14 A child’s view – ‘Any File’ type of task In this example, the task is an ‘Any File’ type. The child is taken to their my work area where they click on a file to submit for the task. If the file is not already located in their my work area, they can click on upload to browse for it on their computer.

15 If you have set some self-assessment options, the child will then be taken to a screen like the above, where they can choose from one of the traffic lights and enter in a comment to share with the teacher. A child’s view – taking tasks: self-assessment

16 Once a task has been marked, the pupil will be notified of their mark by email. Those with the improver theme will receive a notification on their desktop when they login.

17 To get an overview of any tasks that you set, please make sure that you have enabled the tasks tile on your homepage. Outstanding Tasks Shows the progress of a task. Click to view more details and mark submitted work. Click pencil to edit any details about the task such as the instructions. Marking Tasks: adding assessment and giving feedback

18 Clicking on the progress bar of the task takes you to the above screen. In the task administration screen you can edit any details about the task: such as the date due, instructions (click on the Details tab), assessment information (by clicking on the Assessment tab) or you can see who has finished their task by clicking on the Progress tab.

19 In this case we can see that 3 pupils have not started the task and one has finished. If we click on View next to Charli’s name, you will be able to mark the task.

20 Here you can see the pupil’s self-assessment. If you added the option to assign a teacher assessment when you set up the task, you can now assign a mark. In this case assign we can see that a National Curriculum level can be assigned. You always have the option to leave a comment even if you don’t assign a level to the work. Here you can see the pupil’s self-assessment. If you added the option to assign a teacher assessment when you set up the task, you can now assign a mark. In this case assign we can see that a National Curriculum level can be assigned. You always have the option to leave a comment even if you don’t assign a level to the work. When you have finished, click on the tick at the top right hand corner to save the assessment or the cross to close the assessment. Clicking on the right arrow will take you to the next piece of work that has been submitted that is ready for marking. Any comments you enter will be emailed to the pupil. When you have finished, click on the tick at the top right hand corner to save the assessment or the cross to close the assessment. Clicking on the right arrow will take you to the next piece of work that has been submitted that is ready for marking. Any comments you enter will be emailed to the pupil.

21 As well as accessing tasks from your homepage you can access all tasks that have been set in a particular community by clicking on the tasks button on the left hand navigation of the community front page. Accessing tasks from a community

22 Here you will see a list of all tasks that have been set in the community.

23 The DB Mark Book: recording children’s progress Each community has a mark book where all the teacher assessments are recorded. To find the Mark Book click on the Tasks tab on the community front page. Each community has a mark book where all the teacher assessments are recorded. To find the Mark Book click on the Tasks tab on the community front page. Next click on the Mark Book tab

24 Export all this information to an excel spreadsheet. The mark book provides a useful overview of all the tasks that have been set in this community and all of the teacher assessments. The tasks are shown along the top and the members of the community down the left. Hovering over the task title will provide you with more information, like the full title of the task and the assessment scale that has been assigned to it. The mark book provides a useful overview of all the tasks that have been set in this community and all of the teacher assessments. The tasks are shown along the top and the members of the community down the left. Hovering over the task title will provide you with more information, like the full title of the task and the assessment scale that has been assigned to it. If you have quite a few tasks listed you will have to click on the Older tab to scroll through.

25 Ideas for using different task types Click on the link above for some examples on how to tie the forum tool into your tasks. The examples include: Reflections on topic work e.g. What did you learn about the Romans? What did you enjoy about the Aztecs topic? Ask for suggestions of things the children will want to study in the next topic or things they already know about the upcoming topic. A ‘make my sentence more interesting’ thread. Add a sentence to make a class story (give them an opening sentence). You could post a picture or a poem and get children to respond to it. Weekly brain-busters ‘Do aliens exist?’, ‘Why is the sky blue?’ A ‘Who am I?’ Quiz (Mystery History Person). Children ask questions to find out. Forum Reply

26 New Blog Entry Create a reading journal (you can get the task to repeat weekly) Create a weekly diary task. Write in the role of a famous character from history. Introduce yourself for an e-twinning project. Write Document “Make a rough draft of your opening paragraph. Don’t forget to include the following...” “Create an argument for or against...” Paint Picture Draw and annotate your design of a new school logo/charity week logo/pizza design etc. Draw something that does and doesn’t use electricity to work (KS1) Draw a circuit diagram (Y4) Record Video Write and perform a news report on one of the following headlines ‘Prime Minister praises the Head Teacher’, ‘Skateboarding dog wins prize’. Record your questions for (famous character from history/from current book we are reading).

27 Wiki Contribution You can use the wiki contribution tool in a similar way to a forum. It will be located on the front page of a community and is useful for getting a list of ideas. For example, if you want to ask for words to describe a picture. The words may then lead to ideas for a poem or piece of writing. Any File Have the children complete and submit some research work at the end of a project. They choose the format to present their work in: Word Document, PowerPoint, DB Document etc. Other This is ideal for weekend homework tasks when you just want to relay a set of instructions or share a document. For example:  Find out as much as you can about...  Don’t forget to bring...into class on Monday  Here are your spellings for the following week (click on the link button, then browse for the file)

28 Writing a class story Further ideas for using forums

29 Make my sentence more interesting Using Forums

30 Using a picture as a stimulus Using Forums

31 I would like some help with... Using Forums

32 Starting a topic or reviewing a topic Using Forums

33 Maths questions Using Forums

34 Literacy Work Using Forums

35 Topic work: History How about changing this to a ‘Where am I going?’ thread? Using Forums

36 Weekly ‘brain busters’ or controversial topics

37 Further ideas for using blogs Reading Journal

38 Using Blogs A weekly diary

39 Using Blogs A reflection on class work: children could talk about what they enjoyed, found difficult or want to find out more about.

40 Using Blogs Writing in the role of a character from history or from a book

41 Using Blogs Using blogs in an eTwinning context: you can have the children introduce themselves and then find someone else’s blog to comment on.

42 If you would like any more information then please click on your ‘Need help?’ button on your homepage. Otherwise please contact our support team on: Telephone – 01273 201 701 Email –

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