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Double Digit Growth Agriculture Department Mandal : Simhadripuram Year : 2015 - 16.

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1 Double Digit Growth Agriculture Department Mandal : Simhadripuram Year : 2015 - 16

2 Simhadripuram Mandal Map

3 Simhadripuram: Mandal profile S.NoParticularsUnitArea 1Total Geographic AreaHa 32367 2Forest AreaHa5092 3Barren & Uncultivable areaHa2470 4Cultivable wasteHa885 5Permanent Pastures& Other grazing landsHa0 6Area under orchardsHa1005 7Fallow LandsHa10122 8No.of.Villages/Gram PanchayatsNo20 9No.of. Revenue VillagesNo20 10Agriculture families Nos Area a)Small FarmersNo /ha4096 5993 b)Marginal FarmersNo / ha2473 1541 c)OthersNo/ ha3800 12889

4 Agriculture Growth Engines Bengalgram Cotton Groundnut Jowar

5 S.NoCrop 2013 -142014 -15 Area in Ha Producti vity in Kgs./Ha Producti on in MTs. GVA in Crs. Area in Ha Producti vity in Kgs./Ha Producti on in MTs. GVA in Crs. 1Paddy 6151153150.500000 2Groundnut 110591510114.556074872951.33 3Cotton 6983022110.907395283901.66 4Bengalgram 83641005840631.947377402952.12 5Maize 1870481270.180000 6Sunflower 186694017537.01250443510894.36 7Jowar 60814208631.383248642800.45 8Other Crops 138 930.36230 1600.62 3. Normal Areas,Production &Productivity of crops ( for last 2 yrs) 2013-14& 2014-15. Mandal: Simhadripuram

6 SL. NO. Name of the Crop 2014 -152015 -16Net Increases Area in Ha Produc tivity in Kgs./H a Producti on in MTs. GVA in Crs. Area in Ha Product ivity in Kgs./Ha Product ion in MTs. GVA in Crs. Area in Ha Product ivity in Kgs./Ha Product ion in MTs. GVA in Crs. 1Groundnut 6074872951.3323001020234610.56169353320519.23 2Cotton 7395283901.6610505335602.3831151700.72 3Bengalgram 7377402952.127405865640524.3428825611022.22 4Sunflower 250443510894.3615504026222.49-954-33-467-1.87 5Jowar 3248642800.45561180510131.622379417331.17 6Other Crops 230 1600.62138 930.36-920-67-0.26 4. Area, Production& Productivity of targets of Growth Engines for 2015-16. Mandal: Simhadripuram

7 Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Interventions 1.Seed replacement 2. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) 3. Integrated pest management (IPM) 4. Farm Mechanization 5. Area proposed of previous year brought under cultivation Present and Projected scenario YearArea(Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kg per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-157377295402.12 2015-167405640586524.34 Net Increase28611082522.22 Mandal : SimhadripuramCrop : Bengalgram

8 1Seed Replacement aArea Proposed under Seed ReplacementHa 7377 bCost reduction per Ha due to supply of Subsidy seedRs. /ha 500 cTotal cost reduction due to supply of subsidy seedRs. In Crs 0.36885 dYield increase per HaQtls. 2.1 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 15491.7 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 5.422095 gNet benefit due to Seed ReplacementRs. In Crs 5.790945 hNet benefit to the farmer due to seed replacement per HaRs. /ha 7850 2Integrated Nutrient Management AMacro Nutrient application aArea Proposed under INMHa 7020 bNPK as per recommended doseRs. /ha 2444 cCost of fertilizer as per farmers usageRs. /ha 3737 d Cost reduce per Ha due adopting of INM Macro Nutient applicationRs. /ha 1293 eTotal benefit on Macro Nutrient applicationRs. In Crs 0.907686 fYield increase per HaQtls. 1.8 gTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 12636 hBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 4.4226 INet benefit due to Macro Nutrient applicationRs. In Crs 5.330286 j Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient application per HaRs. /ha 7593

