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Mats Lindroos and John Weisend II April 22, 2015
Overview The Accelerator at ESS Accelerator division Staff plan
Project organization CCB levels and governance structure Tools High level schedule Risk analyses
Accelerator Technical performances
Key parameters: -2.86 ms pulses -2 GeV -62.5 mA peak -14 Hz -Protons (H+) -Low losses -Minimize energy use -Flexible design for mitigation and future upgrades Design Drivers: High Average Beam Power 5 MW High Peak Beam Power 125 MW High Availability > 95% Spokes Medium β High β DTL MEBT RFQ LEBT Source HEBT & Contingency Target 2.4 m 4.6 m 3.8 m 39 m 56 m 77 m 179 m 75 keV 3.6 MeV 90 MeV 216 MeV 571 MeV 2000 MeV MHz MHz The scope contingency for the accelerator project consists of the RF sources and installation costs (after 2019) for the high beta-part of the linac The fully equipped cryomdoule for the high-beta linac are IK contributions and are not part of the scope contingency. The infrastructures needed for the construction of these are only available during ESS construction.
Accelerator Selected technologies
PARTNERS ESS AD In-kind ATOMKI CEA CNRS Cockcroft Inst Daresbury Lab Elettra ESS-Bilbao GSI Huddersfield Univ IFJ PAN INFN Catania INFN Legnaro INFN Milan NCBJ RAL RHUL Tallinn UT TU Lodz Univ Oslo Warsaw UT Wroclaw UT Explain in-kind and bilateral agreements for pre-construction phase which now are being transformed into in-kind contracts for construction Paid contracts Aarhus Univ DESY Lund Univ PSI Uppsala Univ
Accelerator Division Mats Lindroos Head of Division
BEAM PHYSICS Håkan Danared – GL Mohammad Eshraqi – Deputy GL Renato De Prisco Ryoichi Miyamoto Marc Munoz Christine Darve Yngve Levinsen SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL SERVICES John Weisend II – GL Wolfgang Hees - Deputy GL Frithiof Jensen Anton Lundmark Evangelia Vaena Matthew Conlon Georg Hulla Gunilla Jacobsson Walter Wittmer CRYOGENICS SECTION Philipp Arnold – SL Xilong Wang Jaroslaw Fydrych John Jurns Xiaotao Su (50%) Ali Farsian VACUUM SECTION Peter Ladd – SL Marcelo Juni Ferreira Hilko Spoelstra Giobatta Lanfranco Simone Maria Scolari (fr 18 May) RF Anders Sunesson – GL Morten Jensen - Deputy GL Rihua Zeng Rafael Montano RF SOURCES SECTION Morten Jensen – SL Chiara Marrelli Rutambhara Yogi Stevo Calic Solid State source Engineer RF Engineer RF Technician POWER CONVERTERS SECTION Carlos de Almeida Martins – SL Göran Göransson Electromechanical Technical Engineer BEAM INSTRUMENTATION (incl. Safety 3p) Andreas Jansson – GL Thomas Shea - Deputy GL Benjamin Cheymol Irena Dolenc Kittelmann Hooman Hassanzadegan Cyrille Thomas Hinko Kocevar Maurizio Donna Viatcheslav Grishin Michal Jarosz (oPAC) Charlotte Roose (oPAC) Lali Tchelidze Luigi Esposito (temp) Duy Phan Beam Diagnostics Engineer Scientist INTEGRATION David McGinnis - GL Stephen Molloy – Deputy GL Eugene Tanke Nikolaos Gazis Håkan Danared – Deputy Head of Division John Weisend II – Deputy Head of Acc Projects David McGinnis – Chief Engineer Lali Tchelidze – Safety Steve Peggs (C) Caroline Prabert - Personal Assistant Gunilla Jacobsson - Divisional Planning A. Solveig Aas - Team Assistant ENGINEERING SECTION Stephen Molloy – SL Aurélien Ponton Enric Bargalló Edgar Sargsyan Inigo Alonso Lead Engineer 58 employees ( ) Finalized & ongoing recruitments in orange G.Jacobsson
Accelerator Staff Plan at ESS
Accelerator Division Staff per Group
Number of Accelerator Division employees at the end of each year.
Accelerator Division Staff per Category
Number of Accelerator Division employees and Operators at the end of each year.
