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Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2017/4/21 PHITS - Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System Lembit Sihver Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA Texas A&M University, TX, USA Roanoke College, VA, USA Practical Physics Solutions, LLC, TX, USA Medical College of Soochow University, Suzhou, China Nuclear Power/Accelerators Heavy Ion Therapy Space Dosimetry Treatment Planning System Dose in the atmosphere, ISS and deep space Design of Shielding
Main Research Areas Fuel and Control Rod Integrity Management for LWR
Nuclear Science and Engineering Research Group Main Research Areas Fuel and Control Rod Integrity Management for LWR Reactions & transport of ionizing particles Radiation therapy Shielding calculations Dosimetry in space Dose estimations at aviation altitudes Development of particle & heavy ion transport codes 2017/4/21
Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS
Development Dr. Niita of RIST (Japan) JAEA (Japan), KEK (Japan), Chalmers Univ. Tech. (Sweden) Capability Transport and collision of “all” particles with wide energy range in 3D phase space with magnetic field & gravity neutron, proton, meson, baryon electron photon, nucleus from thermal up to ~ 200 GeV/u Application Fields PHITS represents Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System. Its development is led by Dr. Niita of RIST, Japan, under collaboration with JAEA, our institute, KEK and Chalmers university of technology. PHITS can treat the transport in 3D phase space with magnetic field & gravity and collision of all particles, neutron proton, meson, baryon, electron, photon and nucleus, with wide energy range, up to 200 GeV. And, its application fields are accelerator design, radiation therapy as well as space application. Accelerator Design Radiation Therapy Space Application Chalmers
The best with PHITS is Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System
JAEA & RIST (same site) Chalmers University of Technology KEK Very Nice and Friendly Developers!! Capability Transport and collision of “all” particles with wide energy range in 3D phase space with magnetic field & gravity neutron, proton, meson, baryon electron, photon, nucleus from thermal up to ~ 200 GeV/u Koji Norihiro Yosuke Hiroshi Tatsuhiko Hiroshi Yukio Lembit Niita Matsuda Iwamoto Iwase Sato Nakashima Sakamoto Sihver
User Interfaces of PHITS
Input file Free format with user defined variables and formula You do not have to change the source files of PHITS ! Geometry GG or CG 2D and 3D viewers (ANGEL) SimpleGEO* Tally functions 2D viewer 3D viewer SimpleGEO Track length, Heat, Yield, DPA, Production, LET distribution etc. Output Data To execute the PHITS, you must make an input file of PHITS for specifying the calculation conditions such as geometry, tally functions and output data format. You can write the input file in free format with user defined variables and formula, and you do not have to change the source files of PHITS. The geometry in PHITS must be described by GG or CG format, and you can easily check the geometry using 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional viewers implemented in PHITS, named ANGEL. You can also use SimpleGEO to construct PHITS geometry, which is a GUI-based software original developed for making FLUKA geometry. Many tally functions such as track length, heat, yield, DPA, production and LET have been included in PHITS, and output data are text data, graphs and contour maps. The platforms on which you can execute PHITS are for executing PHITS are Windows and Linux Text data, histograms, contour maps Platforms Windows (JAVA application) and Linux (Console) * GUI-based software originally for FLUKA,
Map of Models Used in PHITS
Neutron Other hadrons (proton, p etc.) Nucleus Muon Electron Positron Photon 200 GeV Ionization SPAR or ATIMA 100 GeV/n 100 GeV FUTURE PLAN EGS5 and high-energy photo-nuclear reaction model Intra-Nuclear Cascade model: JAM (or Bertini, JQMD) + Evaporation & Fission: GEM Quantum Molecular Dynamics: JQMD + Evaporation GEM Photo-atomic data library 1 GeV Electro-atomic data library (option) Low ← Energy → High 20 MeV 20 MeV Nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 10 MeV/n Photo-nuclear 1 MeV 1 keV 1 keV 1 keV Microdosimetric function 10-4 eV Event generator mode: determine all the ejectiles emitted from neutron interactions event by event
Shielding of all Beam Lines at J-PARC
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex Nuclear and Particle Physics Experimental Facility Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Nuclear Transmutation Neutrino to Kamiokande 50 GeV Synchrotron (0.75 MW) PHITS was originally developed for shielding design of J-PARC, Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, constructed under joint project of JAEA and KEK. It consists of linac, 3 GeV synchrotron, 50 GeV synchrotron together with various experimental facilities such as material and life science facility using 3 GeV spallation neutron source, and nuclear and particle physics facility using 50 GeV protons. Linac(350m) 3 GeV Synchrotron (25 Hz, 1MW) Constructed under joint project of JAEA and KEK in Tokai-mura
Shielding Design around Neutron Beam Line
1MW Spallation Target Station Heat distribution calculated by PHITS 32 neutron beam lines in material and life science facility This slide shows an example of shielding design around neutron beam line. In material and life science facility, 23 neutron beam lines were constructed from the 1MW spallation target station that I showed in the previous slide, and shielding design around these neutron beam lines were done by using PHITS. This is an example of heat distribution calculated by PHITS. For this calculation, we made a source generation program specialized for shielding design of such long beam lines, named “duct source option”, and using the option, the weight of each source particle is automatically adjusted to obtain good statistics within reasonable computational time in whole area, including the downstream of the beam line. Duct source option Source generation program specialized for shielding design of long beam lines “Weight” of each source particle is automatically adjusted obtain good statistics within reasonable computational time in whole area
Shielding Design around Spallation Target
Proton window Neutron window Moderators Hg target Fe reflector Be reflector t = 0 nsec t = 4 nsec t = 2 nsec t = nsec t = 100 nsec t = 10 nsec Energy Deposition Proton Moderators Hg target This slide shows an example of shielding design around spallation neutron target in J-PARC, using the PHITS code. This picture shows the geometry around the mercury target depicted by PHITS For the accelerator shielding design, estimation of the heat around the target is very important, and this animation shows how the heat is distributing around the target as a function of time, and PHITS can calculate the distribution well. Estimation of Heat around target Geometry around Hg target M. Harada et al. J. Nucl. Material 343, 197 (2005)
What can Sihver contribute with for the ESS project WP#3 and 11
2017/4/21 What can Sihver contribute with for the ESS project WP#3 and 11 Nearly 30 years of experiences with nuclear chemistry, nuclear physics, material science and various applications of these sciences. Long experience of gamma spectroscopy, heavy ion experiments, gamma spectroscopic analysis of accelerator based fragmentation experiments, and development of gamma spectroscopic measurements systems. PhD thesis at the department of neutron research, Uppsala University. 20 years of experiences of development, improvements and benchmarking of deterministic and Monte Carlo particle and heavy ion transport codes. A extremely wide network and collaborations with Japanese scientists at JAEA, NIRS, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda University., JAXA, RIKEN, etc. A passionate interest for the construction of ESS and all possible experiments which can be performed at ESS.
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