9 BMicro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) aArea Proposed under Zinc Sulphate ApplicationHa 400 b Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Zinc Suplhate under Subsidy PatternRs. /ha 790 c Total cost reduction due to supply of Zinc Sulphate under Subsidy PatternRs. In Crs 0.0316 dYield increase per HaQtls. 1.7 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 680 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.238 gNet benefit due to Zinc Sulphate applicationRs. In Crs 0.2696 h Net benefit to the farmer due to Zinc Sulphate application per HaRs. /ha 6740 3Integrated Pest Management Adpoting of IPM aArea Proposed under IPM ApplicationHa 7005 bIPM as per recommended doseRs. /ha 3523 cFarmer Practice usageRs. /ha 7100 dCost reduction Ha due to adopting of IPMRs. /ha 3577 eTotal benefit on IPM applicationRs. In Crs 2.505689 fYield increase per HaQtls. 1.5 gTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 10507.5 hBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 3.677625 iNet benefit due to IPM applicationRs. In Crs 6.183314 jNet benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per HaRs. /ha 8827

10 4FYM application aArea Proposed under FYM ApplicationHa6780 bCost increaseper Ha due to FYM applicationRs. /ha2500 cTotal benefit on FYM applicationRs. In Crs1.695 dYield increase per HaQtls.1.6 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls.10848 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs3.7968 gNet benefit due to FYM applicationRs. In Crs2.1018 hNet benefit to the farmer due to FYM application per HaRs. /ha3100 4Farm Mechanisation aArea Proposed under Farm Mechanisation ApplicationHa6305 b Cost reduction per Ha due to Rotavator& Ferti cum Seed drill & Tractor mounted sprayer and MCT.Rs. /ha2500 cCost reduction due to FM implementaion on LabourRs. In Crs1.57625 dYield increase per HaQtls.0.4 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls.2522 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs0.8827 gNet benefit due to FMRs. In Crs2.45895 hNet benefit to the farmer due to FM per HaRs. /ha3900

11 5Increase of Area aArea proopsed to be increaseHa28 bYield increase per HaQtls.8.65 cTotal Yield IncreaseQtls.242.2 dBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs0.08477 eNet benefit due to additional areaRs. In Crs0.08477 SUMMARY aTotal area proposedHa7405 bCost reduction /ha due to interventionsRs. /ha5370 cNet bebifit to the farmers due to interventionsRs. /ha38010 dTotal value increaseRs. In Crs22.22

12 Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Present and Projected scenario YearArea(Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kg per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-157393905281.66 2015-1610505605332.38 Net Increase31117050.72 Interventions 1.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Boron) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM) Mandal : SimhadripuramCrop : Cotton

13 1Integrated Nutrient Management AMacro Nutrient application aArea Proposed under INM Ha 860.00 bNPK as per recommended dose Rs. /ha 4261.00 cCost of fertilizer as per farmers usage Rs. /ha 5480.00 dCost reduce per Ha due adopting of INM Macro Nutient application Rs. /ha 1219.00 eTotal benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs. In Crs 0.10 fYield increase per Ha Qtls. 0.30 gTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 258.00 hBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.10 iNet benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. In Crs 0.21 jNet benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient application per Ha Rs. /ha 2434.00 BMicro Nutrient application (Boron) 0.00 aArea Proposed under Boron Application Ha 400.00 b Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Boron under Subsidy Pattern Rs. /ha 135.00 cTotal cost reduction due to supply of Boron under Subsidy Pattern Rs. In Crs 0.01 dYield increase per Ha Qtls. 0.20 eTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 80.00 fBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.03 gNet benefit due to Boron application Rs. In Crs 0.04 hNet benefit to the farmer due to Boron application per Ha Rs. /ha 945.00

