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CHW3M Timelines. S TUDY OF H UMANS = C ONTROVERSIAL The study of humans is ______________ because viewpoints are constantly being challenged, and new.

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Presentation on theme: "CHW3M Timelines. S TUDY OF H UMANS = C ONTROVERSIAL The study of humans is ______________ because viewpoints are constantly being challenged, and new."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHW3M Timelines

2 S TUDY OF H UMANS = C ONTROVERSIAL The study of humans is ______________ because viewpoints are constantly being challenged, and new discoveries are always being made to modify previous _____________. In addition, historians sometimes have differing interpretations of the available evidence, or they ___________ over what is considered to be valid evidence. As a result of these _______________, history will never by completely factual. ___________ and subjectivity will always colour how stories are retold.

3 D ARWIN ’ S T HEORY OF N ATURAL S ELECTION Darwin served as an unpaid naturalist on the exploring ship, the ___________, in 1831 He examined geological formations and collected fossils His investigations led him to question the traditional ________ theory that God created all species of living things at one time as explained in the ______. This is when Darwin became interested in evolution

4 D ARWINISM C ONTINUED Theory of Natural Selection = in nature, animals compete for survival Animals/life forms ______ suited for their environments usually died without producing offspring Animals/life forms that were _______ adaptive, survive and reproduce, ________ on their useful characteristics Organisms that possess ________ characteristics survive the struggle for existence, others die out

5 R EVOLUTIONARY Darwin’s theory was considered revolutionary because it called into question the widely _________ belief that _____ created all life, as described in the _____ Testament of the Bible Which means, not all life ________ at the _______ time Also, Darwin’s theory emphasized the _________ for survival in nature (as opposed to harmony in nature)

6 P OSSIBLE P RO -E VOLUTIONIST A RGUMENTS How could one explain the ______ record which identifies _______ and many other extinct animal forms that are not mentioned in the Bible? How does one account for scientific _______ which suggests the world is ________ of years old? How does one explain how _____ and ______, who had just three sons, successfully launched the ________ race? Would there not be a problem of in breeding?

7 P OSSIBLE P RO -C REATIONIST A RGUMENTS How does one know for sure that _______ dating is reliable? Some scientists dispute the ________ of this method of dating Recent ________ testing suggests all humans may be descended from a single woman known as mitochondrial _____. Is this not a scientific piece of evidence supporting the __________ story? Scientists have retrieved fossils of _______ life on the top of Mount ________, suggesting the possibility of a world-wide flood. Another biblical event Is the Bible not full of accounts that are historically accurate such as the bondage of Israelites in _______; the existence of King Solomon, ________ and Saul? If these events are accurate, could one suggest that the creationist story has some validity?

8 D EFINITIONS Archeologist Fossil Hominid Natural Selection Paleoanthropologist

9 D ETECTIVES OF THE P AST Read the article summary and answer the questions on the sheet provided Answer the questions based on the best information available to you

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