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Current Topics in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning McGill University, Medical Physics Unit May 3-5, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada The Monte Carlo SRNA-VOX.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Topics in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning McGill University, Medical Physics Unit May 3-5, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada The Monte Carlo SRNA-VOX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Topics in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning McGill University, Medical Physics Unit May 3-5, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada The Monte Carlo SRNA-VOX code for 3D proton dose distribution in voxelized geometry using CT data Radovan D. Ilić, Vesna Spasić-Jokić, Petar Beličev and Miloš Dragović Institute of nuclear sciences Vinča TESLA Accelerator Installation

2 GENERAL-PURPOSE MONTE CARLO PROGRAM SRNA FOR PROTON TRANSPORT SIMULATION Proton therapy; Accelerator driven system design; Radioisotopes production for medical applications; Simulation of proton scatterer and degrader shapes and composition Radiation protection of accelerator installations

3 SRNA-2KG attributes Original author: Radovan D. Ilić, Ph.D, VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Physics Laboratory General Purpose: Numerical experiments for proton transport, radiotherapy and dosimetry Secondary particles: protons transported as the protons from source Proton energy range: 100 keV to 250 MeV Material Database: 279 elements: Z = 1-99, compounds and mixtures: 181, limited by available ICRU63 cross sections data Material geometry: 3 D – zones described by I and II order surfaces or in 3D voxelized geometry Program Language: Fortran 77 for Linux or Windows

4 SRNA-VOX MONTE CARLO CODE Simulation model:. Multiple scattering theory of charged particles (Moliere angular distribution, Berger). Energy loss with fluctuation (ICRU49 functions of stopping power, Vavilov's distribution with Schulek's distribution correction per all electron orbits ). Inelastic nuclear interaction (ICRU 63, Young and Chadwik 1997). Compound nuclei decay (our simple and Russian MSDM models). CT numbers describing 3D patient’s geometry. Correlation between CT numbers and tissue parameters: mass-density and elemental weight Numerical experiments setup:. Energy range from 100 keV to 250 MeV. Materials limited by available ICRU63 cross sections data. Circular and rectangular proton sources in 4Pi with applied spectra. DICOM picture and sampling region for irradiation. Probabilities and data preparation by SRNADAT code. 3D dose presentation on patient anatomy

5 Comparison of the SRNA package Comparison of proton depth dose distribution obtained from Monte Carlo numerical experiments by SRNA-2KG and GEANT-3 codes Comparison of proton depth dose distribution obtained from Monte Carlo numerical experiments by SRNA-2K3 and GEANT-4 codes SRNA-2KG, GEANT3, SRIM Simulation and MLFC measurements at 205 MeV proton Indiana Univ. Cycl. Facility, IUCF, USA Intercomparison of the usage of computational codes in radiation dosimetry, Bologna, Italy, July 14-16 2003

6 Comparison of proton depth dose distribution obtained from Monte Carlo numerical experiments obtained from Monte Carlo numerical experiments by SRNA-2KG and GEANT-3 codes by SRNA-2KG and GEANT-3 codes


8 Multi layer Faraday Cup (MLFC) experiments WHY: To specify the proton beam from accelerator and verify the quality and reproducibility of the proton beam for the proton therapy. WHO: Indiana University Cyclotron Facility HOW: Monte Carlo simulation by SRIM, SRNA-2KG and GEANT3 data compared with actual measurement data RECOMMENDATION: A simple test for nuclear interaction model can be checked by MLFC. Every Monte Carlo code to be used in charged particle therapy should pass this test (Paganetti)

9 SRNA-2KG, GEANT3, SRIM Simulation and MLFC measurements at 205 MeV proton Indiana Univ. Cycl. Facility, USA Mascia A.E., Schreuder N., Anferov V. August 2001

10 QUADOS, Bologna 2003 Uvea melanoma

11 A parallel beam of protons from a disk source (diameter 15 mm) impinges on a PMMA compensator (cylindrical symmetry) and on a spherical water phantom approximating an eye (figure 1). All elements are in vacuum. If discrete regions are used for dose calculations (depth-dose and isodose curves), use voxels with dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 mm3. The results should be normalized to one primary proton

