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Lockout/Tagout Standard

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1 Lockout/Tagout Standard
Proper Lockout Procedure

2 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Contractors
The outside contractor and the on-site employer must exchange lockout/tagout information. Employees on site must understand rules used by the contractor. Be alert for new types of lockout or tagout devices.

3 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Equipment Isolation
Operate all energy-isolating devices so that the equipment is isolated from its energy sources. Be sure to isolate all energy sources (secondary power supplies as well as the primary supplies). Never remove a fuse instead of disconnecting.

4 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Shutting Down the Equipment
Shut the system down by using operating controls. Follow whatever procedure is right for the equipment to avoid endangering anyone during shutdown.

5 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Preparation for Shutdown
Know the types and amounts of energy that power it. Know the hazards of that energy. Know how the energy can be controlled.

6 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Written Procedures
Preparation for shutdown Shutting down the equipment Equipment isolation Application of Lockout/Tagout devices Release of stored energy Verifying equipment isolation

7 What is Lockout/Tagout?
LOTO Blocks the flow of energy from power sources to the equipment Provides means of warning (tag)

8 Lockout Lockout is a technique used to prevent the release of hazardous energy, or to prevent the hazardous energy from escaping.

9 An Example of Lockout A padlock is placed on the appropriate energy isolating device that is in the off or closed position.

10 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Types of Devices

11 The “Fatal Five” Main Causes of Lockout/Tagout Injuries
Failure to stop equipment Failure to disconnect from power source Failure to dissipate (bleed, neutralize) residual energy Accidental restarting of equipment Failure to clear work areas before restarting

12 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Application of Devices
All energy-isolating devices are to be locked, tagged or both. Only standardized devices can be used and they are not to be used for anything else. Use a lockout device if your lock cannot be placed directly on the energy control. When lockout is used, every employee in the work crew must attach his personal lock.

13 Lockout/Tagout Regulatory Requirements
29 CFR Control of Hazardous energy covers operators and service personnel Requires training of employees

14 Proper Procedures for LOTO
Inspect carefully, locate and identify all isolating devices. Be certain which switch (s), valve (s), or other energy isolating devices, control the equipment to be locked or tagged out. More than one energy source (electrical, mechanical, or others) may be involved. All types and locations (s) of energy isolating means must be found and managed.

15 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Performing the Work
Look ahead and avoid doing anything that could reactivate the equipment. Don’t bypass the lockout when installing new piping or wiring.

16 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Removing Lockout/Tagout
Make sure the equipment is safe to operate by removing all tools from the work area and making sure the system is fully assembled. Safeguard all employees by conducting a head count to make sure everyone is clear of the equipment. Also notify everyone in the work area that lockout/tagout is being removed. Remove the lockout/tagout devices. Each device must be removed by the person who put it on.

17 Definitions Authorized Employee - one who locks out machines or equipment in order to perform the servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment.

18 Definitions, cont. Authorized employees are those who:
Maintain equipment Service equipment Trained to use LOTO

19 Authorized Employee Responsibilities
Repair or service equipment as needed Ensure that all energy sources are locked out Test equipment to verify residual energy is dissipated Place a “Danger – DO NOT Operate” tag on equipment

20 Authorized Employee Responsibilities cont.
Obtain assistance when necessary Remove locks and/or tags following LOTO Coordinate multi-shift repair

21 Definitions, cont. Affected Employee - one whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout, or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed.

22 Definitions, cont. Affected employees are those who: Operate
Work around Occasionally adjust equipment that is subject to LOTO

23 Affected Employee Responsibilities
Notify maintenance, etc., when equipment needs repair Leave all LOTO devices in place Verify equipment is safe to operate following LOTO Follow all safety rules while operating the equipment

24 Definitions, cont. Company Responsibilities are:
Ensure de-energization of equipment Ensure employee awareness Provide appropriate levels of training

25 Company Responsibilities Training Requirements
Authorized employers – initially and at least annually Affected employees – at lease initially Authorized and affected – whenever changes are made to jobs or procedures Authorized and affected – when program deficiencies are noted

26 Definitions, cont. Company Responsibilities
Review program effectiveness Maintain and revise program Administer appropriate disciplinary actions

27 Maintenance Responsibilities
Lockout/Tagout prior to service or repair Remove or cut locks off isolation devices Ensure proper training of authorized employees

28 Definitions, cont. Energy Isolating Device –
A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy.

29 Definitions, cont. Energy Control Procedure
Safety program adopted by the employer that includes: energy control procedures provisions for inspecting the procedures training employees for lockout/tagout.

30 Hazardous Energy Sources Found in the Workplace
Mechanical Transitional Rotational Thermal Machines or Equipment Chemical Reactions Potential Pressure Hydraulic Pneumatic Vacuum Springs Gravity Electrical Generated Static

31 LOTO is not just for electrical energy sources!
Gases, liquid chemical, mechanical, water, etc.  can all be hazardous energy sources.  Procedures should address all sources of energy.

32 Type of stored energy-means to
dissipate or restrain:  *  Electrical 115 volt unplug  *  Pressure PSI bleed off.  *  Chemical #2897 Nalco wash down

33 MECHANICAL ENERGY (Gravity activation, or stored in springs, etc)
A. Block out or use die ram safety chain. B. Lockout or tagout safety device. C. Shut off, lockout or tagout electrical system. D. Check for zero energy state. E. Return controls to safest position.

