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Cardiac Rehabilitation Presented By: Dr. Ramesh Tharwani Consultant Cardiologist Choithram Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiac Rehabilitation Presented By: Dr. Ramesh Tharwani Consultant Cardiologist Choithram Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiac Rehabilitation Presented By: Dr. Ramesh Tharwani Consultant Cardiologist Choithram Hospital

2 “Integrated Treatment to regain physical function, promoting emotional adjustment, secondary prevention of cardiac events and lead active life.”

3 Target Patient Groups Following Myocardial Infarct Post PTCA/CABG Chronic Stable Angina Congestive Heart Failure Pacemaker/Valve surgery

4 Coronary artery bypass surgery

5 Coronary Intervention

6 Long Term Mortality Benefits

7 GOALS Daily Activities  Active lifestyle Emotional/Psychological adjustment Diet/Exercise Sexual Activity Risk Factor Reduction Smoking cessation

8 Assessment SYMPTOMS : Chest Pain, SOB, Palpitations EXAMINATION : CHF, Wound, Concurrent Illness, Musculo-Skeletal disease, Emotional Status(Anxiety/Depression) DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES : Lipid Profile, Hb A1C, PFT ECG before exercise/Telemetry STRESS TEST : Sub maximal modified NAUGHTON’S > 5-7 METS > 80-85% THR

9 ERGOMETER : Knee/Lower limb problems, Neuro/Ortho Limitation ECHO : LV functions, RWMA STRESS THALLIUM : Viable Myocardium Useful in patients with abnormal ECG’s like LBBB, WPW VO 2 Max with Stress Test to differentiate between Cardiac and Pulmonary dyspnoea.

10 Initial Phase Risk Factor Reduction : Optimal Medical Management Avoid Increase/Decrease BP, No Angina on daily activities Smoking Cessation : Psycho Counseling + Drugs (Buprobion HCL, Nicotine Patch) Diet Advice : Low Cholesterol, Less than 30% calories from fats Decrease Emotional Stress : Relaxation Techniques, YOGA

11 Initial Phase contd.. Sexual Activities : 3-5 METS, 2 flight stair Test Return to Work/ Recreational Activities : > 3-5 METS Self Care/Daily activities > 5-7 METS Sedentary Work (Table Work) > More than 7 METS Normal Vocational activities (Back To Work). Avoid Heavy physical work. Playing Tennis 4-7 METS Golf 2-5 METS Volley ball 3-4 METS

12 Exercise Training (Rehabilitation) Walking for 15-30 mins /3-5 times a week Patient can still talk while walking (Brisk Walk for initial 2 weeks) Contra indication to exercise training > Unstable Angina >Resting BP more than 200 mm/ 100 mm Hg >Postural BP drop to more than 20 mm Hg >Aortic Stenosis >Acute illness or fever >Uncontrolled Atrial or Ventricular Arrhythmias >Uncontrolled CHF >Recent ST Displacement(More than 3 mm Hg) >Musculo-Skeletal Disorders

13 Exercise Prescription Aerobic Exercise preferred than resistive or weight training Walking/Cycling Intensity/Frequency/Duration will depend on tolerance THR (220- Age in years) try to achieve 80-85% THR 66% MET of level of completed TMT or 25 watts less than completed stage on cycle Ergometer Borg scale target 11-15

14 Exercise Prescription contd. Exercise session  Warm Up (2-5 mins)  Stimulus (conditioning 20-30 mins)  Cool Down (5-10 mins, slow speed, prevents low BP and joint pains) Graded Exercise with telemetry in high risk population recommended. 1-3 months Target 7-8 METS followed by self directed maintenance

15 Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation in old age

16 Benefits of Exercise Training  work capacity  fatigue  Heart rate during Exercise  RPP  symptoms of CHF  Atherogenicity by maintaining body weight  HDL  TG  platelet aggregation Improve blood glucose level Improves coronary blood flow and myocardial perfusion

17 Benefits of Exercise Training contd. Endurance Training –  VO 2 max 10-40%,  BP,  HR –  BMD Positive changes in body composition –  body weight (1-3 kg),  % fat (1-3%) Positive metabolic changes –  insulin sensitivity,  cholesterol Resistance Training –  strength 150%

18 Conclusions Cardiac rehab is feasible and safe in an octagenarian patient population Exercise training yields clinically significant functional and metabolic improvements for both men and women –33%  in exercise time –20%  in functional capacity (est. METs) –9%  in HDL cholesterol

19 Potential Treatment complications MACE ( Massive Adverse Cardiac Events) 1 per 300,000 hours of exercise SCD ( Sudden Cardiac Death ) 1 per 800,000 person hours of exercise Proper Selection of cases/ avoiding Contra indications to exercise training can minimize the risk.

20 Thank you all

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