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JavaScript MVC Frameworks

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1 JavaScript MVC Frameworks
André de Santi Oliveira

2 Frameworks SproutCore JavaScriptMVC Backbone.js Knockout AngularJS
PureMVC YUI 3 ActiveJS MooToolsMVC TrimJunction Jamal Claypool Spine

3 Ecosystem Minification Frameworks ( YUI compressor JSMIN, … )
JavaScript Frameworks ( jQuery, MooTools, YUI Library, Dojo Toolkit, … ) Template Frameworks ( Mustache, JAML, Eco, ICanHaz.js, JQote 2, … ) JavaScript MVC Framework ( SproutCore, JavaScriptMVC, Backbone.js, … ) Testing Frameworks (QUnit, Jasmine SinonJS, … ) Mobile Frameworks ( PhoneGap, Zepto, … ) Dynamic Stylesheet Language ( SASS, LESS )

4 Why MVC JavaScript ? Front end developers know JavaScript
Better organization to front end applications Abstract complexity Good integration with JavaScript frameworks An easier way to do tests

5 Documentation SproutCore: good documentation, examples, blog, mailing list, irc, videos at Vimeo. JavaScriptMVC: excellent documentation, examples, blog, forum. Backbone.js: documentation ok, mailing list, irc, videos at PeepCode.

6 Architecture Client side Server side DOM view back end controller
Model web services

7 Responsibilities View Binding DOM Render templates i18n Controller
Router Initialize and create models Manipulate DOM Model Data Validation Synchronize Data Call web services

8 Templates Frameworks SproutCore (cames with…)
Handlebars (mustache with more features) JavaScriptMVC (cames with…) EJS JAML Micro Mustache (2nd party plugin) Backbone.js (agnostic in this area) JQueryUI ICanHaz.js PURE jQote Eco TrimPath KiTE

9 Templates Frameworks mustache-jquery mustache-dojo mustache-yui
mustache-commonjs Mustache var clients = { client: { name: ‘André de Santi Oliveira’, type: ‘VIP client’, domains: [{domain: ‘’}, {domain: ‘’}, {domain: ‘’}] } {{#client}} <h1>{{name}}</h1> <b>{{type}}</b> <ul> {{#domains}} <li>{{domain}}</li> {{/domains}} </ul> {{/client}} <h1>André de Santi Oliveira<h1> <b>VIP client</b> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul>

10 Handlebars - Sproutcore
hosts.handlebars {{#view MyApp.CreateHostView}}   <input id="hostName" type="text" /> {{/view}} {{#collection SC.TemplateCollectionView contentBinding="MyApp.hostController” itemClassBinding="content"}} {{view MyApp.HostsView}} {{/collection}}

11 View / Controller - SproutCore
MyApp = SC.Application.create(); MyApp.CreateHostView = SC.TextField.extend({ insertNewLine: function() { var hostName = this.get('value'); MyApp.hostController.createHost(hostName); } }); MyApp.HostsView = SC.LabelView.extend({ valueBinding: '' MyApp.hostController = SC.ArrayController.create({ content: [], createHost: function(name){ var host = MyApp.Host.create({ name : name}); this.pushObject(host);; SC.ready(function() { MyApp.mainPane = SC.TemplatePane.append({ templateName: 'hosts', });

12 Model - SproutCore MyApp.Host = SC.Object.extend({ id: null, name: null, attributes: function(){ return { id: this.get('id'), name: this.get('name') } }, save: function(){ $.ajax('/host', { type: 'POST', data: {host : this.get('attributes')}, dataType: 'json', success: function(data, response) { this.set('id', data['host','id']); }); syncHost: function(){ var host = ... get new host from PushServer MyApp.hostController.pushObject(host); } });

13 Sync / Async load JavaScriptMVC SproutCore
The default is synchronous, but async is possible : $(‘#client-info’).html(‘templates/client-info.ejs’, data, function(result) { this.fadeIn(); }); Preload the template : $.get(‘templates/client-info.jaml’, {}, function(){}, ‘view’); SproutCore $.get(‘templates/client-info.handlebars', function(data) { var template = SC.Handlebars.compile(data); SC.TEMPLATES[’client-info'] = template; })

14 i18n SproutCore strings.js
SC.StringsFor(‘fr_CA’, { ‘name’: ‘nom’ }); MyApp.TitleLabel = SC.LabelView.extend({ localize: YES, value: ‘name’ -MyApp/ -core.js -en/ strings.js style.css -images/ -welcome.png -fr/ -bienvenue.png -main.js JavaScriptMVC and Backbone.js don’t offer native i18n.

