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ET E.T. International, Inc. X-Stack: Programming Challenges, Runtime Systems, and Tools Brandywine Team May2013.

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Presentation on theme: "ET E.T. International, Inc. X-Stack: Programming Challenges, Runtime Systems, and Tools Brandywine Team May2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 ET E.T. International, Inc. X-Stack: Programming Challenges, Runtime Systems, and Tools Brandywine Team May2013

2 E.T. International, Inc. 2 ScalabilityExpose, express, and exploit O(10 10 ) concurrency LocalityLocality aware data types, algorithms, and optimizations ProgrammabilityEasy expression of asynchrony, concurrency, locality PortabilityStack portability across heterogeneous architectures Energy Efficiency Maximize static and dynamic energy savings while managing the tradeoff between energy efficiency, resilience, and performance ResilienceGradual degradation in the face of many faults InteroperabilityLeverage legacy code through a gradual transformation towards exascale performance ApplicationsSupport NWChem

3 E.T. International, Inc. 3 SWARM (Runtime System) SCALE (Compiler) HTA (Library) R-Stream (Compiler) NWChem + Co-Design Applications Rescinded Primitive Data Types. E.T. International, Inc.

4 MPI, OpenMP, OpenCLSWARM  Asynchronous Event-Driven Tasks  Dependencies  Resources  Active Messages  Control Migration VS.  Communicating Sequential Processes  Bulk Synchronous  Message Passing Time Active threads Waiting 4

5 E.T. International, Inc. 5 Principles of Operation  Codelets * Basic unit of parallelism * Nonblocking tasks * Scheduled upon satisfaction of precedent constraints  Hierarchical Locale Tree: spatial position, data locality  Lightweight Synchronization  Active Global Address Space (planned) Dynamics  Asynchronous Split-phase Transactions: latency hiding  Message Driven Computation  Control-flow and Dataflow Futures  Error Handling  Fault Tolerance (planned)

6 E.T. International, Inc. POTRF → TRSM TRSM → GEMM, SYRK SYRK → POTRF POTRFTRSMSYRKGEMM 1: 2: 3: 6 Implementations:  OpenMP  SWARM

7 E.T. International, Inc. Naïve OpenMP Tuned OpenMP SWARM 7

8 E.T. International, Inc. 8 OpenMP SWARM Xeon Phi: 240 Threads OpenMP fork-join programming suffers on many-core chips (e.g. Xeon Phi). SWARM removes these synchronizations.

9 E.T. International, Inc. ScaLapack SWARM 16 node cluster: Intel Xeon E5-2670 16-core 2.6GHz Asynchrony is key in large dense linear algebra 9

10 E.T. International, Inc. 1. Determine application execution, communication, and data access patterns 2. Find ways to accelerate application execution directly. 3. Consider data access pattern to better lay out data across distributed heterogeneous nodes. 4. Convert single-node synchronization to asynchronous control- flow/data-flow (OpenMP -> asynchronous scheduling) 5. Remove bulk-synchronous communications where possible (MPI -> asynchronous communication) 6. Synergize inter-node and intra-node code 7. Determine further optimizations afforded by asynchronous model. Method successfully deployed for NWChem code transition 10

11 E.T. International, Inc. NWChem used by 1000’s of researchers Code is designed to be highly scalable to petaflop scale Thousands of man-hours expensed on tuning and performance Self Consistent Field (SCF) module is a key component of NWChem ETI has worked with PNNL to extract the algorithm from NWChem to study how to improve it.  As part of the DOE XStack program 11

12 E.T. International, Inc. 12

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15 E.T. International, Inc. 15 All of this information is available in more detail at the Xstack wiki: 

16 E.T. International, Inc. 16

17 E.T. International, Inc. 17 Co-PIs:  Benoit Meister (Reservoir)  David Padua (Univ. Illinois)  John Feo (PNNL) Other team members:  ETI: Mark Glines, Kelly Livingston, Adam Markey  Reservoir: Rich Lethin  Univ. Illinois: Adam Smith  PNNL: Andres Marquez DOE  Sonia Sachs, Bill Harrod

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