14 2Integrated Pest Management Adpoting of IPM aArea Proposed under IPM Application Ha 850.00 bIPM as per recommended dose Rs. /ha 2000.00 cFarmer Practice usage Rs. /ha 3000.00 dCost reduction Ha due to adopting of IPM Rs. /ha 1000.00 eTotal benefit on IPM application Rs. In Crs 0.40 fYield increase per Ha Qtls. 0.20 gTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 170.00 hBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.07 iNet benefit due to IPM application Rs. In Crs 0.47 jNet benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. /ha 5515.88 SUMMARY 0.00 aTotal area proposed ha 1050.00 bCost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. /ha 2354.00 cNet bebifit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. /ha 8894.88 dTotal value increase Rs. In Crs 0.72

15 Interventions 1.Seed replacement 2.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a) Macro Nutrient Management b) Micro Nutrient application (Gypsum) 3.Farm Yard Manure 4.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 5.Area of previous year brought under cultivation Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Present and Projected scenario YearArea(Ha)Production (MT) Productvity (Kg per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-156072954871.33 2015-1623002346102010.56 Net Increase163920515339.23 Mandal : SimhadripuramCrop : Groundnut

16 1Seed Replacement aArea Proposed under Seed ReplacementHa 607.00 bCost reduction per Ha due to supply of Subsidy seedRs. /ha 2700.00 cTotal cost reduction due to supply of subsidy seedRs. In Crs 0.16 dYield increase per HaQtls. 1.00 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 607.00 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.36 gNet benefit due to Seed ReplacementRs. In Crs 0.53 hNet benefit to the farmer due to seed replacement per HaRs. /ha 8700.00 2Integrated Nutrient Management 0.00 AMacro Nutrient application 0.00 aArea Proposed under INMHa 607.00 bNPK as per recommended doseRs. /ha 2922.00 cCost of fertilizer as per farmers usageRs. /ha 4825.00 dCost reduce per Ha due adopting of INM Macro Nutient applicationRs. /ha 1903.00 eTotal benefit on Macro Nutrient applicationRs. In Crs 0.12 fYield increase per HaQtls. 0.80 gTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 485.60 hBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.29 iNet benefit due to Macro Nutrient applicationRs. In Crs 0.41 jNet benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient application per HaRs. /ha 6703.00

17 BMicro Nutrient application (GYPSUM) aArea Proposed under Gypsum ApplicationHa 607.00 b Cost increse per Ha due to supply of Gypsum under Subsidy PatternRs. /ha 1800.00 c Total cost reduction due to supply of Gypsum under Subsidy PatternRs. In Crs 0.11 dYield increase per HaQtls. 0.75 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 455.25 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.27 gNet benefit due to Gypsum applicationRs. In Crs 0.38 hNet benefit to the farmer due to Gypsum application per HaRs. /ha 6300.00 3FYM application 0.00 aArea Proposed under FYM ApplicationHa 607.00 bCost increaseper Ha due to FYM applicationRs. /ha 2500.00 cTotal benefit on FYM applicationRs. In Crs 0.15 dYield increase per HaQtls. 0.60 eTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 364.20 fBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.22 gNet benefit due to FYM applicationRs. In Crs 0.07 hNet benefit to the farmer due to FYM application per HaRs. /ha 1100.00

18 4Integrated Pest Management Adpoting of IPM aArea Proposed under IPM ApplicationHa 607.00 bIPM as per recommended doseRs. /ha 1602.00 cFarmer Practice usageRs. /ha 2537.00 dCost reduction Ha due to adopting of IPMRs. /ha 935.00 eTotal benefit on IPM applicationRs. In Crs 0.06 fYield increase per HaQtls. 0.50 gTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 303.50 hBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 0.18 iNet benefit due to IPM applicationRs. In Crs 0.24 jNet benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per HaRs. /ha 3935.00 5Increase of Area 0.00 aArea proopsed to be increaseHa 1690.00 bYield increase per HaQtls. 7.50 cTotal Yield IncreaseQtls. 12675.00 dBenefit due to Yield increaseRs. In Crs 7.61 eNet benefit due to additional areaRs. In Crs 7.61 SUMMARY 0.00 aTotal area proposedHa 2300.00 bCost reduction /ha due to interventionsRs. /ha 2840 cNet bebifit to the farmersRs. /ha 26738 dTotal value increaseRs. In Crs 9.23