34 HYDRAULIC/PNEUMATIC A. Shut off all energy sources (pumps and compressors). If the pumps and compressors supply energy to more than one piece of equipment, lockout or tagout the valve supplying energy to this piece of equipment. B. Stored pressure from hydraulic/pneumatic lines shall be drained/bled when release of stored energy could cause injury to employees. C. Make sure controls are returned to their safest position (off, stop, standby, inch, jog, etc.).

35 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Scope and Application
Hot tap operations that involve transmission and distribution systems for gas, steam, water, or petroleum products on pressurized pipelines if continuity of service is essential, shutdown of the system is impractical, documented procedures are followed, and employees are effectively protected by special equipment.

36 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Release of Stored Energy
Inspect the system to make sure all parts have stopped moving. Relieve trapped pressure. Block or brace parts that could fall due to gravity. Bleed lines and vent valves open. If stored energy can reaccumulate, monitor it to make sure it stays below hazardous levels.


38 Lockout devices

39 Types of Lockout Devices
Plug Locks Ball Valve Lockout Gate Valve Lockout Group Lockout Hasp Electrical Hydraulic, pneumatic, and other pressurized systems

40 Lockout Procedure Alert the operator(s) that power is being disconnected. Preparation for Shutdown Equipment Shutdown Equipment Isolation Application of Lockout Devices Control of Stored Energy Equipment Isolation-Verification

41 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Verifying Equipment Isolation
Make sure all danger areas are clear of personnel. Verify that the main disconnect switch or circuit breaker can’t be moved to the on position. Press all start buttons and other activating controls on the equipment itself and return controls to the off position when the testing is complete.

42 Removal of Lockout Ensure equipment is safe to operate
Safeguard all employees Remove lockout/tagout devices. Except in emergencies, each device must be removed by the person who put it on. Last person to take off lock Follow checklist

43 Temporarily Reactivating Equipment
Remove unnecessary tools from the work area and make sure everyone is clear of the equipment Remove lockout/tagout devices and re-energize the system As soon as the energy is no longer needed, isolate the equipment and re-apply lockout/tagout, using safety procedures.

A. Inspection – - Make certain the work is completed and inventory tools and equipment used. B. Clean-up - - Remove all towels, rags, work-aids, etc. C. Replace guards - - Replace all guards possible. Sometimes a particular guard may have to be left off until the start sequence is over due to possible adjustments, however, all other guards should be put back into place. D. Check controls - - All controls should be in their safest position. E. The work area shall be checked to ensure that all employees have been safely positioned or removed and notified that the lockout/tagout devices are being removed. F. Remove locks/tags - - Remove only your lock or tag.

45 Special Situations Servicing lasts longer than one shift.
Contractors are performing service or maintenance at your workplace Worker who applied lock is not available

46 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Shift Changes
If servicing lasts more than one shift, lockout/tagout protection must not be interrupted. When the employee who applied device is not there to remove it, it can be removed only in an emergency and only under the direction of the supervisor.

47 Perform LOTO Safely Follow company safety procedures for LOTO
Refer to procedures on how to lock out specific equipment Keep everyone informed when equipment is repaired or serviced Stay alert Use common sense

48 Tidbits of Info. Never attempt lockout/tagout procedures unless you have been trained and certified by your employer under an approved Energy Control Program. Never loan or share your lock, combination, or key with anybody else.

49 Tidbits of Info. cont. Always be sure all lockout/tagout devices are compatible with the environment in which they will be used i.e. corrosive, humid, etc.

50 Any Questions?

51 Lockout/Tagout Quiz 1. The LOTO standard is designed to block the flow of energy to a piece of equipment. True or False 2. Types of LOTO devices include ___________________________ 3. It is not required that a company have written procedures for proper lockout/tagout. True or False

52 Lockout/Tagout Quiz 4. An authorized employee is one who _______ or________ the equipment. 5. If a safety device is removed from a piece of equipment, LOTO is not required True or False 6. Typical energy sources found on equipment include __________________________

53 Lockout/Tagout Quiz 7. Affected employees are those who operate or work around a piece of equipment True or False 8. As long as an employee has had training on LOTO, the employer or company has no additional responsibilities under True or False

54 Lockout/Tagout Quiz 9. Training for authorized employees must be conducted ________________and at least ______________________ 10. Locks should always stay on the equipment during a shift change. True or False

55 Lockout/Tagout Quiz You may remove a lock or tag applied by someone else? True or False

56 Lockout/Tagout Quiz Answers
1. True. It should block the flow of energy and provide a means of warning. 2. Types of LOTO devices include locks, blocks, chains, hasps, wheel valve covers, and ball valve covers. 3. False. If lockout is required, a company must have a written program and procedures.

57 Lockout/Tagout Quiz Answers
4. An authorized employee is one who services or maintains the equipment. 5. False. LOTO is required when a safety device is removed; an employee is in harm’s way, or when employees are exposed to hazardous energy. 6. Typical energy sources include hydraulics, pneumatics, steam, thermal, chemical, electricity, and gravity.

58 Lockout/Tagout Quiz Answers
7. True. Affected employees are those who operate or work around the equipment. 8. False. Training is just one of the responsibilities of a company.

59 Lockout/Tagout Quiz Answers
9. Training for authorized employees must be conducted initially and at least annually. 10. False. Locks should be removed during shift change and the shift coming on duty should place their locks on the equipment.

60 Lockout/Tagout Quiz Answers
11 FALSE. You may NOT remove a lock or tag applied by someone else. (some companies require removal of locks and tags at the end of each shift with replacement locks and tags applied by oncoming employees)

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