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Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator Office of the Comptroller.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator Office of the Comptroller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator Office of the Comptroller

2 CONTINUING EMPLOYEES- WHAT TO ENTER IN KBC FOR INCUMBENTS How to enter KBC salary data for Current Employees

3 Incumbents Defined Incumbents are employees who are active and currently assigned to positions in Workday. Incumbents need to be loaded from KBC into Workday with the new comp plan rates of pay and dates. All positions with incumbents in KBC must be either fully funded, vacated, or marked as included in pooled funding. Do not skip a position with an active incumbent unless it is a student position.

4 Basic Changes The changes to incumbents who are in the same positions are minimal in most cases: – Change pay rate – Change cost allocation, if needed Once KBC is in final status, with everything closed and balanced, KBC will send back the updated incumbent data to Workday. HR will determine if Workday needs to generate an approval request. After the load compensation plan and cost allocation with new pay rates will be ready in WD for the new fiscal year.

5 Update all Incumbents All incumbents should be budgeted in the salary setting in KBC if they are continuing with their current position. To continue a compensation plan with only a new pay rate, watch the start date and make sure it is set correctly. – If the current comp plan ends at fiscal year end, the new comp plan should start at the beginning of the new fiscal year. – Base pay comp plans for staff should start with the new fiscal year or the next pay period. – Academic enabled pay comp plans ending at fiscal year end should start at the beginning of the new fiscal year.

6 Student Workers Most student workers will not have their salary setting information entered in KBC because they are updated directly in Workday when needed. For most student budgets, enter the budget in the GL only, because positions are not required unless there are fringe benefits charges. If budgeting for student comp plans where fringe benefits are charged, include the budget in a wage pool to be sure you have fringes budgeted in addition to the wages.

7 Incumbents - Pooled Many part-time faculty may be showing as active in positions in KBC, but you are not yet prepared to complete their new semester work assignments. If they do have an active position assignment, mark the funding to include in pooled position so that we know you have not just missed them entirely. Tracking the pooled positions this way helps in verifying the data loaded into Workday. Update the work assignments in Workday directly when ready.

8 Future terminations If the incumbent will be terminated from the position in Workday, but is appearing as active and loaded into the position in KBC, you must replace the empl ID field with the word VACANT and click on the VACATE button on the funding line. You can then – – Budget the position as a vacant position with funding – OR leave the position as vacant with no funding and then add the funding to one of your pooled positions. – Termination must still be processed in Workday. – No continued comp plan will be loaded to Workday from KBC for a vacant position.

9 Employee on Leave Part-time faculty not being actively paid – May be on furlough, or leave, in Workday – OR may still be showing as active and assigned to a position in Workday If the employee is active and assigned to the position you can enter the funding for that position in KBC and it will be sent to Workday. Check for the position number in the position pick list if you cannot locate the person in the incumbent pick list. If the person is on leave but will be returning, include the funding in a pooled position if you cannot update the current position. Be sure to set them up in Workday upon their return.

10 Incumbent Salary When you use the incumbent pick list to access the salary setting screen, the layout of the fields is slightly different from the position salary setting screen.

11 Incumbent Pick List Incumbent is defined as the employee who currently fills the position. The following fields are included in the incumbent pick list. Emplid – Employee ID from Workday Financial Object Code – the Object code associated with the comp plans Person Name – The name of the incumbent/employee Employee type – Worker type, i.e. staff, faculty, student, etc.

12 Can’t find Incumbent? If you search for your incumbent using the person name in the incumbent pick list and cannot find the employee…. – The accounts used in the pay lines and the position do not map to or belong to the same org code. – You did not fund the incumbent during the pay periods loaded into KBC. – The person name you have entered is different from what is showing in Workday. – Incumbent is a new hire. Check the position pick list and search for the person by name, or change the org code and search the incumbent pick list.

13 Removing Incumbent If you have an incumbent that will not be associated with your position next year and has not been removed in Workday already, you can end the incumbent funding by VACATING the position. You can add funding to that same position with the empl ID showing as Vacant. Or you can add funding to a pooled position.

14 Incumbent Screen The position demographics that you saw in the first tab of the position salary setting layout is now gone, because you are viewing everything from the view of the incumbent rather than the position. You will see only the employee ID and name on the incumbent tab. Incumbent Funding tab: – All of the funding lines are the same, with the exception that you add the POSITION to the incumbent funding line. – Each funding line will contain the position information that you saw on the first tab in the position salary setting screen, such as base rate, hours, job code, FTE, etc. – From this view you would be able to see if the incumbent is assigned to more than one position, which is rare.

15 CONTINUING FACULTY – INCUMBENTS Faculty Positions with Incumbents

16 Continuing Faculty May have current comp plans ending at the end of the semester or at the end of the fiscal year, or both. Your end date of the current comp plan and the start date of the same comp plan with the new pay rate should not overlap and should not leave a gap unless the incumbent is not working during that time. Comp plan dates should follow the faculty contract and the Workday guidelines.

17 Returning Faculty Faculty who are not currently in a teaching assignment may be on leave status in Workday. If you wish to budget for their return, you cannot budget the incumbent if they are on leave currently, but you can budget the position as a VACANT position. If they are currently in a teaching assignment which will end and they will go on leave, you can also budget the position as VACANT. You may also vacate the position and add the budget instead to one of your pooled positions.

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