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Social Psychology Ch. 18 and 19 McElhaney. “Humans are social Animals” The Study of Human interaction  Branch of Psych that analyzes how behavior is.

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1 Social Psychology Ch. 18 and 19 McElhaney

2 “Humans are social Animals” The Study of Human interaction  Branch of Psych that analyzes how behavior is influenced by presence of others  Studies how we behave, think, feel in Social Situations.  Based on the concept of an Attribute: the cause of behavior

3 Groups Influence our Behavior  Culture = ongoing pattern of life that is passed from one generation to another.  Components of Culture include: Language, marriage customs, concepts of ownership, sex roles Language, marriage customs, concepts of ownership, sex roles

4 Roles  We all hold social roles –Positions in the structure of a group –Patterns of behavior expected of persons in various social positions  Roles are Ascribed- assigned to a person  not under a person’s control Roles: Mother Boss Student Each has different expectations or sets of behavior.

5 Achieved Roles= the opposite of assigned roles  Voluntary roles  Attained by special effort –Spouse –Teacher –Scientist

6 Zimbardo Study- Zimbardo Study-  Stanford University  Impact on social roles  Inmates + guards  Males in a simulated prison  Found destructive roles- cause role behaviors  They had assigned social roles-  “In only a few days, our guards became sadistic and our prisoners became depressed and showed signs of extreme stress.” Prisoner roles Guard roles DejectedTraumatizedPassiveDehumanizedDepressedCommandingInsultingdemeaning

7 Zimbardo Results  Many destructive relationships have a source in Learned Roles.

8 Role Conflicts  Two or more roles make conflicting demands  Coach and parent  Clashing demands for work, family, school

9 Group Structure and Cohesion  Factors to Cohesion=closeness  Degree of attraction among group members  Commitment to remaining in group  Cohesive groups:  Sit/sand together  Pay attention to one another  Mutual Affection  Behavior is coordinated  Work better together

10 Status  A person’s social position in a group determines his or her status-  or level of social power & importance.  Higher status = privileges  Higher status people are treated better- Well dressed

11 Norms  Unspoken rules or guidelines  Are an accepted standard for appropriate behavior for a specific group  Lax norms cause lax behavior

12 Social Influence  A person’s behavior influences another.  A convergence of beliefs, attitudes = change in behavior

13 What motivates us to join a group?  “Desires for Self-evaluation Self-evaluation Self-protection Self-protection Self-enhancement Self-enhancement  Influence which group we join. Are motives for associating with others

14 Affiliation-basic principle  Basic human trait  A desire to associate with other people  Connected to needs of: Approval, support, friendship, information Approval, support, friendship, information  Helps alleviate – fear and anxiety  We prefer to be with people in similar circumstances

15 Behavior of Groups: Group Membership  Festinger said group membership fills need for:  Social Comparison- standard to judge yourself  Comparing your own actions, feelings, opinions, abilities…  Must be compared to people of similar background, abilities, circumstances  Downward Comparison: Comparison- for self- enhancement- self protection Comparing to someone who ranks lower  Upward Comparison: Comparison with people of higher status- for self improvement

16 Social Relationships  Interpersonal Attraction= affinity to another person Is the basis for most voluntary social relationships Is the basis for most voluntary social relationships

17 Factors that Influence Attraction  Physical proximity  Physical attractiveness Halo Effect- tendency to generalize favorable impression to personal characteristics Halo Effect- tendency to generalize favorable impression to personal characteristics Attractive people have perceived likeable characteristicsAttractive people have perceived likeable characteristics Beauty vs. Personality = Which works best? Beauty vs. Personality = Which works best? (page 675) (page 675)  Competence- we are attracted to talented people  Similarity-age, sex, race, background, interests, attitudes, beliefs

18 Relationships  Self-Disclosure-  Over Disclosure-  Reciprocity-  Gendered Friendships

19 Personal Space and Proxemics  Too close = discomfort

20 Social Perception and Attribution  Attribution= is a cause for behavior  Attribute- (verb) place cause through observation of others Inferences/judgments about causes of behavior through observation of others Inferences/judgments about causes of behavior

21 Attributional Theory  We tend to ascribe or attribute causes of behavior to: External causes: outside a person External causes: outside a person Internal causes: inside a person Internal causes: inside a person

22 What should one consider when making attributions? Factors of Attribution Actor: Who is it? Object: What is action directed towards? Setting: Social or physical environment Consistency: little changes on multiple occasions Distinctiveness: Behavior that occurs under specific circumstances.