12 INTERCOMPARISON OF THE USAGE OF COMPUTATIONAL CODES IN RADIATION DOSIMETRY Bologna, Italy, July 14-16 2003 Stefano Agosteo Dipartimento Ingegneria Nucleare,Politcnico Milano, Italy S: Fluka 2002 P3-F: srna-2kg

13 SRNA-VOX: Deposited proton energy in eye 50 MeV circular proton beam with 1.2 cm radius CT data: slice thickens 0.5 cm; pixel dimension 0.081 cm

14 SRNA-VOX: 1E6 PROTONS; =80 MeV; SPREAD=5 MeV 20 % 80 % 95% 100 %

15 ISTAR – proton dose planning software T rends in proton therapy planning: Development of the Monte Carlo proton transport numerical device capable of producing a therapy plan in less than 30 minutes and Development of clinically acceptable on-line procedures comprising all steps necessary for proper patient treatment. ISTAR software solved the first of these problems Why ISTAR ?




19 PROTON DATA PLANNING window Picture Planning Data - information about the boundaries of the space selected for simulation; Beam geometry with fields for selection of the beam shape (rectangular or cylindrical) and dimensions, Euler angles defining the direction of the beam axis with respect to the selected "Beam center", and polar and azimuthally angles of the proton emission within the local SRNA-VOX coordinate system; Simulation setup with fields for selection of proton energy (mean energy and standard deviation for Gaussian distribution, or custom defined spectrum), simulation cutoff energy, number of proton histories and the simulation time limit. The result of these actions is written in two files: (i) Hound.txt containing data about the defined region, proton source and Houndsfield's numbers for all voxels of the region; (ii) Srna.inp with the setup data for simulation.

20 mamo proton 2D dose eye proton 2D dose ISTAR - Proton dose planning software

21 Choosing a rectangle around the region for proton dose simulation

22 Choice of the first and last slice, and beam center ISTAR - Proton dose planning software


24 Final CT and geometry data selection, and making files for set-up the proton dose simulation ISTAR - Proton dose planning software

25 Dose distribution in equatorial eye plane, simulated by the SRNA-VOX code, using 50 MeV protons with 1.2 MeV energy spread. The isodoses are at the values of 20, 60, 80 and 100 % of dose maximum. 20 % 60 % 80 % 100 %

26 Dose distribution in breast in central beam plane simulated by the SRNA-VOX code using 65 MeV protons with 1.5 MeV energy spread. The isodoses are at the values of 20, 60, 80 and 100 % of dose maximum. 20 % 60 % 80 % 100 %

27 ISTAR advantages - The software is based on the knowledge and experience acquired in working on the SRNA - It is capable to accept CT data for defining patient’s anatomy and tissue composition - A simple procedure for selecting the irradiation area and incident proton beam parameters allow fast and comfortable calculation of the dose distribution and visualization of it in each CT recorded slice of the patient’s body. - Execution time is short enough to be introduced in clinical practice. - The statistical error of the obtained results can be made almost arbitrary small by simple increase of the number of the proton histories to a few millions, without exceeding e.g. 30 min as acceptable computer run time.

28 CONCLUSION SRNA package advantages: Enlargement of the proton energy range, Increasing the efficiency of the implemented algorithms in order to Decrease the time necessary for proton transport simulation. Motivation for ISTAR proton dose planning software development were good results of verification of SRNA package.

29 Building of the TESLA accelerator installation

30 TESLA accelerator installation (Layout)

31 PROGRAMS OF TESLA AI Construction of TAI Construction of the VINCY Cyclotron Construction of the experimental channels of TAI Use of TAI Modification of materials by ion beams Radiation research Physics of thin crystals and nanotubes Production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals Proton therapy Neutron research Physics of hadrons and electroweak interactions Physics of hadrons at medium energies Physics of electroweak interactions and medium and high energies

32 pVINIS Ion Source

33 mVINIS Ion Source

34 Magnetic structure of the VINCY Cyclotron

35 Channel for modification of materials L3A

36 The future activities in the upgrading of the ISTAR software assume introduction of visualization of the dose distribution over a 3D transparent model of the patient body.

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