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We value family »Provide for them »Educate children »Help their souls?

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Presentation on theme: "We value family »Provide for them »Educate children »Help their souls?"— Presentation transcript:


2 We value family »Provide for them »Educate children »Help their souls?

3 The Lord must be at the center of our life, Psa. 127:1 »Closeness »Stability »Hope of heaven


5 World has a loose view (Merriam-Webster) »Individuals living under one roof »Group with common ancestry »Group united by convictions »Basic unit of society…two parents…

6 Distinct Bible definition, Gen. 2:18-24 »Positively ∙One man ∙One woman ∙Maybe Children, Gen. 1:26, 27; 11:29, 30

7 Distinct Bible definition, Gen. 2:18-24 »Negatively ∙Not two men ∙Not two women ∙Not two unmarried people

8 Satan is undermining the family, Eph. 6:12 »Govt. & school increased authority, Acts 5:29 »Ease of divorce & remarriage, Mt. 19:9 »Pornography, Gal. 5:19 »Materialism, 1 Tim. 6:10 »Entertainment, Phil. 4:8

9 Satan is undermining the family, Eph. 6:12 »Religious compromise ∙Acceptance of divorce, Mal. 2:16 ∙Acceptance of fornication, 1 Cor. 6:18 ∙Operation of day-care centers, Titus 2:4, 5

10 Homes are deteriorating »In society, Rom. 1:28-31 ∙Children murdered ∙Parents murdered ∙Divorce rate ∙Juvenile crimes

11 Homes are deteriorating »In the church, 2 Tim. 3:1-5 ∙Divorce increase ∙Children falling away ∙Parents falling away ∙Young people dating the wrong people ∙Young people going to college, not church

12 God’s word gives examples »Abraham, Gen. 18:19 »Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:28 »Zacharias & Elizabeth, Lk. 1:5, 6

13 God’s word gives answers, 2 Pt. 1:3 »Husbands & wives, Col. 3:18, 19 »Parents & children, Col. 3:20, 21

14 We value family »Provide for them »Educate children »Help their souls?

15 The Lord must be at the center of our life, Psa. 127:1 »Closeness »Stability »Hope of heaven

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