Accelerator Staff Plan
Accelerator Project organization
WP# WP TITLE WP LEADER EXT. WP? DEPUTY WP LEADERs FOR EXTERNAL WPs WP01 MANAGEMENT J.G. WEISEND II NO WP02 ACCELERATOR PHYSICS M. ESHRAQI WP03 NORMAL CONDUCTING FRONT END S. GAMMINO YES W.WINTER WP04 SPOKE CRYOMODULES S. BOUSSON C. DARVE WP05 ELLIPTICAL CRYOMODULES P. BOSLAND WP06 BEAM DELIVERY SYSTEMS S. MØLLER P. LADD WP07 BEAM DIAGNOSTICS A. JANSSON WP08 RF SYSTEMS A. SUNESSON MIX WP99 ACCEL INFRASTRUCTURE & INSTALLATION D. MCGINNIS WP10 TEST STANDS W. HEES WP11 CRYOGENICS P. ARNOLD WP12 VACUUM WP13 SAFETY L. TCHELIDZE WP14 ACCELERATOR INTEGRATION S. MOLLOY WP15 ELECTRICAL SUPPORT F. JENSEN WP16 COOLING SUPPORT A. LUNDMARK WP17 POWER CONVERTERS C. MARTINS Collaboration Board: ESS Technical Director Project leader Representatives of all contracted institutes (one elected as chair) Quarterly Technical Board: Weekly ESS management team All WP leaders and deputies Representatives of all contracted institutes if not already a WP leader Weekly ESS management team: Mats Lindroos, Project leader John Weisend, Deputy project leader David McGinnis, Chief engineer Håkan Danared, In-kind manager Lali Tchelidze, Safety including radiation safety Anders Sunesson, RF systems Luisella Lari, Head planner Andreas Jansson, Beam instrumentation Matthew Conlon, QA/QC
Control Change Boards (CCB) & control flow for Accelerator
ESS governance status report at meeting, ACCSYS Control Log ACCSYS TB Collaboration board CCB-C reports delegates, approves ACCSYS Project Leader via EPG and through CEO Quarterly 1-2/year via ACCSYS (deputy) Project leader ESS Board / STC CCB-A via CEO CEO / ESS CCB CCB-B via ACCSYS (deputy) Project Leader ACCSYS Mngt Team CCB-C’ weekly minutes, actions & ACCSYS Control Log
Accelerator Mgt SW tools
EXONAUT (see John Weisend)
Accelerator cost per WP
Total budget: 510 M€
Accelerator Budget Profile
Total budget: 510 M€
Accelerator Budget Profile
Cost variance mainly due to late invoices
EVM Graph 2013 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 Cost variance mainly due to late invoices
EVM Graph - Comments Schedule variance = Earned Value – Planned Value
Behind Schedule Schedule variance = Earned Value – Planned Value The schedule variance (-2.8 Million Euro) is mainly due to: -1.5 M€ New Vacuum plan not still in place in P6 (WP12) -1.3 M€ Delay of ACCP contract signature ~1 week due to continued contractual fine tuning (Cryo WP11) This has no impact on the final delivery date or on the beam delivery milestone
EVM Graph - Comments Cost Variance = Earned Value – Actual Value
Under Budget Cost Variance = Earned Value – Actual Value The cost variance (+0.7 Million Euro) is mainly due to: +0.7 M€ Effect of re-plan in January of the whole Beam Instr. WP (BI WP07) +0.1 M€ Delay in payment to CNRS (Spoke WP04) +0.3 M€ Effect of re-plan (NC linac WP03) +0.5 M€ Delay in payment to CEA (Elliptical WP05) -0.5 M€ Effect of some re-plan on-going (RF WP08) -0.3 M€ Uppsala University Invoice Q4 2014, coming in 2015 (Test stand WP10) -0.1 M€ Some discrepancies due to invoices for on-going 2014 contract booked on the old PCC i.e. WP8 at the place of WP17 (Power Converters WP created on Sept 2014) Some other little fluctuations in all the WPs (mainly to salaries)
High Level Master Schedule
There are many “close critical path” in the project, notably RFQ, DTL, Cryomodules and RF systems
Critical Path - Accelerator
Permits Licensing ConvF ConvF RF – Klystron Prototyping for Test Stand 2 & Medium Beta HPA AccSys Fabrication of Medium Beta CM MB transport to Lund Lund Test Stand 2 – Medium Beta Cryomodule series testing Medium Beta Cryomodule Installation MB Comm. Early Access G04 Cryo-Compressor Bldg (Conventional power 220V&400V) Accsys ready for 570 MeV bean On Target HB inst. & Comm. Jun 2014 Sep 2016 Jun 2019 Sep 2022 First installations on-site (Accsys) Machine* – Ready for first beam on Target Ground break 20
Critical Path - Accelerator
Accelerator Risks ACCSYS is currently tracking 182 risks including many detailed technical ones Most of these risks have treatment plans (the remaining ones are being developed) The nature of these risks is that most exist throughout the length of the project The Exonaut Risk software and database works well Our ability to accurately estimate the costs of the risks is limited
Accelerator Risks The likelihood of a few risks has been reduced since the 2013 Review due to experience to date. These include: Lack of appropriate design and Product Data Management (PDM) tools’. This previously high-ranking risk has been re-assessed. Probability of this occurrence reduced significantly due to visit by D. Ferguson and due to resulting Lab-wide review of tools by a committee which made recommendations on improvements. This may be reassessed once the lab working group finishes implementing the recommendations (Q2 2015) ‘Political and financial considerations overrule technical considerations for IKC assignments.’ Reduced probability of occurrence due to positive experiences of the last 12 months. An example of a retired risk is: ‘Decisions not made in time’ Risk retired due to ongoing experience with ACCSYS decision process. Mechanisms exist for decisions being made in a timely manner The fixed price for the ACCP (coming in under budget) helps reduce the cost risk to the project)
