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On topic: “Pollution of the environment”

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1 On topic: “Pollution of the environment”
ProjeCt On topic: “Pollution of the environment” 9th grade pupils Verbivka School

2 Types of pollution

3 Water POLLUTION Pollution of water bodies by toxic substances of anthropogenic origin often makes it difficult or impossible to use water for drinking purposes. In addition, contaminants accumulate in the sediments, as well as phyto-and zooplankton, higher aquatic vegetation and fishes. It is often generated new, more toxic compounds and there are pockets of secondary water pollution.

4 Anthropogenic impact on small rivers due to human activities, carried out in the catchment , and most streams . Drainage water discharged from drainage systems , mostly untreated , cause "blooming" of small rivers in the summer and impair water quality. Until recently, the main source of pollution of the rivers are small , industrial waste and municipal sewage. Create septic tanks, sewage treatment plants reduced the level of contamination in this category wastewater. At the same time the share of polluted water , formed in the catchment of small rivers. This is primarily runoff from agricultural land containing fertilizers , pesticides and nutrients .


6 methods of water conservation
For improvement, regeneration and protection of small rivers, eliminate all sources of water pollution measures should be carried out environmental focus. In addition to the elimination of concentrated and dispersed sources of pollution to restore all of the major natural factors river system, including the aquatic fauna and flora. Unfortunately, the sustainable functioning of river ecosystems for restoration work on small rivers Ukraine neglected.


8 Air pollution When pollution is the process of making the air or the formation there of physical agents, chemical substances or organisms that adversely affect the environment or harm the living material values. In a sense, can be considered as pollution from the air and remove individual gas components (such as oxygen) major technological objects . And it's not just that the gases that enter the atmosphere , dust , sulfur, lead and other harmful substances to the human body - they adversely affect the circulation of many components on the ground. Contaminant and toxic substances are transported over long distances, falling with precipitation into the soil , surface and ground water, oceans, poisoning the environment, adversely affect the growth of plant mass.

9 Air pollution affects the climate of the planet
Air pollution affects the climate of the planet. On this account, there are three points of view. 1. Global warming observed in this century due to increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, and by the middle of the next century will happen catastrophic global warming , accompanied by a strong increase in sea level height . 2. Air pollution reduces solar radiation increases the number of condensation nuclei in clouds as a result of the Earth's surface cooled, which in turn can cause a new glaciation in the northern and southern latitudes (supporters of this point of view a bit). 3. According to the proponents of the third point of view, both of these processes balanced and the Earth's climate will not change significantly .


11 Methods of air conservation
For protection of air pollution from motor vehicles are important measures for planning and development of urban settlements. In particular landscaping highways, residential zoning arrays, creating multi-level interchanges, ring roads, the use of underground space for parking lots, garages, creating highways, sanitary protection zones.


13 Littering Mountains of garbage are growing and growing. Ukraine at risk of drowning in waste , which currently has a backlog of more than 35 billion tons, and landfill space is more than 165,000 hectares ( approximately five times larger than the area of ​​the state Malta) .Landfills cause contamination of soil, air, groundwater and surface water . At the same time, the economic turnover derived from millions of tons of material that could be used as secondary raw materials , while maintaining significant natural resources. In this context it is important to reduce , and where possible, completely avoid the production of waste. Opportunities in this area are very kg big. Every year about all sorts of debris enters the ocean .More than one million seabirds die each year as a result of indirect effects of plastic waste on them.


15 Methods of littering conservation
Recycling and Use Choose products labeled " recycled ." This international character indicates that products made ​​from recycled materials, or whether they are suitable for reuse. Follow the separate collection of household rubbish if it is prescribed by your housing and communal services. Paper, cardboard , paper packaging can you put into recycling or leave near the garbage cans . This way you can make a substantial contribution to the preservation of "green lungs " of our planet - forests , as 1 ton of recycled paper saves trees. Hand to scrap points of recyclables. Take glass bottles to the points of glass or give them to the poor. In many cities you can put into recycling recycled plastic bottles. Remember that 1 ton of secondary polymers saves 16 tons of crude oil !Hand over waste car batteries for recycling .Most of the waste from the kitchen - a valuable raw material for the production of compost. Use this feature if you have a smallholding or even a small garden. So not only substantially reduce the overall amount of waste , but also get a clean fertilizer


17 Be strong! Carry your Litter to the dump!

18 Let's save our planet

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