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Peninsula Worklink NEW CUSTOMER ORIENTATION (Sentara Incumbent Worker Pilot Applicants Only) Proud Partner:

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Presentation on theme: "Peninsula Worklink NEW CUSTOMER ORIENTATION (Sentara Incumbent Worker Pilot Applicants Only) Proud Partner:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peninsula Worklink NEW CUSTOMER ORIENTATION (Sentara Incumbent Worker Pilot Applicants Only) Proud Partner:

2 Assistive Technology to complete this Orientation is available at our One Stop Career Centers Peninsula Worklink 600 Butler Farm Road, Room 1015 Hampton, VA 23666 757-766-4900 Peninsula Worklink Williamsburg Crossing Shopping Center 5235 John Tyler Highway Williamsburg, VA 23185 757-253-4957 A PROGRAM OF

3 Who does Peninsula Worklink serve? Peninsula Worklink serves career seekers on the Greater Peninsula Priority is given to residents of: - Hampton -Newport News -Poquoson -Williamsburg -Gloucester County -James City County -York County Peninsula Worklink, Hampton Peninsula Worklink, Williamsburg

4 What services are offered? open to public computer lab workshops telephone bank career assessment testing resource materials job postings access to general office equipment access to Virginia Workforce Center Peninsula Worklink offers the following services at the Career Resource Center:

5 The Objective of Peninsula Worklink To assist customers with retaining or obtaining full-time employment To assist employers in finding qualified and skilled workers to fill their vacancies Peninsula Worklink is the local provider of employment and training services that are federally funded under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) (Public Law 105-220--Aug. 7, 1998) Peninsula Worklink is focused on meeting the needs of both job seekers and employers Peninsula Worklink currently administers programs serving: -Dislocated Workers -Disadvantaged, Unemployed or Under-Employed Adults -Incumbent Workers THE WORK FIRST APPROACH

6 DISLOCATED WORKER PROGRAM Four Categories: CRITERIA - A An individual who has been terminated or laid-off or received a notice of termination of employment Is eligible for or has exhausted their entitlement to unemployment compensation Is unlikely to return to previous industry or occupation CRITERIA - B Has been terminated or received notice of termination of employment as a result of a permanent closure or a substantial layoff at a facility CRITERIA - C Formerly self employed and unemployed due to general economic conditions CRITERIA - D Displaced homemaker

7 ADULT PROGRAM Priority given to low income/public assistance recipients and individuals with other recognized barriers to employment Unemployed Underemployed Current recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (and other public cash payment programs) are automatically eligible. Registration Criteria for Adults:

8 INCUMBENT WORKER PROGRAM Pilot program intended to serve as a lay-off aversion strategy Targets employees of eligible businesses, who are at-risk of lay-off due to changing workplace/industry requirements Registration Criteria:

9 WIA provides the following three-tiered service levels to customers as applicable: Core, Intensive Services and Training SELF-DIRECTED CORE SERVICES No registration required to utilize core services which is open to the public Self-directed job search Use of resource library and computer lab Attendance to various workshops

10 INTENSIVE SERVICES MUST HAVE MET WITH AN ASSIGNED CAREER DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST ONE - ON - ONE Full registration required Priority determination (serving most in need) Comprehensive and specialized assessment (as determined by Career Development Specialist) Career Planning Individualized service strategy On-going case management and support

11 TRAINING SERVICES Training must be approved and recommended by Career Development Specialist as well as approved by the One Stop Manager Occupational skills training On-the-Job training Other customized training solutions

12 ADULT TRAINING SERVICES POLICIES Individual skills analysis Labor market analysis Time limit (must complete training in 24 months) Training services approval based on… - individual assessments - suitability - available funding - market needs WIA Incumbent Worker funded services - tuition - books - fees Structured curriculum leading to industry-recognized certifications and credentials

13 CUSTOMERS MUST REVIEW THE APPROVED VENDOR LIST Vocational and academic training All vendors are approved by the Peninsula Council for Workforce Development Students are responsible for reviewing available options and selecting vendor best suited to meet their approved training needs

14 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Abiding by customer responsibilities maximizes student success Failure to comply can result in your dismissal from the program Customer responsibilities include:

15 INCOME MAINTENANCE EMPLOYMENT STATUS will allow individuals to work while training... Temporary or permanent part-time Full-time temporary/contract Must not be with the company from which you were dislocated Position must be reported to Career Development Specialist Upon completion of training, your immediate goal must be to obtain full time employment in a training-related career pathway

16 OTHER NON-WIA FUNDED SERVICES AVAILABLE AT THE PENINSULA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER Virginia Employment Commission Thomas Nelson Community College Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services New Horizons Regional Education Centers Small Business Development Center Testing Centers - Assessment and Certification Testing -Work Keys Assessment -Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment

17 WIA PROGRAM APPLICATION PROCEDURES The following steps are required to enroll and receive Workforce Investment Act services: 1.Complete on-line orientation 2.Meet with Career Development Specialist for initial assessment review 3.Complete eligibility determination

18 DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ? If so, please call either: - Tecia Cogdell 757-766-4906 - Linda Cullinan 757-766-4916 If you do not have any questions and you would like to apply for the Incumbent Worker training program, please print this last page, date and bring a signed copy with you to your first meeting with either Tecia Cogdell, Career Development Specialist or Linda Cullinan, Career Development Specialist. I have reviewed Peninsula Worklink’s New Customer On-Line Orientation, read each text box, and fully understand the Workforce Investment Act process. Signature: _________________________________ Date:________________________ Print Name:________________________________

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