Accelerator Top Risks The top 5 risks for ACCSYS are:
Unidentified design faults cause failure during production Suppliers do not meet scope and schedule requirements In-kind contributors do not meet scope & schedule requirements Inability to deal with on-site adjustments to components Electrical machinery not powered down during maintenance (safety risk) Treatment plans (including design reviews, close communication with IKCs and suppliers, development of onsite installation and adjustment capabilities) are underway. The last risk will be dealt with via a site wide lockout/tagout procedure. In reality, the biggest single risk for success (this risk is held at the ESS level) remains retention of staff – Hiring has generally gone quite well, the real challenge is to avoid burn out
Next Six Months Hardware testing facility in Lund operational
Technical verification program full launched Audits and Reviews Integration and coordination of accelerator project Review of all Level 4 requirements Finalize IK contracts Continue recruitment of staff to AD Continue project work according to plan
Accelerator Summary The accelerator project is in a phase of intense prototyping and reviewing and will soon see most major systems in construction Large part of prototyping and design done by in-kind partners Essential to get in-kind contracts agreed and signed in 2015 to permit construction of all systems to start in earnest Work on (parts of the) RF design, modulators, beam instrumentation and cryogenic design done in Lund Coordination, integration and verification represent a major part of the work done today by the accelerator division at ESS in Lund The accelerator division is recruiting according to plan and will be 2018 have 110 staff with some 40 being technicians The project schedule has many close critical paths which makes it sensitive to delays, even in activities which not necessarily are being seen as critical A testing facility which presently is the home of he reduced scal modulator prototype exists and will be further extended in the coming years The goal is to build and train the accelerator division so that it can assume full responsibility for operation and maintenance of the accelerator systems in 2019
Extra slides
Staff Planning 2015-2019 – Growth per Group
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth Accelerator Division 52 70 84 109 110 58 Divisional 4 Beam Instrumentation 10 14 16 19 9 Spec. Technical Services 15 20 26 37 22 Beam Physics 7 2 RF 13 30 31 Integration 3 Number of Accelerator Division employees at the end of each year actuals, in blue.
Staff Planning 2015-2019 – Growth per Category
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth Accelerator Division 52 70 84 109 110 58 Management 6 Scientists 14 16 2 Engineers 29 42 43 Technicians 3 41 Admin Number of Accelerator Division employees at the end of each year actuals, in blue.
Staff Planning 2015-2019 – Recruitments of Technicians
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Accelerator Division 3 13 25 1 42 Divisional - Beam Instrumentation 2 5 Spec. Technical Services 11 17 Beam Physics RF 6 20 Integration
Staff Planning 2015 – Recruitments Overview (per group)
Totally 18 recruitments: Safety Engineer: Duy Phan Beam Instrumentation BD Engineer, Electronics (Analog) 2015-Q2 Scientist ('replace Christian') 2015-Q3 BD Engineer Cryogenics Engineer (50%): Xiaotao Su STS / Cryogenics Mechanical Engineer: Ali Farsian Senior Engineer: Walter Wittmer STS Vacuum Systems Eng: Simone M Scolari STS / Vacuum Vacuum Technician PhD in Acc Physics Beam Physics Scientist ('replace Edgar') Electromech. Technical Engineer RF / Power Converters 2015-Q2/Q3 RF Technician RF Sources RF Engineer Solid State source engineer Lead Engineer: Inigo Alonso Integration / Engineering Lead Engineer Recruitments not included above: Luigi Esposito, MC Calculations Expert, temp. employed — Replacement of Slava Grishin (ca 2015-Q4).
Staff Planning 2015 – Recruitments Status (2015-04-01)
Finalized recruitments (6): Inigo Alonso, Lead Engineer Integration / Engineering Xiaotao Su, Cryogenics Engineer (50%) STS / Cryogenics Ali Farsian, Mechanical Engineer Duy Phan, Safety Engineer Beam Instrumentation Walter Wittmer, Senior Engineer STS Simone Maria Scolari, Vacuum Systems Engineer STS / Vacuum Ongoing recruitments (7): BD Engineer, Electronics (Analog) 2015-Q2 PhD in Acc Physics Beam Physics Lead Engineer 2015-Q3 Electromech. Technical Engineer RF / Power Converters 2015-Q2/Q3 RF Technician RF Sources RF Engineer Solid State source Engineer Planned recruitments (5): Vacuum Technician Scientist ('replace Christian') BD Engineer Scientist ('replace Edgar') Recruitments not included above: Luigi Esposito, MC Calculations Expert, temp. employed — Replacement of Slava Grishin (ca 2015-Q4).
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