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UNIT 4 Calculation Script Architecture – Advanced Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 4 Calculation Script Architecture – Advanced Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 4 Calculation Script Architecture – Advanced Functions

2 Topics Range functions Relationship functions Iterative processing Simultaneous equations Environmental settings Variables

3 Exploring Advanced Functions and Commands Range functions Relationship functions Iterative commands Environmental commands

4 Calculating Values Using Range Functions Mathematical @SUMRANGE @AVGRANGE @MAXRANGE @MINRANGE Exceptions @CURRMBRRANGE @PRIOR Financial @SLN @IRR @COMPOUND

5 Calculating Values Using @SUMRANGE Sums values of a specified member across a range Example: Q1_SALES = @SUMRANGE(SALES, JAN : MAR) ; Result: Q1_SALES = 600 Sales: Jan: 100 Feb: 200 Mar: 300

6 Calculating Values Using @AVGRANGE Averages values of a specified member across a range Example: Q1_AVGSALES = @AVGRANGE(SKIPMISSING,SALES, JAN : MAR) ; Result: Q1_AVGSALES = 200 Sales: Jan: 100 Feb: #MI Mar: 300

7 Calculating Values Using @MINRANGE and @MAXRANGE Supplies minimum or maximum value of a member across a range Examples: Q1_MIN = @MINRANGE(SALES, JAN : MAR) ; Q1_MAX= @MAXRANGE(SALES, JAN : MAR) ; Results: Q1_MIN = 100 Q1_MAX = 300 Sales: Jan: 100 Feb: 200 Mar: 300

8 Calculating Values Using @CURRMBRRANGE Returns a member list based on the relative position of the member being calculated Can be used only with range functions Example: Six_Month_Total = @SUMRANGE (Sales, @CURRMBRRANGE(Year, LEV, 0,-5, 0)) /"Average Inventory” ;

9 Calculating Values Using @PRIOR Returns the value from the previous or the nth previous member in a range of members By default uses the lowest level of a dimension tagged as Time Example: Inventory = @PRIOR(End_Inv) ; Result: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Inventory 1100 1100 1200 1000 1300 1300 End_Inv 1100 1200 1000 1300 1300

10 Exercise 4-1: Calculating Values Using Range Functions

11 Obtaining Values Using Relationship Functions @PARENTVAL @ANCESTVAL @MDPARENTVAL

12 Obtaining Values Using @PARENTVAL Returns the immediate parent value of a specified member combination Example: PRODUCT_MIX= SALES % @PARENTVAL(PRODUCT,SALES); Result: PRODUCT_MIX is calculated for New York PRODUCT_MIX = 50% Given EAST = 100,000, New York = 50,000,

13 Obtaining Values Using @ANCESTVAL Returns a higher level value of a specified member combination based on specified generation or level Example: PRODUCT_MIX=SALES % (@ANCESTVAL(PRODUCT,2,SALES)); Result: PRODUCT_MIX = 10 % Given Colas (Gen 2) = 100,000, Diet Cola (Gen 3) = 50,000, Kool Kola (Gen 4) = 10,000

14 Obtaining Values Using @MDANCESTVAL A higher level value of a specified member combination, based on position specified across multiple dimensions References any dimension and any generations Marketing = (Sales / @MDANCESTVAL(2, Market, 2, Product, 2, Sales)) * @MDANCESTVAL(2, Market, 2, Product, 2, Marketing);

15 Exercise 4-2: Obtaining Values Using Relationship Functions

16 FIX(New_York,Camera,Actual,Mar) LOOP(30) Commission = Profit *.15; Profit=Margin-Total_Expenses-Commission; ENDLOOP ENDFIX Controlling Execution Using Loop…Endloop Use the LOOP...ENDLOOP command to specify the number of times to iterate a group of calculations. Syntax:

17 Explaining Simultaneous Equations Unknown values exist on either side of the equal sign. A = B *.15, where A and B are unknown. B = y - A, where y is data and A and B are unknown.

18 Exercise 4-3: Using Loop…Endloop to Solve Simultaneous Equations

19 Setting the Calculator Environment SET commands Enhance log information Determine Intelligent Calculation behavior Manage memory Variable declarations Scalar Arrays Substitution variables

20 Using Set Commands to Set the Calculator Environment Information SET MSGSET NOTICE Intelligent Calculation SET UPDATECALCSET CLEARUPDATESTATUS Optimization SET AGGMISSGSET CACHE SET LOCKBLOCKSET FRMLBOTTOMUP SET CALCHASHTBL Set commands are procedural

21 Using Data Declarations to Set the Calculator Environment VAR ARRAY Substitution variables

22 Check Your Understanding

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