15 Router Backbone.js The router is the controller in Backbone.js
var Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { “domains/:domain”: “getdomain” }, getdomain: function(domain) { //refresh model and re-render the specific view } }); The router is the controller in Backbone.js

16 Validation JavaScriptMVC Backbone.js validateFormatOf
$.Model.extend(“Client”,{ init : function(){ this.Validate(“name”, function(){ if( == ‘’){ return ‘Name is required’ } }) }, {}); validateFormatOf validateInclusionOf validateLengthOf validatePresenceOf validateRangeOf Backbone.js var Client = Backbone.Model.extend({ validate: function(attrs) { if ( == ‘’) { return ‘Name is required’ } });

17 Rest / SOAP Backbone.js Default CRUD implementation
create => POST => /client read => GET => /client/[id] update => PUT => /client/id delete => DELETE => /client/id Using SOAP Backbone.emulateHTTP = true;; The Backbone.sync use (jQuery/Zepto).ajax

18 Security CAS – Central Authentication Service CAS web services
mod_auth_cas Spring CAS web services

19 Dynamic StyleSheet Language
SASS Variables $red: FF0000; .h1 { color: $red; } .h2 { color: darken($red, 10%); Selector inheritance .error { border: 2px; background: $red; .error.intrusion { font-weight: bold; .badError { @extend .error; border-width: 5px; LESS Mixins .rounded-corners 5px) { } #header { .rounded-corners; #footer { .rounded-corners(10px); Nesting h1 { font-size: 26px; font-weight: bold; p { font-size: 12px; }

20 Mobile Frameworks Backbone.js + PhoneGap $(function() {
backbone.views.pages.Audio = Backbone.View.extend({ ... play : function(){; return false; }, stop : function() {; } });

21 Tests Frameworks Backbone.js + Jasmine + Sinon.JS
it("should make the correct server request", function() { var host = new Backbone.Model({ name: ”", url: "/client/hosts/1" }); var spy = sinon.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');; expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy.getCall(0).args[0].url) .toEqual("/client/hosts/1"); jQuery.ajax.restore();

22 JavaScript Libraries Underscore.js Raphaël StealJS jQueryMX
Provides 60-odd functions : Collections(each, sortBy, size), Arrays(last, union, unique), Functions(bind, after, compose), Objects(clone, isFunction, isNull), etc Raphaël Simplify the work with vector graphics on the web. Uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics. This means every graphical object you create is also a DOM object. StealJS A collection of command and browser based JavaScript utilities that make building, packaging, sharing, and consuming JavaScript applications easy. jQueryMX A collection of useful jQuery libraries that provide the missing functionality necessary to implement and organize large-scale jQuery applications

23 Conclusion Very useful to rich applications Backend agnostic
Model => JSon => Model JavaScript is a powerful language Don’t you like JavaScript ? Try CoffeeScript !

24 Please, please, please !!! A hammer is an excellent tool, but it’s not used for everything !!!

25 Watch and Listen InfoQ PeepCode JavaScript Podcast
Single Page Apps and the Future of History Yehuda Katz Discusses SproutCore Introduction to SproutCore Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web HTML5 and the Dawn of Rich Mobile Web Applications PeepCode Backbone.js Basics Backbone.js Interactivity - JSConf 2011 JavaScript Podcast The Javascript Show yayQuery

26 Books JavaScript: The Good Parts JavaScript Patterns
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns Test-Driven JavaScript Development Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries High Performance JavaScript Pro JavaScript Techniques

27 References JavaScript MVC Frameworks
SproutCore ( JavaScriptMVC ( Backbone.js ( JavaScript Frameworks YUI ( DOJO ( CommonJS ( jQueryUI ( JavaScript Library Underscore.js ( Raphaël ( StealJS ( jQueryMX ( Dynamic Stylesheet Language SASS ( LESS ( Template Frameworks Mustache ( Handlebars ( Jaml ( Mobile Frameworks PhoneGap ( Zepto.js ( jQueryMobile ( JavaScript Tests Frameworks jQuery QUnit ( FuncUnit ( Jasmine ( SinonJS ( Security CAS (

28 Thank you Merci

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