19 Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Present and Projected scenario YearArea(Ha) Production (MT) Productvity (Kg per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-153242808640.45 2015-16561101318051.62 Net Increase237941 1.17 Interventions 1.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM) 3. Farm Mechanisation Mandal: Simhadripuram Crop : Jowar

20 1Integrated Nutrient Management AMacro Nutrient application aArea Proposed under INM Ha 350.00 bNPK as per recommended dose Rs. /ha 1749.00 cCost of fertilizer as per farmers usage Rs. /ha 2705.00 dCost reduce per Ha due adopting of INM Macro Nutient application Rs. /ha 956.00 eTotal benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs. In Crs 0.03 fYield increase per Ha Qtls. 2.50 gTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 875.00 hBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.15 iNet benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. In Crs 0.18 jNet benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient application per Ha Rs. /ha 5206.00 2Integrated Pest Management Adpoting of IPM aArea Proposed under IPM Application Ha 324.00 bIPM as per recommended dose Rs. /ha 920.00 cFarmer Practice usage Rs. /ha 1380.00 dCost reduction Ha due to adopting of IPM Rs. /ha 460.00 eTotal benefit on IPM application Rs. In Crs 0.01 fYield increase per Ha Qtls. 3.00 gTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 972.00 hBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.17 iNet benefit due to IPM application Rs. In Crs 0.18 jNet benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. /ha 5560.00

21 3Increase of Area aArea proopsed to be increase Ha 237.00 bYield increase per Ha Qtls. 20.00 cTotal Yield Increase Qtls. 4740.00 dBenefit due to Yield increase Rs. In Crs 0.81 eNet benefit due to additional area Rs. In Crs 0.81 SUMMARY aTotal area proposed Ha 561.00 bCost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. /ha 1811.00 cNet bebifit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. /ha 10766.00 dTotal value increase Rs. In Crs 1.17

22 Soil Condition S.NoProblemRemedy to address the problem 1Low Organic carbon content in the soil Raising of legume crops(PULSES) for nitrogen fixation in soil and application of soil amendments like castor cake,Neem seed kernal extract etc 2Low nitrogen content in soil Split application of nitrogenous fertilisers as basal and top dressing and Prevention of nitrogen losses by using neem coated urea 3 Increase in phosphates (P2O5) content in soil Recommendation of increased use of organic fertiliser and application of phosphorus solubilising bio fertilisers in soil 4Increase in PH OF SOIL i.e>8.7Application of Gypsum at an average of 500 kg /acre 5Decerese in PH i.e <4.00Application of lime at an average of 600 to 1200 Kg/acre 6 Micronutrient deficiency for zinc and iron elements Application of the respective Micronutrient fertiliser 7Increase in Electrical conductivity Managing drainage problem in irrigation and leaching of excess salts in soil

23 5.Soil Health Profile based on soil test results conducted during 2015. Sl. No. ComponentTarget No.of soil samples collected by MAOs No.of Soil Sample received to Lab No.of Soil Sample analysed Soil Health Cards online Soil Health Cards distributed 1Macro520 475 2Micro260 S.NoParticularsStatusS.NoParticularsStatus 1Ogranic CarbonLow1Zinc95% deficient 2NitrogenLow2Boran40 % deficient 3PhosphorousMedium3Iron92% deficient 4PotashHigh4Sulphar26 % deficient

24 Potassium Content in Soils is Very high, hence Farmers recommended not to apply Potassium to Soils apply of Phosphate as Basal dose only in follow of recommendations Apply of Neem coated Urea for increase efficiency of Nitrogen As per the analysis reports received Micronutrient deficiencies observed as detailed Zinc- 95% deficiency, Iron- 92% deficiency, Sulphure- 26% deficiency, Boron- 40% deficiency. To correct Micronutrient deficiencies, the following Micronutrients proposed to Supply by Department of Agriculture as follows Zinc targeted area proposed is 574 ha, allotted 6.0mts Boron targeted area proposed is 513 ha, allotted 0.92mts Gypsum targeted area proposed is 1609 ha, allotted 114 MTs