23 Factor of Attribution: Situational Demands  SD = pressures to behave in certain ways in particular settings and social situations  The “situation demands certain behavior”  Discount: Downgrade or disregard internal causation when specific External causes are clear…  Consensus- agreement, when an attribution is associated to many  people-  external causes

24 Errors in Attribution  Fundamental Attribution Error: to wrongly attribute actions of others to internal causes to wrongly attribute actions of others to internal causes We have a tendency to think actions of others are caused by internal forces We have a tendency to think actions of others are caused by internal forces  Actor-Observer Bias: (I vs. They) (I vs. They) As actors- we find external explanations for our own behavior. As actors- we find external explanations for our own behavior. As observers- we attribute behavior of others’ wants, motives and personality traits As observers- we attribute behavior of others’ wants, motives and personality traits

25 Social Exchange Theory “How profitable is the relationship?”  Exchanges of attention, info, affection, favors  Says: we all consciously weigh social rewards and costs  Relationships must be profitable to participants:  Rewards vs costs  Fun vs Self Esteem

26 Love and Liking Factors  Romantic Attraction: Interpersonal attraction + emotional arousal Interpersonal attraction + emotional arousal  Love = combinations Intimacy, passion, commitment and sexual desire Intimacy, passion, commitment and sexual desire  Lovers see partners in idealized ways  Helps create the relationship they wish for.

27 Love and Attachment  Child care-giving attachments have impact on adult attachments  We use early attachments as mental models (We become what we learn)  Secure-  Avoidant-  Ambivalent-

28 Attachments  Secure Attachment (59%) = friendly, good natured, likeable See others as well intentioned, reliable, trustworthy See others as well intentioned, reliable, trustworthy Generally not worried about being abandoned Generally not worried about being abandoned  Avoidant Attachment (25%): Fear of intimacy, tend to resist commitment Fear of intimacy, tend to resist commitment Pull back when things don’t go well Pull back when things don’t go well Suspicious, aloof, skeptical Suspicious, aloof, skeptical Have difficulty trusting Have difficulty trusting Get nervous when people get too close emotionally Get nervous when people get too close emotionally

29 Ambivalent Attachment  Mixed emotions and Conflicting feelings Affection, anger, emotional turmoil, physical attraction, doubt Affection, anger, emotional turmoil, physical attraction, doubt  Self regard- misunderstood, unappreciated  See others- unreliable, unable or unwilling to commit to lasting relationships  Worry- partners don’t really love them or may leave, they want to be close but have doubts

30 Evolution and Mate Selection: Men  Evolutionary psych= study of evolutionary origins of behavior or patterns  Patterns: Men are interested in casual sex Men are interested in casual sex Men prefer younger, more physically attractive partners Men prefer younger, more physically attractive partners Men are jealous over real or imagined infidelity Men are jealous over real or imagined infidelity Men look for reproductive capabilities, youth, health, beauty Men look for reproductive capabilities, youth, health, beauty

31 Evolution and Mate Selection: Women  Prefer slightly older partners  Industrious, high status, economic success  Become upset by emotional infidelity more than sexual unfaithfulness  Evolved- Nurturing of young Nurturing of young Interest in longevity of relationships Interest in longevity of relationships

32 Social Influences  “Changes in behavior are induced by action of others.”  Types of Social Influence: –Suggestion –Intensive Indoctrination –Group Pressure= Conformity –Obedience

33 Group Pressure= Conformity  People become aware of differences between themselves and actions, norms or values of others in group.  Conformity= pressure for uniformity of members  “Brings one’s own behavior into agreement with norms or the behavior of others” Norms= unspoken rules of conduct, normal or acceptable behavior Norms= unspoken rules of conduct, normal or acceptable behavior

34 Conformity  Conformist- to not be considered strange or frightening  Conformity refers to an individual’s behavior that adheres to the behavior pattern of a particular group- that a person belongs to.  Non-conformist- independent thinking

35 Who Conforms?  People with high needs for structure  Anxious  Low self esteem and low self confidence  Concerned with approval  Culture that emphasizes group cooperation

36 Solomon Asch  Studied conformity- found that people conform to the will of the group-

37 “The Power of Conformity” Asch (1955) Social Pressure 1. Summarize the Theoretical propositions 2. Describe the method 3. Summarize the results 4. Significance of Study  Factors that impact Conforming Behavior A. Social Support B. Attraction C. Size of Group D. SEX

38 Group Factors in Conformity  To enforce conformity= group sanctions  Negative= ridicule, laughing, staring, social disapproval, rejection/exclusion  Sanctions work only if the subject wants to be part of the group.

