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Environmental Wellness

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1 Environmental Wellness

2 Welcome! Throughout this power point there will be various interactive links to websites to view more information. Please refer to the notes portion of the presentation for more info and resources. Thank you and enjoy the presentation! TO begin: Test your knowledge and take the interactive quiz about earth! The link is located in the notes section below. If you do not have access to the internet the questions are in the notes section as well. So what do you know Earth Quiz

3 About the Earth: Earth is the 5th largest planet almost 2 million square miles. There are 24 time zones There are 10 Million Species of life on Earth. Tropical rainforests are the world's oldest ecosystems. The average depth of the ocean is 3,795 m. The average height of the land is 840 m. An estimated 80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean Oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet. –Less than 10% of that space has been explored by humans. –85% of the area and 90% of the volume constitute the “deep sea”. Water covers 70 % of the surface. –97 % is saltwater, –3% freshwater. –This totals 139,668,500 square miles of water.

4 What Earth Once was… A land of beauty and wonder. Humans have walked the Earth for 190,000 years Check out Earth’s timeline!Earth’s timeline

5 Where are we now: Rainforests went from covering14% of Earth's land surface, to 2% There are 11,167 plant and animal species now endangered. USA is the largest source of global warming pollution The increase in greenhouse gases is expected to raise the average global temperature of the planet by 2 to 9  F over the next 50 to 100 years.

6 The Potential Future: There are many theories about the future of earth. It is unknown exactly what will happen. Check out the theories about the potential future. –2010 Countdown to Armageddon2010 Countdown to Armageddon –Earth Change CataclysmEarth Change Cataclysm –Prophecy of destruction

7 What is environmental sustainability? In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive... Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Practices to ensure that the natural resource capital remains intact Long-term maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for future generations. Sustainability, in a broad sense, is The Capacity To Endure

8 What UNL is currently doing… UNL Facts Recycling Success In 2008 UNL recycled 35% of its waste, an increase of 7% from 2007. The national average of waste that campuses and universities recycle per year is 26%; let's continue to strive to increase our percentage at UNL. As a result of your recycling efforts we have saved: 3,718..... Cubic yards of Landfill Space 19,158..... Trees 67,618..... Eliminated pounds of Air Pollution 4,620,597..... KW Hours of Electricity 7,888,825..... Gallons of Water Campus Involvement Start a Sustainability Committee in your department to think of ways to be more environmentally aware. Check out the Chancellors Committee on Sustainability Contact Recycling to see how you can be more involved RHA’s event “The Age of Stupid” Wellness Earth Day walks

9 What you can do: 10 GREEN tips for the office #1 BE bright about light #2 MAXIMIZE computer efficiency #3 Print smarter #4 GO paperless when possible #5 RAMP up your recycling

10 10 GREEN tips cont… #6 CLOSE the “recycle reduce reuse” loop #7 WATCH what (and how) you eat #8 RETHINK your travel #9 RECONSIDER your commute #10 CREATE a healthy office environment

11 YOU can make a difference Recyclopse Be inspired by Recyclopse. Enjoy “The Office” short video clip!video

12 Prepared for you by Wellness in support of the Campus Wellness Initiative for The Chancellors Committee on Wellness For more info on Environmental Wellness check out our website at http://wellness.unl.edu

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