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Psalm 119 Part 3 Psalm 119:57-88 Review The psalm is divided into 22 8-verse groups –Each verse in a group begins with the same Hebrew letter for which.

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2 Psalm 119 Part 3 Psalm 119:57-88

3 Review The psalm is divided into 22 8-verse groups –Each verse in a group begins with the same Hebrew letter for which the group is named The names of the groups are also Hebrew words –The meaning(s) of those words help us to understand the group –And will help us remember each group

4 Review The psalm is about the word of God –Aleph (vv1-8) “ox, mighty, to learn” Picture an ox being trained by a strong hand to follow a given path –Beth (vv9-16) “house” Picture a child at home studying in preparation for growing up and going forth –Gimel (vv17-24) “camel, to treat well” Picture yourself riding a camel through a desert –Daleth (vv25-32) “something that dangles” Picture being lifted from the ruins of our lives and clinging to the hand of God –He (vv33-40) “window, to look” Picture looking at the world through the window of God’s word –Vav (vv41-48) “a hook” Picture gradually hanging upon the hook of God’s word as your confidence grows that it will hold you –Zayin (vv49-56) “a weapon, to arm” Picture being armed in the word of God, and the word as your weapon to fight against sin

5 Heth / Cheth The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “heth” and each verse begins with the letter heth, ח –The difference in “heth” and “cheth” is again one of pronunciation due to speaker’s origin “Heth” is the Hebrew noun for “terror, dread” –A much more powerful feeling than simple fear Used in Gen 9:2 of the feeling animals and birds will have at being hunted by man

6 The Terror of the Wicked Ps 119:57-64 –When one comes to the realization that they are wicked, it can be a moment of complete terror Rev 21:8 True whether it is a first realization of the consequence of sin or a remembrance –Heb 10:25-31 –It should cause us to flee to God (vv57-60) –If the wicked should try to terrorize us, we stay faithful to God because we fear God (vv61-64) To remember: Picture the terror on the face of those realizing hell is real

7 Teth The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “teth” and each verse begins with the letter teth, ט “Teth” is the Hebrew verb for “to twist together, to knot, to intertwine”

8 Bound to God’s word Psalm 119:65-72 –The only way to be truly safe is to bind self to God by learning and keeping His word Even as it is true of earthly friends (Eccl 4:9-12) –How much more when God is the one we are knotted together with »Rom 8:31-39 But God will not be in fellowship with darkness –1 Jn 1:5-7 –Even when the wicked bind themselves together to pull us from God (v69), we are safe To remember: picture a two-stranded rope, one strand is you and the other is God

9 Yod / Jod The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “yod” and each verse begins with the letter yod, י –The difference in “yod” and “jod” is again one of pronunciation due to speaker’s origin –The smallest letter, familiar from Matt 5:18 “jot” “Yod” is the Hebrew noun for “hand” –Used for a hand that is strong and active, doing something

10 Shaped by God’s hands Psalm 119:73-80 –Begins with the word “yod” –Need to let God shape us by His word Isa 64:8, 45:9 Jer 18:1-6 –We join with others who also seek God (vv74,79) Heb 12:12-13 Even in trials we can see the hand of God (v75) –Heb 12:5-11 –His hand is also a source of comfort (vv76-77) To remember: picture God’s hands shaping us, disciplining us, and comforting us

11 Kaph The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “kaph” and each verse begins with the letter kaph, כ “Kaph” is the Hebrew word for the hollowed out cup of the hand –The hand outstretched and asking or begging

12 Beseeching God Psalm 119:81-88 –We need to realize that we need to ask God for those things we have need of (Mt 7:7-11) Salvation tops the list (vv81-83) –And asking includes seeking from God’s word Seeking God’s help with our trials (vv84-86) –It is okay to ask God to fulfill His promises »Hab 1:2-4; Rev 6:9-11 –Realize that God may tell you to wait Strength and courage to go on (vv87-88) –God won’t let us be overwhelmed (1Cor 10:13, 1Pet 5:6-7) To remember: Picture us with our hands outstretched to God seeking His blessings

13 Conclusion God’s word is... –A terror to the wicked –A strong rope to hold the righteous –A means by which He reveals His hands guiding, shaping and disciplining us –What tells us that we can bring all our wants and cares to God Are you ready to seek God’s salvation? –Then why wait any longer (Ps 119:59-60)?


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