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SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Cambodia DHS and Measure DHS+ Survey Objectives and Methodology Housing and Characteristics of the Population Fertility and its Determinants.

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Presentation on theme: "SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Cambodia DHS and Measure DHS+ Survey Objectives and Methodology Housing and Characteristics of the Population Fertility and its Determinants."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Cambodia DHS and Measure DHS+ Survey Objectives and Methodology Housing and Characteristics of the Population Fertility and its Determinants Fertility Preferences Family Planning Abortion Women’s Status Domestic Violence HIV/AIDS and Other STIs Health Status and Utilization of Health Services Infant, Child and Maternal Mortality Maternal and Child Health Infant Feeding & Childhood and Maternal Nutrition


3 HIV infection was first detected in Cambodia in 1991; Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as learning about and taking preventive measures is key to slowing the spread of these destructive diseases. The epidemic is the fastest-growing in all of Asia.

4 AIDS Awareness Knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention Discussion of HIV/AIDS in public Testing for HIV/AIDS Knowledge of signs & symptoms of STIs Self-reporting of STIs & resulting actions taken Sexual behavior Knowledge & use of condoms

5 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and of important ways to avoid AIDS *Abstaining from sex, using condoms, limiting the number of sexual partners

6  50%51 to 80% 81% and + Knowledge of 2-3 important ways to avoid HIV/AIDS varies greatly by region: Bantey Mean Chey Kampong Cham Kampong Thum Mondol K./ Rotanak K. (21%) Kampong Spueu (31%) Preah V./Stueng T./Kracheh CAMBODIA Kaoh Kong Pousat Kampot/Krong K./K.P. Sihanouk Svay Rieng Siem Reab/Otdar Mean Chey Kampong Chhnang Kandal Prey Veaeng (89%) Phnom Penh (92%) Takaev Bat Dambang/ Krong Pailin

7 Women’s responses to HIV/AIDS- related questions

8 Women’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS, by education

9 Women’s responses to questions on social aspects of AIDS

10 Women’s responses to questions on social aspects of AIDS, by education

11 Acceptability of discussions on HIV/AIDS via specific media or in specific locations

12 % of women tested for HIV/AIDS or who desire to be tested, by education

13 Other Sexually-Transmitted Infections (STIs)

14 % of women who don’t know about STIs (other than HIV/AIDS), by age & education AgeEducation

15 Knowledge, use and access of condom* *among women who know of HIV/AIDS and have had sexual intercourse

16 Condom knowledge, use and access*, by education *among women who know of HIV/AIDS and have had sexual intercourse

17 Main Findings: While the vast majority of women have heard of HIV/AIDS, significantly fewer know the most important ways to avoid the virus that causes AIDS Responses to HIV/AIDS-related questions varies greatly by education level Cambodian women are overwhelmingly supportive of the distribution of information about HIV/AIDS by most media outlets and in most public forums (More…)

18 Knowledge of STIs other than HIV/AIDS is quite low Knowledge of condoms is high, but knowledge of a source is quite low Women’s access to condoms is limited Actual usage of condoms is extremely small.


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