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climate.html Watch the Video! What happens to the.

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Presentation on theme: "climate.html Watch the Video! What happens to the."— Presentation transcript:


2 climate.html Watch the Video! What happens to the man? Why? “ It All Comes Back To You” “ It All Comes Back To You”

3 Today’s lesson is about the ______________ environment

4 The environment is all around us. Dirt/ Rocks Water Life Air

5 Life Plants Animals Micro- organisms

6 When life disappears forever, it is _______. extinct Quagga Extinct since 1883 Caribbean Sea Monk extinct since 1952 Tasmanian Tiger Extinct since 1936 Great Auk Extinct since 1844 Baiji River Dolphin extinct since 2006 ( 멸종된 )

7 Life that is almost extinct is ___________. endangered Help us, please! ( 멸종 위기에 처한 동식물의 종 )

8 The Earth is sick.

9 Pollution is waste that hurts the environment

10 Air Pollution

11 Water Pollution

12 Oil Spills









21 Litter Throwing _____ on the ground trash

22 Deforestation Cutting down _______. trees

23 Deforestation

24 Global Warming

25 Global warming hurts life. I’m endangered!

26 How can we help save the environment?

27 You’re not supposed to _______ Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. litter


29 What are the three Rs? ____________, _____________

30 Let’s learn about the 3 R’s...

31 Reduce Reduce means make ________. smaller

32 There are many ways that we can reduce...

33 You‘re not supposed to __________________ Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. use plastic bags

34 We must reduce trash!

35 You’re not supposed to _______________ Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. take a car

36 We must reduce air pollution. Ride a bike!

37 You’re not supposed to open the refrigerator door for a _____ time. Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. long


39 We must reduce energy waste.

40 You’re not supposed to ________ the lights on. Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. leave

41 We must reduce our energy usage.

42 Which light bulb reduces energy? A. incandescent B. fluorescent

43 Don’t forget to unplug appliances ( 기기 ).

44 You’re not supposed to ________________ Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. take long showers

45 We must reduce our water use!

46 You’re not supposed to ________________ Why not? Because ____ Okay, I won’t. eat a lot of meat CH 4

47 18% of green house gases. We must reduce deforestation and global warming!

48 Let’s learn about the second R...

49 Reuse Reuse means to use something many ________. times

50 Would you like a plastic bag? Reuse a canvas grocery bag. No thanks!

51 You’re not supposed to use plastic bottles. So pretty!

52 Don’t use fossil fuels.

53 Don’t buy new clothes. Buy used things at flea markets.





58 Now we know the first two R’s, Reduce and Reuse. What’s the third R?

59 Recycle

60 Recycle means to make something old into something new! What can we recycle?

61 Glass You’re not supposed to throw it out!

62 Metal You’re not supposed to throw it out!

63 Paper/Wood You’re not supposed to throw it out!

64 Plastic You’re not supposed to throw it out!

65 Electronic Waste You’re not supposed to throw it out!

66 Don’t throw electronics in the trash! RECYCLE!


68 Food Waste You’re not supposed to throw it out!

69 Compost Food waste makes healthy soil for plants!

70 Let’s listen to a song. Write the missing words.


72 magic eighteen today juice bags brother Reuse trash throw recycle


74 I Love Planet Earth

75 Life is Everywhere!

76 Solution Video

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