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Howtousethe… By Mr. Drew. Before we start in on the “Essay Organizer”, I just wanted to share our CAPT scores. This is what they were… and this is what.

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Presentation on theme: "Howtousethe… By Mr. Drew. Before we start in on the “Essay Organizer”, I just wanted to share our CAPT scores. This is what they were… and this is what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howtousethe… By Mr. Drew

2 Before we start in on the “Essay Organizer”, I just wanted to share our CAPT scores. This is what they were… and this is what they’ve been the last 2 years. As you can see, we’re definitely moving in the right direction!!!

3 What you need to know!!! The general layout of the CAPT test is always consistent. The general layout of the CAPT test is always consistent. You will be asked to: You will be asked to: * Read source materials about a controversial issue * Read source materials about a controversial issue. * Take a position on the issue [decide whether you are “for” or “against” it] and then prepare a PERSUASIVE written response. * Take a position on the issue [decide whether you are “for” or “against” it] and then prepare a PERSUASIVE written response. There are going to be 2 of these to write on your CAPT Test. Each 1 lasts 65 minutes. In that time you will need to: * Read two, short, 1-2 page articles from newspapers and/or magazines. * Read two, short, 1-2 page articles from newspapers and/or magazines. You will have about 30 minutes to read them and then you will have 35 minutes to write your essay response. Your essay must: * Have 5 paragraphs. * Have 5 paragraphs. * Have 3 reasons “FOR” the issue or 3 reasons “AGAINST” the issue. * Have 3 reasons “FOR” the issue or 3 reasons “AGAINST” the issue. Most importantly… * Your 3 reasons either “for” the issue or “against” MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH PIECES OF INFORMATION FROM BOTH ARTICLES!!! * Your 3 reasons either “for” the issue or “against” MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH PIECES OF INFORMATION FROM BOTH ARTICLES!!!

4 The Magic Numbers 5 and 3 Why 5….? Why 3….?

5 Essay Organizer Why 5 ? Your essay must have 5paragraphs Simple… OK… imagine this is your essay. What’s the name of the 1 st paragraph? Introductory Paragraph Concluding Paragraph What’s the name of the last paragraph? OK…we know where 5 comes from… So… why 3 Let’s do some quick math. If the first paragraph is the INTRO, and the last paragraph is the CONCLUSION… How many paragraphs are left? Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Why is the number 3 so important? Is everyone clear with the basic layout and structure of the essay??? OK…let’s move on!!! These are the 3 BODYparagraphs

6 Essay Organizer Let’s start with the INTRO… Students often have a hard time ‘starting’ their essays… A universal introductory phrase can be used to start your essays and that phrase is…. One of the most controversial issues today is CAPT Interdisciplinary Writing Background: No social issue in America since slavery has ever been so divisive as that of abortion. No issue brings out so much passion and hatred of the other side. Any court decisions related to abortion regularly bring protestors from both sides. Polls show Americans are split almost evenly on the issue. The Issue: Should abortion be banned? Your Task: Read the 2 sources of information, which present a variety of opinions on the issue. Use the graphic outlines to help you organize your thoughts Take a position on the issue and write the first draft of a persuasive essay [or letter if your teacher so directs you] in which you support your opinion by using information from the source material. Here’s an actual CAPT booklet cover…....and here’s the issue! OK…now we’re going to combine that with whatever “ISSUE” they give you on the front cover of your CAPT booklet and put that here...ISSUE ISSUE So…if we were going to start this essay, for example, it would begin like this… One of the most controversial issues today is should abortion be banned. OK…let’s review. You take the starter phrase… One of the most controversial issues today is....and then add to it ANY issue they give you… ISSUE should abortion be banned. Now you have a great beginning to your essay! Remember…It can be any controversial issue Should marijuana be legalized? should marijuana be legalized. Should California get rid of the 3 strikes law should California get rid of the 3 strikes law. Should same sex marriages be legalized should same sex marriages be legalized.

7 Now add a sentence that shows you know what you’re talking about… Next… you need to pick what side of the issue you’re on… either YES you’re for it or NO you’re against it. Here’s how to write it! OK…we have our Topic Sentence and are ready to move on! OK… we’re almost done with our INTRO. We just need to add our 3 reasons. WARNING !!! You have to make sure you pick only 1 side of the issue…you’re either FOR IT or AGAINST IT… not a little of each… This is also known as the 3-part position sentence. Ready to move on? We just have to add our 3 reasons to the INTRO. Essay Organizer One of the most controversial issues today is. ISSUE I have read several articles on the topic. Topic Sentence Yes / No ISSUE should / shouldn’t be allowed. 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 and, Let’s go!!!

