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CLAS12 CalCom Activity: a progress report V. Burkert, D. Carman, R. De Vita, D. Weygand CLAS12 meeting, February 22 nd 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CLAS12 CalCom Activity: a progress report V. Burkert, D. Carman, R. De Vita, D. Weygand CLAS12 meeting, February 22 nd 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLAS12 CalCom Activity: a progress report V. Burkert, D. Carman, R. De Vita, D. Weygand CLAS12 meeting, February 22 nd 2012

2 CLAS12 Calibration and Commissioning  The CLAS12 steering committee has appointed a committee (R. De Vita – chair, D. Carman, D. Weygand, V. Burkert – advisor) to work on the preparation of a commissioning plan  The preparation of the commissioning plan is a crucial step for successful and efficient start of CLAS12 data taking; o needs to address all detector subsystems with coherent and detailed plan, from construction and installation phase to in-beam commissioning o should address hardware, software and manpower requirements for the completion of each task o needs to ensure all necessary data for the checkout and calibration of the CLAS12 detector are collected in an efficient way in preparation of physics running  Data collected during the commissioning phase will be used to o perform full calibration o determine detector performances (efficiency, resolution, …) o test software tools for calibration and reconstruction  Requires a large investment of manpower and resources that can be achieved only by collaborative and organized efforts  Final goal is to be ready for production data taking on day 1

3 CLAS12 Calibration and Commissioning  The first goal of the CalCom committee activity is to prepare a detailed commissioning plan for the CLAS12 detector 1. Collect information from detector groups 2. Review the information provided 3. Merge the detector commissioning procedures into a coherent plan  The final CLAS12 commissioning plan should include  Quality assurance, system checkout and commissioning procedures for specific subsystems  Commissioning plan for the CLAS12 detector as a whole  Detector calibration procedures  Timeline  Manpower  Software and computing resources

4 Commissioning Plan Commissioning will be divided in three phases 1.Quality assurance and system checkout of CLAS12 subsystems during construction and installation 2.Commissioning without beam (laser, cosmic rays, pulser …) 3.Commissioning with beam Should be built based on information collected from detector groups and hardware experts Should address the software requirements to successfully complete the detector commissioning and perform initial calibration Should exploit the past experience gained during the CLAS commissioning and operation Needs to be ready well before beam delivery Is crucial to minimize commissioning time and begin production data as early as possible

5 1. Collect Information: Survey CLAS12 subsystems: Instrumentation: Beamline, Moller polarimeter, Magnets Detectors:FTOF, CTOF, EC-PCAL, DC, SVT, MM, HTCC, LTCC, CND, FT, RICH Online:Electronics, DAQ, Trigger, Slow Controls, Database, Reconstruction/Monitoring Information Template: Structure: list of foreseen tasks according to the three commissioning phases (quality assurance and system checkout, commissioning without beam and commissioning with beam) Items: for each of the planned tasks, provide information on goals, technique and equipment, manpower and time needs, DAQ & Trigger configuration, software and computing resources, dependencies, information to be saved in the database, repetition frequency System Contact Persons: Main:should act as a liaison between the committee and detector/system group to collect and provide requested information Software: should be the link between the system group and the CLAS12 software group

6 Survey Status  Request to fill information templates was sent out to contact persons in April 2011  Present status:  feedback from all subsystems  90% of the templates were returned  preparation of missing ones is in progress  Review of available templates was completed and feedback was sent back to contact persons  Missing templates are expected shortly

7 2. Review Information Collected information was reviewed in two steps 1.Review of Information Template: The information templates were reviewed by the CalCom committee to check all necessary information was available and level of detail was consistent with expectations 2.Focus Meetings on each Detector System Meeting between the CalCom committee and the Detector Group (hardware and software experts) were organized to discuss the commissioning plan: - Status and readiness - Necessary steps for its finalization - Critical items - Time and resources needed - Status of calibration and reconstruction software development - Software requirements and computing resources - Manpower Meetings on EC-PCal, DC, FTOF, CTOF, CND already organized Meetings on SVT, MicroMegas, LTCC, HTCC, FT planned for the next months

8 3. CLAS12 Commissioning plan Introduction: explain general strategy Summaries of: 1.Quality assurance and system checkout procedures 2.Commissioning without beam 3.Commissioning with beam Timeline Planning of initial data taking for full detector checkout: 1.Beam condition and detector configuration 2.Test reactions for efficiency and resolution measurements List of subsystems and contact persons Subsystem templates

9 PCAL Checkout Full checkout of first sector module with cosmic rays PMT gain matching Light attenuation Light Yield (in progress) Full detector calibration

10 FTOF Quality Assurance Average time resolution is measured for the panel-1b bars of a given length vs. the bar length as counters are produced at USC. This plot will continue to be updated as the panel-1b bars are assembled and the individual bar time resolution measurements are carried out.

