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1 Ready to Lead, Day 2 Tracking Student Progress to Raise the Bar for Every Student Linda Chen Chief Academic Officer Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger Chief Achievement.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ready to Lead, Day 2 Tracking Student Progress to Raise the Bar for Every Student Linda Chen Chief Academic Officer Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger Chief Achievement."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ready to Lead, Day 2 Tracking Student Progress to Raise the Bar for Every Student Linda Chen Chief Academic Officer Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger Chief Achievement and Accountability Officer

2 Amazing things are happening! Use assessments to inform instruction and to track student progress. Principal We have engaged peer observations and feedback opportunities for teachers. Teacher

3 We have utilized data from various sources to help teachers adjust and readjust practices. We have to do a better job in this area, but we're on the right track to help every child to improve. IEP Chair Amazing things are happening! Student-led conferences for EACH student in all grades (pk-5) two times a year on the half-days for conferences. Principal

4 To discuss the term, "NOW WHAT" to allow teachers to think deeper about how to met the needs of students and increase student achievement. Teacher Team analysis of PARCC questions focused on how to infuse the skills within daily instruction. Assistant Principal What we will share with others! It's all about the students and we want every student to be successful upon leaving Baltimore City schools. PreK Teacher

5 Recap of Day 1 Developing a common understanding of the urgency of raising the bar for every student through a deeper understanding of content and grade level expectations for the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards (MCCRS) through: Examination of PARCC tasks for rigor in ELA and Mathematics Deconstruct the MCCRS aligned to the task Connections to the curriculum and Instructional Framework 5

6 6 Day 1- What we heard

7 Day 1 provided NEW content or went DEEPER into existing content (i.e. content, strategies, skills)  91% agreed or strongly agreed Day 1 provided actionable next steps on how to incorporate the information shared into my practice  89% agreed or strongly agreed Day 1 improved my ability to support student learning  92% agreed or strongly agreed 7

8 The MCCRS Shifts Build Toward College and Career Readiness for All Students 8

9 MCCRS Standards Progression 9

10 Grade Priorities in Support of Rich Instruction and Expectations of Fluency and Conceptual Understanding K–2 Addition and subtraction, measurement using whole number quantities 3–5 Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions 6 Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations 7 Ratios and proportional reasoning; arithmetic of rational numbers 8 Linear algebra Priorities in Mathematics 10

11 Required Fluencies in K-6 GradeStandardRequired Fluency KK.OA.5Add/subtract within 5 11.OA.6Add/subtract within 10 2 2.OA.2 2.NBT.5 Add/subtract within 20 (know single-digit sums from memory) Add/subtract within 100 3 3.OA.7 3.NBT.2 Multiply/divide within 100 (know single-digit products from memory) Add/subtract within 1000 44.NBT.4Add/subtract within 1,000,000 55.NBT.5Multi-digit multiplication 66.NS.2,3 Multi-digit division Multi-digit decimal operations 11

12 Using Data to Lead Assessments provide us with data but learning and leading from the data requires thoughtful and purposeful conversations. Today you will work with your teams to build on familiar practices and data sources so that our work is more connected moving forward. 12

13 Connecting Standards to an Evidenced-Based Inquiry Process 13 Evidence Standards Assessing Student Learning Instruction Inquiry Process Step 1: Conduct a Treasure Hunt Step 2: Analyze Data to Prioritize Needs Step 3: Establish SMART Goals Strategies Step 5: Determine Results Indicators Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate Results ILTs Teacher Teams

14 Acquiring Meaningful Data 14 While the conversations around data provide meaning, in order to fully understand the outcomes we must understand the assessment.

15 Assessing Student Learning District and State Assessments DiagnosticFormativeSummative 15 OngoingEnd of YearPre-assessment

16 SY 2013-2014 SY 2014-2015 Maryland Assessment Transitions Grades 3-8 16 MSA ReadingPARCC ELA MSA Math PARCC Math MSA Science (5 th and 8 th ) MSA Science (5 th and 8 th ) PARCC Field Test Selected Classrooms

17 SY 2013-2014 SY 2014-2015 Maryland Assessment Transitions Grades 9-11 17 HSA AlgebraPARCC Algebra I HSA English 10PARCC English II HSA Biology HSA Government PARCC Algebra II PARCC Field Test Selected Classrooms

18 Two Phases of PARCC Transition 18 Phase I: Field Test SY 13-14 Phase II: Operational Test SY 14-15

19 Phase I: SY 13-14 Field Test 19 Phase I: Field Test SY 13-14 Fall/Winter 2013-14 Analyzed technology capacity of schools to administer PARCC Trained administrators and school staff Spring 2014 Visited every school to ensure field test readiness Implemented the field test Summer 2014 Conducted focus groups with school and network staff

20 Field Test Highlights 20 PARCC ELA 3-8 PARCC Math 3-8 PARCC Geometry PARCC English 9 PARCC Algebra II PARCC English 11 5,300 students at 136 schools 2,200 students at 47 schools

21 Field Testing Follow Up District office held focus groups with school staff that participated in testing and Network staff that monitored testing to help inform next steps ITD procured and is in the process of installing designated proctor caching servers at every school Preparation underway for more detailed and supportive School Test Coordinator training 21

22 Phase II: SY 14-15 Operational PARCC PARCC is still in the process of learning from the field test to develop the operational policies and structure What we can focus on now is raising the bar in our classrooms and with our assessments. 22 Phase II: Operational Test SY 14-15

23 Just One Part of the Picture 23 Evidence Standards Assessing Student Learning Instruction Inquiry Process Step 1: Conduct a Treasure Hunt Step 2: Analyze Data to Prioritize Needs Step 3: Establish SMART Goals Strategies Step 5: Determine Results Indicators Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate Results ILTs Teacher Teams

24 Preview of Day 2 Further deepen our knowledge of “the bar” by examining formative assessments, embedded in our curriculum Use data to identify problems of practice Conduct a root cause analysis Begin to identify strategies to solve the problem identified 24

25 If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it. Albert Einstein What is happening?  Use data (multiple sources- quantitative and qualitative) to identify the problem Why is this happening?  Conduct a root cause analysis BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Academics Using Data to Identify Instructional Problems

26 Solving Instructional Problems How are we going to solve this problem?  Reduce the problem to a level we can resolve  Determine units of intervention  Take courageous leaps and calculated risks  Create the instructional action plan - SPP  Continuously evaluate results and make corrections  Engage in on-going learning cycle  Revise the instructional plan as needed

27 Digger Deeper To Solve the Problem- Asking “Why”? A combination of factors is required to close achievement gaps. Taking the time to identify root causes help us go slow to go fast An early problem of 1 or 2 things becomes a later problem of 5 or 6 things Example: reading problem  motivation  engagement

28 Culturally Responsive Teaching Is a pedagogical framework that respects the backgrounds and contemporary circumstances of all learners regardless of individual status and power, and employs learning processes that embrace the range of needs, interests, and orientations to be found among them. --Wlodkowski & Ginsberg Create learning experiences that allow the integrity of every learner to be sustained while each person is intellectually challenged in ways that allow them to attain relevant educational success and mobility. 15

29 Developing Knowledge, Skill, Capacity and Will Create relevance and choice among learners and teachers toward the learning experience and learning goals. Expand, refine, or increase the complexity of what is learned in ways that matter to learners- include their values and purposes, and contributions to a critical consciousness Establish norms, procedures and structures that are woven together to form a learning context in which all learners and the teacher feel respected by and connected to one another. Adapted from Cyndie Hays, 2012


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