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E COLOGICAL O BSERVATIONS. Orientation and Mobility Functional Application.

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2 Orientation and Mobility Functional Application

3 O RIENTATION AND M OBILITY Rationale: Understanding how certain environmental factors affect the organization of vision and influence the student’s orientation skills contributes valuable information to the analysis of visual functioning.

4 Familiar and unfamiliar setting Effects of lighting Effects of noise Awareness of surface change Orientation and Mobility

5 F UNCTIONAL A PPLICATION Rationale: Environmental contexts and stimuli provide information on extent and quality of functional vision, cognitive status, and motivational sources. Identification of where and what student sees helps to encourage use of vision in various settings.

6 F UNCTIONAL A PPLICATION Optical aids Responses to people Play/leisure Notice of environment Mealtime/tasks of daily living Behaviors suggesting vision Functional acuity

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