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Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Université Lumière Lyon.

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1 Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Université Lumière Lyon 2/Ecole Centrale de Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, bâtiment Nautibus 43, boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 — F-69622 Villeurbanne cedex UMR 5205 Présentation LIRIS - 09/09/2015 LIRIS

2 Présentation LIRIS - 09/09/2015 2 At a glance… 270 people 8 (+4) CNRS staff ~100 academic staff 140 PhD students budget: 1.2 M€/year 6 physical locations LIRIS 2007 =

3 Présentation LIRIS - 09/09/2015 3 Scientific presentation Modeling and augmented reality Axis 3 Knowledge and complex systems Axis 1 Images and videos : segmentation and extraction of information Axis 2 Communicating information systems Axis 4 Transversal Action A Transversal Action B Cultural heritage Computer Science and Health

4 Application domains Cultural Heritage EROS 3D et Art3D with Louvre museum U.E. Art3D (European museums) Life quality Radiotherapy et hadrontherapy Cytology Augmented reality and pain therapy Digital entertainment Video games Visual art and architecture

5 Geometric modeling Computational Geometry  3D Reconstruction, dynamic and selective  Compression  Frequency descriptors  Geometric computations (CGAL) Fractal Geometry  Fractal Reconstruction Hybrid Modeling

6 Theme- Mesh quality DAVID 3 617 008 points 123 529 points (-96%) 4min 6s +29 134 points 42s Local dynamic update

7 Theme- Fractal model Fractal approximation of rough shapes, modeler for creation Reconstruction of mountains with fractal model Visual art Martine Rondet -Mignotte

8 Simulation and augmented reality Simulation of natural phenomena  Addition of details (simulation of cracks and fractures,of lich growth, of mushrooms, …) Physical Simulation  Particle systems  Continuous media mechanics Analysis and quantification of movement  Reconstruction of postures and movements

9 Theme- Simulation Simulation of ecosystems and natural phenomena

10 Theme Simulation- hadrontherapy Radiotherapy/Hadrontherapy Moving organs Movements of tumor  P rediction of movement by simulating the behavior

11 Theme Simulation- Hadrontherapy Approach FEM

12 Simulation of deformable objects Masses/spring interaction Parameterization  Taking into account rheological parameters Parallel computing

13 Example

14 Mouvements respiratoires interne Theme Simulation- Hadrontherapy Non rigid image registration

15 Theme- Posture reconstruction and the track of a character’s movements separation character / background Extraction of a skeletal animation + Voxel model Reconstruction of the envelope: Shape and texture Views calculated from the model and texture

16 Theme- Posture reconstruction and the track of a character’s movements

17 Augmented reality and “phantom pains” Amputee Adding a virtual animated member in the image (valid member+ EMG) Electromyographic signals (EMG) at the level of residual member

18 Theme – 3D modeling from photos 3D avatar reconstruction from 2 photos 3D face reconstruction face from a picture Shape from shading 3D Photo avec shading 3D

19 Rendering Realistic rendering and Perceptual rendering  Light vectors  Spectral approach  Use of vision models Towards interactive rendering  Use of graphic cards  Use of a Ray Tracer -> « Instant radiosity » + Metropolis -> YACORT (open free ray tracer)

20 Rendering

21 Interactive rendering


23 Augmented reality


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