25 6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) I Additional Areas:- Additional Areas under irrigation provided by Irrigation department.:- nil Areas crop wise targeted by Department of Agriculture:- Areas crop wise brought under diversification and previous area brought under cultivation detailed below. Crop Bengal gram Ground nut CottonJowarTotal Area in ha2816933112372269

26 CropPaddyRemarks CropBengal gramRemarks Name of VarietyNBG-3 Seed availability is the major constrain No. of ha’s proposed1000 Qty of Seed required in qtls 1429.00 B) Varietal Replacement plan targeted for 2015-16:- 6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

27 SnoYear Mandal Normal areaUreaDAPNPKOtherTotal 12013-142302532450013041252253 22014-151657918525011002001735 III Soil Health Management A. Fertilizer requirement as per Normal Areas for last 2 years. SnoYear Mandal Normal areaUreaDAPNPKOtherTotalRemarks 12013-142302532450013041252253 Fertilizer Consumption assumed based on the Fertilizer sales at Mandal level B.Actual chemical fertilizer consumed for last 2 years.

28 SnoYear Mandal Normal areaUreaDAPMOPNPKSSPTotal 12015-161713545050025011002202520 C.As per the targeted area, fertilizer requirement for 2015-16 (as per the soil test based recommendations).

29 D.Saving of fertilizer by following soil test based recommendations.. Potassium Content in Soils is Very high, hence Farmers recommended not to apply Potassium to Soils.. Apply of Phosphate as Basal dose only in follow of Recommendations.. Apply of Neem coated Urea for increase of efficiency E.Micro nutrient deficiency in Normal areas and targets F. Problematic soils like Saline, Alkaline, salt etc. and areas and measures taken for reclamation (quantify Nil).

30 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Mandal Gypsum 42% deficiency Kharif-15Rabi-15-16 Area in Ha Target Positioned Distribute d Area in Ha Target Positioned Distribute d 1Muddanur Simhadripur am1609114212300150 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Manda l BoronBoron 40% Deficiency Total Target Kharif-15Rabi-15-16 Basal Foliar Area Target Position ed Distribu ted Area Target Position ed Distribu ted Area Target Position ed Distribu ted Area Target Position ed Distribu ted 1Muddanur Simhad ripuram 5130.9200.2503850.75 0.2 5 013 0.01 0 1030.15 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Manda l Zinc Sulphate 65% deficiancy TotalKharif-15Rabi-15-16 Area Target Positione d Distribute d BasalFoliar 12%Basal Area Target Positio ned Distribu ted Area Target Positio ned Distribu ted Area Target Positio ned Distribu ted 1Muddanur Simhad ripuram 439600351500110.14 110.14 Allocation of Micro Nutrients for the year 2015-16

31 Detailed good agronomical practices to be adopted crop wise. Paddy:-. Seed Treatment with Carbendazim-1g/kg seed. Basal application of Zinc 50kgs /ha. Drain out the Field at Tillering stage for increasing productive Tillers. Making of allies for every 2mts in East-West direction. 4-5 split applications of Fertilizer. Line sowing/ Drum seeding Method. Mechanized Harvesting Cotton:-.Seed treatment with Imidacloprid -48%- 7gms/kg.Basal application of Zinc-50kg/ha, Boron-2.5kg/ha, Magnesium- 10kg/ha Application of Fertilizer within 90DAS.Stem application method within 60DAS. Inter cropping with Redgram crop. To reduce pesticide consumption sowing of Non-Bt cotton. IV Good Agricultural Practices