11 LTCC Commissioning Plan  March: installation of new electronics, PMTs computers in new TEDF  April – July: PMTs Quantum Eff. tests  Starting in June: Transport LTCC in TEDF space. Mirror and Optics inspection Alignment, optics improvement driven by ongoing geant3, geant4 simulation

12 SVT Quality Assurance First Article sensors passed QA testing (2 batches received, total 30 sensors) Sensor production has been approved by external Technical Review Committee (TRC) in January 2012 SVT barrel assembling has been reviewed by the TRC Readout chips QA testing done Beam test using 50 GeV protons done by MSU group in Dec 2011 (Protvino) SVT beam test using HPS is scheduled in April (S.N.R., efficiencies, DAQ test, calibration, noise occupancy, resolution etc.) Module production sequence is being reviewed VME based SVT DAQ testing will start in April Hybrid Flex Circuit Board ( HFCB) and Module QA testing will be exercised at Fermilab next week during fabrication of the 2 nd SVT module

13 CTOF Quality Assurance 3. Time resolution tests of CTOF counters at the assembly area with cosmic rays using the method of triplets (method and results are published in NIM and CLAS NOTEs) 4. Time resolution tests of CTOF barrel mounted on the central Solenoid using the same method(item 3) of cosmic ray tracking. 5. Time resolution tests with the refurbished CLAS6 Laser Calibration system. 1.Light guides and Scintillators: Transmittance test of all plastic components (light guides and scintillator) using the LED source and the radiometer prior to assembling the CTOF counters (methods and results are published as a CLAS NOTE ) 2. Photomultipliers: time resolution tests of PMTs using LED setup with 2 PMTs (method and results are published as CLAS NOTE )

14 Micromegas Tracker Quality Assurance Test 1: Verification of dimensions (flat and curved) Test 2: Gain and energy resolution measurements Test 3: Efficiency and spatial resolution measurements Dimension and cylindricity measurements with optical sensor (Mitutoyo) Dimension and cylindricity measurements with optical sensor (Mitutoyo) Efficiency and spatial resolution measurements with cosmic bench Efficiency and spatial resolution measurements with cosmic bench Gain and energy res. measurements (Fe source) Gain and energy res. measurements (Fe source)

15 CND Quality Assurance All of the component of the CND (scintillators, light guides, PMTs and magnetic shieldings) will be checked individually in Orsay by the technicians and engineers of the Detectors Group of IPN and the IPN scientists involved in CLAS12 Check of the quality of the scintillator by looking for cracks or impurities. Calibration of PMTs with a light source to measure the gain as a function of applied HV. Coupling PMT with scintillator and light guide with proper wrapping and check for light leaks by looking at signal from cosmic rays with oscilloscope. Verify the functioning of voltage divider, splitter, discriminator for each channel: signal from scintillator (cosmic rays), check output with oscilloscope. SHIPPING TO JLAB: 24 boxes each containing a 2x3 segment of the detector for installation

16 FT Quality Assurance Detailed QA test procedures for main components: FT-Cal QA: -full characterization of PbWO crystal at ACCOS facility at CERN at INFN-Genova -characterization of light sensor (gain, temperature dependence, linearity, dark current) -Characterization of preamplifiers (gain, linearity, noise figures, …) ACCOS facility at CERN

17 Manpower and Service Work As part of the survey and review process, we have asked all detector groups to provide a list of tasks for which additional manpower is needed:

18 Manpower and Service Work As part of the survey and review process, we have asked all detector groups to provide a list of tasks for which additional manpower is needed: Information includes: description of detector system list of tasks with details on duration and level of expertise contact person and present list of contributors web site

19 CalCom: Future Activity Complete the series of meetings with the detector groups and schedule second series Meeting with all detector group in Fall 2012 Define run conditions for initial data taking upon completion of the CLAS12 installation (beam energy, trigger, reaction channel for first analyses and full detector calibration) Update and complete the commissioning document Define a detailed time schedule for the CLAS12 commissioning Start a review of detector calibration procedures and monitor related software developments

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