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2008 - Shale and JSF Ken Sipe - Code Mentor. 2 Presentation Goal  Provide enough understanding for someone new to JSF and Shale to start coding…

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Presentation on theme: "2008 - Shale and JSF Ken Sipe - Code Mentor. 2 Presentation Goal  Provide enough understanding for someone new to JSF and Shale to start coding…"— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 - Shale and JSF Ken Sipe - Code Mentor

2 2 Presentation Goal  Provide enough understanding for someone new to JSF and Shale to start coding…

3 3 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

4 4 About the Speaker  Sun Certified Java 2 Architect.  Instructor for VisiBroker for Java, OOAD, Rational Rose, and Java Development.  Frequently speaks on the subject of distributed computing programming, including CORBA and EJB architecture.  JBoss Certified Developer ;)

5 5 What is Shale?  JavaServer Faces JSF++  Extends JSF to add Functionality  Added Components without the overhead of committee  Struts 2.0  Well it is the same guys who are involved  A number of components carried over  Tiles  FileUpload  Doesn’t work in the same MVC model of struts 1.x  

6 6 Shale Features  View Lifecycle Events  Dialog  Web Flow  AJAX Support  Validation  Commons Validator  Tiles Integration  Spring Integration  Tapestry-Like Views

7 7 Shale Tag Library   Token pattern, used to prevent double posts   Used for Tiles... and dynamically added content   Used for commons validation  Client and Server   Used with commons validation  Client side   Tapestry Like

8 8 JSF Extension Points  ShalePropertyResolver  Value binding expressions for JNDI  ShaleVariableResolver  String Integration  JNDI Lookups  ShaleViewHandler  Lifecycle events for ViewControllers  TilesViewHandler  Maps tile components  DialogNavigatioHandler  The space between request and session

9 9 Shales Future  Ready a big question  Craig says perhaps:  Struts 2.0  New Apache project  Part of MyFaces  Part of JSF 2.0

10 10 Shale Library References  Shale provides a number if jars for distribution:  shale-core.jar  shale-spring.jar  shale-clay.jar  shale-test.jar  shale-tiles.jar  To use tiles you'll need  tiles-core.jar  There are 2 tlds  taglib.tld – contained in shale-cores.jar  shale-clay.tld – contained in shale-clay.jar

11 11 Shale References  Shale makes significant use of jakarta commons  commons-logging  commons-validator  commons-digester  commons-beanutils  commons-chain  commons-collections

12 12 JBuilder Shale Configuration  Create a Library with Shale-core.jar  Extract taglib.tld  Configure a custom tag lib

13 13 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

14 14 JSF Events  JSF defines standard server side events and listener APIS:  ActionEvent  calls xxx_action() method and/or event listeners  ValueChangeEvent  calls xxx_valueChanged() method and/or event listeners  Sufficient to deal with most low level UI components  Insufficient to deal with application level events

15 15 Shale View Life-cycle Events  Shale extends server side event paradigm  ViewController backing bean per page:  Standard “View Helper” design pattern  Supports standard event handler methods  init()  preprocess()  prerender()  destroy()  Great for handling PostBacks in a slightly different way than the initial view.

16 16 Using ViewController  Implement the ViewController interface.  org.apache.shale.view.ViewController  Provide a no-args public constructor.  Declare your backing bean as a managed bean.  In nearly all circumstances, you will want the bean to be placed in request scope.  Provide public JavaBean properties that may be set to customize the functionality provided by this bean.  Ensure that the functionality of your backing bean is not dependent upon the order in which property setters are called.  Create event handlers for the lifecycle events of interest, plus standard JavaServer Faces event handlers for things like actions and value changes.

17 17 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

18 18 JSF Validation  JSF defines standard server validation capabilities which integrates well with JSF components  1..* validators per component are possible  Model updates are only after validations occur.