32 3.Bengal gram:-.Seed treatment with T.viridae-8-10g/kg of Seed./ Hexaconazole-2ml/kg of seed. Inter cropping with Coriander @8:2 ratio Highlight locally adopted best agronomical practices and indigenously developed practices.:- Nil Crop sequence:- 1. Paddy- Paddy, 2.Paddy-Sesamum, 3.Paddy- Pulses(Green gram or Black gram) Crop rotation:- 1. Turmeric- Paddy 2. Cotton-Bengal gram 3. Bengal gram- Coriander Double cropping 1. Paddy-Paddy 2.Paddy- Pulses Inter cropping:- 1.Cotton-Redgram IV Good Agricultural Practices

33 a)Crop Sequence:Groundnut crop sequence with Green gram or Blackgram results in increased yields. b) Crop rotation:with legumes in cereals increases nitrogen fixation and results in increased yields. c)Intercropping:Intercropping with castor or cow pea in ground nut reduces incidence of Spodoptera and leaf eating caterpillars.Intercropping with Red gram in ground nut provides additional income.Border cropping with Jowar or bajra in ground nut reduces incidence of Bud necrosis by arresting thrips movement. d)Double cropping:Ground nut with Sesamum or sorghum will not only reduces preparation cost for other crop and also reduces pest incidence leads to increased returns. IV Good Agricultural Practices

34 Strategies and techniques followed to reduce cost of cultivation. Chemical fertilizer applications (Nitrogen ):- By application of Green manure seed, improves the Fertilizer efficiency, there by reduces the Application of Nitrogenous Fertilizers up to 30%. Without green manures applies 375kgs/ha, With green manure applies 250kgs/ha. Pest management.:- Application of Neem oil 3000ppm reduces the Pest infestation. Promotion of organic pesticides, fertilizers and other botanicals.:- Seed treatment with Pseudomonas, Application of PSB 10kgs/ha, Application of Weedicide:- Application of Weedicides as pre-emergence and Post-emergence will reduces cost. V Cost Reduction

35 VI. Extensions and Capacity building Polam pilusthondhi- schedule detailed information required ChandrannaRythukshetralu Sl. No.MandalDate Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon2.00PM to 5.30PM 12345 1Simhadripuram2.06.15Simhadripuram 2 3.06.15Ravulakolanu,TelkiSunkesula,Nandyalampalli 3Simhadripuram4.06.15Pydipalem,SimhadripuramChavvaripalli,Kothapalli 4Simhadripuram5.06.15Himakuntla,Gurijala B.Cherlopalli,Bidanamcherl a 5Simhadripuram6.06.15Kasnuru,AnkalammaguduruDiddukunta,Lomada 6Simhadripuram08.06.15Balapanur,KovarmguntapalliBojjayapalli,Kamballi 7Simhadripuram 09.06.15GurijalaBidanamcherla 8Simhadripuram 10.06.15ChavvaripalliPydipalem 9Simhadripuram 16.06.15devathapuramJangamreddypalli 10Simhadripuram 17.06.15TelkiSunkesula 11Simhadripuram 23.06.15RavulakolanuMaddulapaya 12Simhadripuram 24.06.15KasnurNandyalampalli 13Simhadripuram 30.06.15DiddukuntaLomada

36 VI. Extensions and Capacity building Sl. No.MandalDate Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon2.00PM to 5.30PM 12345 14Simhadripuram 01.07.15BalapanurNidivelgal 15Simhadripuram 07.07.15HimakuntlaAgraharam 16Simhadripuram 08.07.15SimhadipuramAnkalammaguduru 17Simhadripuram 14.07.15GurijalaBidanamcherla 18Simhadripuram 15.07.15ChavvaripalliPydipalem 19Simhadripuram 21.07.15devathapuramJangamreddypalli 20Simhadripuram 22.07.15TelkiSunkesula 21Simhadripuram 28.07.15RavulakolanuMaddulapaya 22Simhadripuram 29.07.15KasnurNandyalampalli 23Simhadripuram 04.08.15DiddukuntaLomada 24Simhadripuram 05.08.15BalapanurNidivelgal 25Simhadripuram 11.08.15HimakuntlaAgraharam 26Simhadripuram 12.08.15SimhadipuramAnkalammaguduru

