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Numerical Linear Algebra IKI40600. Course outline Review linear algebra Square linear systems Least Square Problems Eigen Problems Text: Applied Numerical.

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Presentation on theme: "Numerical Linear Algebra IKI40600. Course outline Review linear algebra Square linear systems Least Square Problems Eigen Problems Text: Applied Numerical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical Linear Algebra IKI40600

2 Course outline Review linear algebra Square linear systems Least Square Problems Eigen Problems Text: Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, C.W. Hager Matrix Computations, G.Golub & R. van Loan

3 Review Linear Algebra Matrix arithmetic operations –BLAS level-1,2,3 Matrix representation of a linear system –linear dependencies, rank, determinant –elementary row operations (RE, RRE form) –existence and uniqueness of solution Matrix norms –L p norm, Frobenius Norm

4 Computational issues in NLA Numerical stability Accuracy Efficiency –run-time –storage & memory Special systems –sparse and large

5 Square linear systems Methods of solving –direct methods vs iterative methods Types of problems –dense vs. sparse –general vs. special

6 Direct Methods Mostly suitable for small to medium scale Produce ‘accurate’ solution Cost: O(n 3 ) Gaussian –LU factorization –Pivoting Orthogonal factorization –Givens, Householder, SVD

7 Iterative Methods Suitable for large systems Accuracy adaptive to user needs Cost: O(kn 2 ), k=#iterations Stationary methods –Splitting: Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi, SOR Evolutionary methods –GMRES, CG, Preconditioning

8 Sparse systems Level of sparsity 1% or less Dynamic data structures Direct method –minimum fill-in; ordering Iterative methods –pack storage, preconditioning

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