39 Social Support- for Non-conformists  Support for non-conformists- When someone agrees with non- conformist  It encourages- resistance to conformity  Attraction: More attraction to the group (Reference Group) -> the more likely you are to conform to behavior and attitudes of group.  Size of the Group:  The tendency to conform increases as the size of the group increases (6-7)  Sex/Gender  There is some evidence to suggest women are more likely to conform  People conform when appropriate behavior is unclear.  Culture impacts conformity  Collectivist Countries : Goals of the group in relation to goals of the individual.

40 What is Group Think?  Phenomenon of group behavior:  People want to maintain approval- even if decisions are bad.  Authority- group members hesitate to question authority  They think as a group instead of thinking about outcomes independently

41 To Prevent Group Think: Define group roles  Critical evaluator  Stick to the facts-avoid bias  Include “devils advocate”  Group accountability  Search for alternative solutions  Re-evaluate important decisions

42 When is it appropriate to resist authority?: Obedience   Milgram Study: Obedience Study (1963)  Yale University,  “Obey at Any Cost” Subjects “gave” electric shocks to “learners” giving shocks.

43 Milgram’s Ideas  The tendency to obey is deeply ingrained.  It cancels out a person’s ability to behave morally, ethically, and sympathetically.  People have a tendency to obey people of authority- even if they violate their own codes of behavior.  They would inflict pain on people if ordered to do so.

44 Milgram Findings and Implications  Distance to subject being shocked was a factor Closer to victim= less obedience Closer to victim= less obedience  Distance of Authority figure = direct relationship to obedience- Farther away = less obedience Farther away = less obedience  When orders come from authority figures- people rationalize that they are not responsible.  **A personal act of courage or moral fortitude by one or two members of a group may free others to obey- unjust authority.

45 Compliance-  One person bends to the authority of another person who has little authority  Pressure to comply- affects everyday people

46 Compliance and Sales Pressure  Foot in the Door: a person who first agrees to a small request- will more likely comply with a larger demand  Door in the face: With the idea of refusing a large request is a tendency to comply with a smaller request.  Low Ball: get the person to commit to an act, then make terms of acting less desirable

47 Passive Compliance  Quietly bending to unreasonable demands or unacceptable conditions  People have a tendency to avoid confrontation  Ignore- personal insults, rebuffs, sacrifices of dignity

48 “Not Practicing What you Preach” By LaPiere (1934) on Attitudes 1. Summarize the Theoretical propositions 2. Describe the method 3. Summarize the results 4. Significance of Study  Factors impacting consistency between attitudes and behavior A. Strength of Attitude B. Stability of attitude C. Relevance of attitude D. Salience of attitude E. Situational pressures

49 LaPiere- Attitude Thought and Action  Factors impacting consistency between attitudes and behavior A. Strength of Attitude- B. Stability of attitude C. Relevance of attitude D. Salience of attitude E. Situational pressures

50 Social Pressures  We are constantly under pressure to conform, obey, comply-  We need to recognize and resist these pressures. AssertivenessAggressionVictimization

51 Bystander Interaction “To Help or Not to Help” Darley and Latane (1968)  Kitty Genovese Murder- 1. Summarize the Theoretical propositions 2. Describe the method 3. Summarize the results 4. Significance of Study

52 Darley and Lantane: Kitty Genovese Murder  Why didn’t more people help Kitty Genovese? Factors in Bystander Interaction Factors in Bystander Interaction Diffusion of Responsibility Diffusion of Responsibility Social Influence Social Influence Personal Responsibility Personal Responsibility Evaluation apprehension Evaluation apprehension Fives Steps of Action Fives Steps of Action Social Comparison Social Comparison Acquaintances and Bystander Effect Acquaintances and Bystander Effect Knowledge of Bystander Effect Knowledge of Bystander Effect

53 Darley and Lantane: Five Steps to Decision 1. Notice 2. Need 3. Personal Responsibility, 4. Decision-cost benefit analysis- 5. Take action

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