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TIARA WP2 Report and wrap-up Final Annual Meeting R. Aleksan Nov. 27 th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "TIARA WP2 Report and wrap-up Final Annual Meeting R. Aleksan Nov. 27 th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIARA WP2 Report and wrap-up Final Annual Meeting R. Aleksan Nov. 27 th, 2013

2  Define the Governance of TIARA Actual work concentrating on  Statutes  Management structure  Advisory mechanisms & bodies  Collaboration with other bodies  Financial aspects  Organization of CD&O Main tasks All documents are on WP2 work space  February 23 rd, 2011  April 4 th, 2011  May 24 th, 2011  October 17 th, 2011  March 2 nd, 2012  June 12 th, 2012  October 31 st, 2012 Meetings + subgroup meetings Subgroup Reports Available report available  February 18 th, 2013  June 7 th, 2013  October 12 nd, 2013  November 25 th, 2013 WP2 Tasks

3 4 deliverables WP2 Tasks

4 Creation of a multi-field coordinated panEuropean multi-purpose Distributed Accelerator R&D Infrastructure within an Association (AISBL) TIARA WP2 Objectives WP2 is actively working toward finalizing the remaining documents, enabling to develop the framework for allowing us to get supports for developing the programmes that have been discussed during this preparatory phase b

5 WP2 Tasks TIARA Organization TIARA Council 1 rep. per member Major issues beyond day to day management « Executive Office » President, Secretary, legal, industry, Communication Dissemination & Outreach, and financial officers (depending on model)… day to day management Administration Secretaries, webmaster… TIARA Advisory Committee ~12 ad personam scientists Financial Audit Committee Nominated by associates as needed Specific group(s) for industrial issues as needed TIARA Infrastructure & Programme Level

6 The 4 Technical WPs are in great shape WP6: SVET Very low emittance achieved at SLS <1pm (world record) Improved diagnostics being installed  even better  y WP7: ICTF Nominal RF amplifier power reached (2MW) @Daresbury Being installed in ICTF hall @RAL for MICE operation New DiacrodeAmplifier developed and tested successfully at Los Alamos (3 MW) WP8: HGA 2 New C-Band structures successfully constructed Being installed for high power tests on SPARC @LNF WP9: TIHPAC Design of Multi-MW test Irradiation Facility completed Design of the versatile SC Cavity test Cryostat close to completion Confirmation the great work done b Excellent Infrastructure showcase Final WP Reports need to be done by end 2013

7 4 Organizational WPs have made impressive progress as well WP3: Infrastructures Survey and RI database established Finalization of the list of Infrastructures being part of TIARA Needs vs resources comparison and upgrades/ construction of new RI being finalized WP4: R&D programme Key Accel. Research Area and Key Tech. Issues been identified Final plan of the collaborative R&D Programme being finalized WP5: Education and Training E&T Survey and resource database established Survey of Needs for Accel. Scientists done Recommendations for promoting Accel. Science and Tech. in Europe done Work Status b b WP2: Governance pressure on WP2  Legal statutes of TIARA are being drafted  pressure on WP2 Excellent studies highlighting TIARA potential to strengthen Accel. R&D Final WP Reports need to be done by end 2013

8 … also with advertising material Important to use them to promote TIARA Promoting TIARA To implement TIARA, important now to do lobbying at all levels  EC level EC level  Funding agency level Funding agency level  Laboratory level Laboratory level  Your colleague level Your colleague level You can be proud of the work you have done

9 … but also as shown by a lots of happy faces Very successful meeting as demonstrated by the great achievements reported



12 Heartily thanks to Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay and Prof. Peter McIntosh Prof. Susan Smith and for hosting TIARA Finally and once again But also and specially to for doing all the work!!! Sue and Mary

13 Conclusions Accelerator science; a powerful mean toward scientific, technical and industrial breakthroughs… TIARA will strengthen further The objectives of TIARA are very ambitious and challenging The last 2 months are vital as we have to come to a concrete proposal for implementation Overall Work is progressing very well, but there is still a lot to do for this endeavor to be successful … this NOT the end, and we have still a lot of great things to to all together and your dedication will be essential I wish you a safe trip back home

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