19 19 Shale Validation  Jakarta Commons Validator  Leverage the same rules created for struts 1.x applications  Leverage same rules for other frameworks / applications integrated with commons  Client-Side Validation  Extends past JSF by providing validation at the client side  Tag Support   Client-side or Server-side or Both   Generators client-side JavaScript

20 20 XML Configuration  Although there can be any number of files used for validation configuration, typically there is at least :  Validation-rules.xml  Contains the xml defined rules  Typically generic / Non application specific  Provided with the struts download

21 21 Validation-rules.xml <validator name="required" classname="org.apache.struts.validator.FieldChecks" method="validateRequired" methodParams="java.lang.Object, org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction, org.apache.commons.validator.Field, org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" msg="errors.required"> <![CDATA[ …

22 22 Shale Validation Components … …

23 DEMO Shale Validation

24 24 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Spring Integration  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

25 25 Shale and Spring  DelegatingVariableResolver  Access Spring beans with JSF expressions  #{user}  Zero-Configuration  Just package shale-spring.jar and spring.jar in the lib of war  applicationContext.xml

26 26 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Spring Integration  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

27 27 Tiles Shale Integration  Add to the lib directory of WAR  shale-tiles.jar  tiles-core.jar

28 28 Tiles and Shale  Can be leverage across all of Shale  ViewIds of Dialogs  Navigation Rule * login-page-tile

29 29 Shale Tiles Layout '>

30 30 Tiles.XML file <definition name="login-page-tile" extends="header-menu-content-tile"> </definition

31 31 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

32 32 Tapestry “Style”  Define a web page without any code  Code is tied to page through html tag attributes.  jsfid  Web can be:  Html  JSP  xml

33 33 Separation of Page Designer and Developer  Supports 2 Views  Design Time (Web Developers)  http://localhost:8082/app/home.html  Run Time  http://localhost:8082/app/home.faces  Designer  Works with HTML  Developer  JSP to include HTML  XML to connect it all together

34 34 Configuration  clay-config.xml  contains the jsfid replacement mappings  view-config.xml  contains the component name references from clay-config.xml  shale-clay.jar

35 35 Login HTML Username username error message Password password error message

36 36 Login JSP <sh:clay id="loginTemplate" jsfid="/pages/clay-login.html" managedBeanName="loginPage"/>

37 37 JSP Page not required WEB.XML configuration: clay-template-suffix.html

38 38 Clay-Config.XML file

39 39 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

40 40 AJAX – The New Buzz  Asynchronous JavaScript with XML  Except it’s not always Asynchronous  And It’s not always XML  Server submissions without a page post and refresh  Out-side of Shale support I really like DWR  Direct Web Remoting 

41 41 AJAX / JSF Warning…  If you change the state of expected states values held by server… bad things happen  Mainly the short-circuits the 2 nd or 3 rd phase of JSF (just for a model update and redisplays the page.

42 42 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

43 43 Shale Dialogs  Modeled after Springs Web Flow  Simplified  Not complete duplication of Spring  Modeled as States and Transitions  Get your STDs out

44 44 Dialog State Types  Action  Represents a call to a public method, taking no parameters, and returning a String that will be treated as the logical outcome  View  Represents the rendering of a JavaServer Faces view  Subdialog  Represents pushing the state of the current dialog onto a stack, and starting a specified new dialog at its starting state  Exit  Terminates the current dialog

45 45 Defining Dialogs - Dialog-config.xml <dialog name="Create Account" start="User Information">

46 46 Defining Dialogs <view name="Summary" viewId="/pages/account.jsp"> <end name="Exit" viewId="/pages/login.jsp"/>

47 47 Working with Dialogs  Enter dialogs through JSF actions <h:commandButton value=‘register’ action=“dialog: Create Account ” />  DialogNavigationHandler manages dialog flow  From Dialog, navigate back to JSF

48 48 Multi-Dialog Configuration Files org.apache.shale.dialog.CONFIGURATION /WEB-INF/account-dialogs.xml,/WEB-INF/user-dialogs.xml

49 49 Presentation Agenda  What is Shale?  View LifeCycle Events  Validation  Tiles Integration  Clay – Tapestry-like Views  AJAX  Dialogs

50 50 Summary  Shale makes many common web development task easier.  Extension of JSF  Not bound to JCP committee

51 Questions?

52 52 Thank You 2008 Web Application Development using Struts, Shale and JSF Please fill out the speaker evaluation You can contact me further at …

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