8 Essay Organizer One of the most controversial issues today is. ISSUE I have read several articles on the topic. Topic Sentence Yes / No ISSUE should / shouldn’t be allowed. 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 and, OK… once the INTRO is done, watch how easy it is to write the CONCLUSION. In the CONCLUSION, you’re just restating all the information from the INTRO! Always start the CONCLUSION with… “In Conclusion” “In Conclusion” In conclusion, Now all we’re going to do is add our opening sentence to that… with one little change. We’re going to chop it in half, use the beginning of it for the end, and the end for the beginning… Sound crazy?!? WATCH!!! Here’s the topic sentence… One of the most controversial issues today is ISSUE Chop it in half… Flip – Flop it! is. Plug it in… one of the most controversial issues today. Next, restate what side you were on… Yes / No ISSUE should / shouldn’t be allowed. Then, restate your 3 reasons. Restate 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1, Reason 2, and Reason 3. …and finally, add a firm statement to boost the persuasiveness of your essay. I strongly encourage you to allow / not allow ____________. WARNING !!! Do not bring up any new “stuff” in the CONCLUSION. If you haven’t mentioned it by now… leave it out!!! The CONCLUSION is basically just a repeat of the INTRO. Let’smoveon…

9 Essay Organizer One of the most controversial issues today is. ISSUE I have read several articles on the topic. Topic Sentence Yes / No ISSUE should / shouldn’t be allowed. 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 and, should / Reason 1, Reason 2, In conclusion, ISSUE ISSUE is one of the most controversial issues today.Yes / No shouldn’t be allowed. Reason 3. I strongly encourage you to allow / not allow ____________. and Restate 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1, Reason 2, OK… now that our INTRO and CONCLUSION are done, all we have left are the 3 BODY BODYPARAGRAPHS Who remembers what these 3 paragraphs are used for? That’s right! We use these to talk about our 3 reasons… Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 OK…now that we have the basic idea of what goes in each paragraph, let’s figure out the rest!!! Before we dive in, let’s come up with some “starter” words for the beginning of each paragraph…How about… My first reason My second reason My third reason Yuk!!! Let’s try that again…how about… My first paragraph is based on Another thing is To top off my other 2 reasons NO!!! Here are some strong transitional words… First, In addition or, Moreover, Furthermore, or Finally, or Lastly,

10 Essay Organizer One of the most controversial issues today is. ISSUE I have read several articles on the topic. Topic Sentence Yes / No ISSUE should / shouldn’t be allowed. 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 and, In conclusion,ISSUE ISSUE is one of the most controversial issues today.Yes / No shouldn’t be allowed. Reason 3. I strongly encourage you to allow / not allow ____________. and Restate 3 – Part PositionSentence Reason 2, Reason 1, First, In addition or, Moreover, Furthermore, or Finally, or Lastly, Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Alright… now that we know what words we can use to start our 3 BODY paragraphs… and we know that these 3 paragraphs are for explaining our 3 reasons… let’s figure out what else goes into our BODY paragraphs! An easy way to remember what to put in each of these paragraphs is to remember the letters… RSVP. Say to yourself, “I need to remember to RSVP in each of these paragraphs.” “R” is for reason “S” is for support “V” is for voice your own opinion “P” is for point out the obvious. “R” is for Reason…you stated 3 of these in your INTRO… eason… eason… eason… “S” is for support… you must support your reasons with info from BOTH articles! Here’s how to do it… upport… upport… upport… According to source 1… or According to source 2… or “Quote from article” (Source 1) According to source 1… or According to source 2… or “Quote from article” (Source 2) According to source 1… or According to source 2… or “Quote from article” (source 1 or 2) “V” is for voice your own opinion. Use a starter word like one of these… oice your opinion… oice your opinion… oice your opinion.. “It seems as though…” “Consequently,” or “Evidently,” “Apparently,” or “In that case,” or “ It seems as though” “P” is for point out the obvious. You’re really trying to get your point across here! oint out the obvious.. oint out the obvious.. oint out the obvious.. Clearly or Obviously or SurelyISSUE is / isn’t a good idea. Clearly or Obviously or SurelyISSUE is / isn’t a good idea. Clearly or Obviously or SurelyISSUE is / isn’t a good idea. WARNING!!! You must use pieces of support from BOTH articles…otherwise you won’t pass! WARNING!!! Reason 1 ONLY !!! Reason 2 ONLY !!! Reason 3 ONLY !!! Do not put any info about Reason 2 or Reason 3 where Reason 1 is supposed to go…and vice – versa! If you remember to “RSVP” in your 3 BODY paragraphs… I guarantee you’ll pass your C.A.P.T.

11 Essay Checklist _____4. All three reasons have come from the articles you have read. Introductory Paragraph Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Concluding Paragraph _____1. The issue is clearly stated in the topic sentence. _____2. Your position is clearly stated in the topic sentence. (For/Against) _____3. You have stated three reasons to support your position.. _____4. All three reasons have come from the articles you have read. _____1. You’ve started your first sentence with a transitional word “First,”. _____2. You have stated Reason 1. _____3. You have included one piece of information from the article/Source. _____4. You have Voiced your opinion regarding the issue. _____5. You have Pointed out the obvious and have a persuasive last sentence. _____1. You’ve started your first sentence with a transitional word “In addition,” “Moreover,” _____2. You have stated Reason 2. _____3. You have included one piece of information from the article/ Source. _____4. You have Voiced your opinion regarding the issue. _____5. You have Pointed out the obvious and have a persuasive last sentence. _____1. You’ve started your first sentence with a transitional word “Furthermore,” “Finally,” or “Lastly,”. _____2. You have stated Reason 3. _____3. You have included one piece of information from the article/ Source. _____4. You have Voiced your opinion regarding the issue. _____5. You have Pointed out the obvious and have a persuasive last sentence. _____1. You’ve used “In conclusion,” to begin the concluding paragraph. _____2. Issue and three reasons are restated. _____3. You’ve strongly encouraged and really persuaded the reader that your position on the issue is right !!! OK… let’s finish up with a quick checklist so we can make sure we didn’t forget anything!!!

12 C.A.P.T. Coming…March 2011 THE END

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