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Egyptian Achievements Hieroglyphics Rosetta Stone Obelisk and Sphinx Papyrus.

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1 Egyptian Achievements Hieroglyphics Rosetta Stone Obelisk and Sphinx Papyrus

2 Hieroglyphics The Egyptian writing system was called hieroglyphics and was one of the world’s first writing systems. Early hieroglyphics were written/carved on stone. Later, Egyptians invented papyrus, a long-lasting, paper- like material made from reeds. Instead of pens, scribes used brushes and ink. Hieroglyphics used more than 600 symbols. Each symbol represented one or more sounds. Hieroglyphics could be written horizontally or vertically. They could be written from left to right or right to left.

3 The Rosetta Stone In 1799, slab of stone inscribed with hieroglyphics was discovered. On the stone, a passage was written in three different texts: Hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian. Scholars then compared the Greek text to the hieroglyphics to decode what the text read. Greek Demotic Hieroglyphics The stone weighs 1,676 pounds. The stone discusses laws and how to construct a temple.

4 Egypt’s Great Temples Temples were the homes of the gods. People visited temples to worship, offer the gods gifts, and ask for favors. Many temples had rows of sphinxes lining the path leading to the entrance of the temple. Also, on either side of the gate stood obelisks, a tall, four- sided pillar that is pointed at the top. Ancient obelisks were made of a single piece of stone. Criosphinx - body of lion with head of ram. The sphinxes were seen as guardian statues.

5 King Tutankhamen King Tut was a boy king who ruled Egypt from age 9 through 19. King Tut’s tomb, found in 1922, was one of the last Egyptian tombs to be discovered. His tomb was filled with treasures, jewelry, robes, a burial mask, and ivory statues. King Tut did very little for Egypt but is very well known for his lavish tomb discovered in the Valley of the Kings My father tried to make Egypt a monotheistic society by believing in only one god, Aton. Canes were found in Tut’s tomb. Based on what you know, what’s that tell us?

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