37 VI. Extensions and Capacity building Sl. No.MandalDate Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon2.00PM to 5.30PM 12345 27Simhadripuram 18.08.15GurijalaBidanamcherla 28Simhadripuram 19.08.15ChavvaripalliPydipalem 29Simhadripuram 25.08.15devathapuramJangamreddypalli 30Simhadripuram 26.08.15TelkiSunkesula 31Simhadripuram 01.09.15RavulakolanuMaddulapaya 32Simhadripuram 02.9.15KasnurNandyalampalli 33Simhadripuram 08.09.15DiddukuntaLomada 34Simhadripuram 09.09.15BalapanurNidivelgal 35Simhadripuram 15.09.15HimakuntlaAgraharam 36Simhadripuram 16.09.15SimhadipuramAnkalammaguduru 37Simhadripuram 22.09.15GurijalaBidanamcherla 38Simhadripuram 23.09.15ChavvaripalliPydipalem 39Simhadripuram 29.09.15devathapuramJangamreddypalli

38 Statement showing the details of CRKs proposals in Simhadripuram for the Year 2015-16 Sl. No. Division Mandal Area covered under Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu in Ha Total CRK Divisi on Wise Paddy Maize Bengal Gram Cotton (Kappas) Ground Nut Sunflower Sesamum Jowar Other crops 1 Muddanur Simhadr ipuram 0020010000030

39 Special awareness programs and trainings conducted to MPEOs and Farmers in highlighting cost reduction and promotion of Natural Farming.:- Trainings organized on Organic Farming in Co-ordination with Scientists from KVK, ARS, DAATT center. Identification of Best Adoptive Farmers as Master Trainers.:- Involvement RMGs, SHGs, NGOs & other Organisations. Exposure of farmers to CMSA villages. VI. Extensions and Capacity building

40 Statement showing the Mandal wise component wise category wisebudget allocation Under NSP during-2015-16 - Simhadripuram Mandal. S.NoMandalName of the implementPhyFinRemarks 1Simhadripuram Tractor Drawn Implements383.79 2SimhadripuramRotavators52.6 3Simhadripuram Plant protection equipment311.14 4SimhadripuramDiesel engines40.4 5SimhadripuramPower Tiller00 6SimhadripuramMini Tractors00 7SimhadripuramTarpalins(HDPE)1191.48 8SimhadripuramTrapalins(MCL)180.225

41 Enrolment of farmers to M-Kissan portal.:- 1. This fastens the advising of the Farmers. 2.This creates awareness on Modern practices 3. All beneficiary farmers of all schemes of department to be enrolled in M- Kissan.:- 1.This is useful to get the details of Farmers who availed schemes previously 2. This prevents repetition, there by more Farmers availing Scheme benefits. VIII. IT – Applications

42 The Simhadripuram mandal people are mainly depending on Agriculture and majority of the farmers are big and marginal farmers. They cultivating Bengalgram as major rain fed crop for their Livelyhood and also growing Groundnut and Cotton as a major crops in Kharif. The soils also having poor organic carbon, low Nitrogen, P 2 O 5 medium and having High K 2 O and also deficient in micro nutrients such as Zinc. Advocating of farmers through Department personnel adopting Neam Coated Urea and Straight Fertilizers to improve Fertilizere use Efficiency and micronutrients application in all the crops to correct the deficiencies. Conclusion:

43 The extension staff of the mandal are extensively giving wide publicity though trainings and distributing Phamplets to create awareness to all the farmers on Soil sampling and advantages of soil sampling, duly adopting the Soil test based fertilizer application for all the crops. The rural poor living standards and economical standards there is a need of technology transfer to the farmer by giving trainings, exposure visits, conducting Demos with increases the capacity building of the individual farmer will increases the confidence Leeds to adopt new practices in future for getting better results. Promoting farm mechanization, organic farming, and application of Bio agents reduce the cost of cultivation and maintains the ecology. Due to above efforts of the Department the cost benefit ratio of farming community in the mandal has been increased which results in successful achievement of double digit growth for the year 2015-16. Conclusion:

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