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Egypt World History Core. Geography/Interaction with the Environment Location  West of the Fertile Crescent  Africa  Along the Nile River Nile  Floods.

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Presentation on theme: "Egypt World History Core. Geography/Interaction with the Environment Location  West of the Fertile Crescent  Africa  Along the Nile River Nile  Floods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt World History Core

2 Geography/Interaction with the Environment Location  West of the Fertile Crescent  Africa  Along the Nile River Nile  Floods yearly  Flows NORTH (due to the elevation of the highlands in Eastern Africa to the Mediterranean Sea)  Longest river (4100 miles)


4 Geography/Interaction with the Environment “Gift of the Nile”  5 th c. Greek historian Herodotus called Egypt Predictable Floods  Snows melted in highland which led to the water flooding the Nile River region (every year around the same time)  Too Much WATER: ruin homes and granaries  Not Enough WATER: poor crops and starvation

5 Geography/Interaction with the Environment Deserts isolate and protect  Small area of arable land  Also provides protection from invaders Upper and Lower Egypt SOUTH Higher Elevation NORTH Lower Elevation

6 Geography/Interaction with the Environment Delta  100 miles from the Mediterranean Sea  Broad, marshy, Δ area of land formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river

7 Power and Authority Narmer  United Upper and Lower Egypt Combined the crowns of each to make one unified crown Pharaohs  God-King Most powerful being Theocracy  Government based on religious authority

8 Power and Authority Social Classes Kings, Queens, Royal Family Upper Class: landowners, gov’t officials, priest, commanders Middle Class: merchants, artisans Lower Class: peasants and laborers

9 Power and Authority Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt  Old 2660 – 2180 BC  Middle 2040 – 1640 BC  New 1570 – 1075 BC

10 Religious and Ethnical Systems Polytheistic  Belief in more than one God Re  Sun God Osiris  God of the Dead Isis  Goddess, represents ideal mother and wife

11 Religious and Ethnical Systems Ka  Eternal life force Afterlife  A continuing life after death  Anubis: God and guide of underworld Judged deeds of people after they died Weighed the heart, it had to be no heavier than a feather to pass through the gates

12 Religious and Ethnical Systems Mummification  A method of preserving bodies  Embalming/drying of corpus Prevents decaying Book of the Dead  Scrolls of hymns/prayers for the afterlife to help guide the soul after death Pyramids  Elaborate tombs  Filled with items people would need for afterlife  Made of granite and limestone  Each stone 2.5 tons

13 Religious and Ethnical Systems King Tut  Tutankhamen  New Kingdom Pharaoh Reign began at the age of 9  Made transition from Aten (monotheistic religion) back to original, polytheistic religion  One of the only intact tombs in the Valley of the Kings

14 Cultural Interaction/Economics/Empire Building Old Kingdom  Led by pharaohs, 2660 – 2180 BC  Limited Trade: due to geography Middle Kingdom  2040 – 1640 BC  Canal: built canal from Nile to Red Sea Gave way to trade and transportation Hyksos  “Rulers from a Foreign Land”=Palestine  Ruled Egypt from 1630 – 1075 BC

15 Cultural Interaction/Economics/Empire Building New Kingdom  1570 – 1075 BC  GOAL: strengthen empire Hatshepsut Woman pharaoh Encourage trade instead of war Thutmose III Son of Hatshepsut Eastward expansion to Palestine and Syria Ramses II Defended kingdom from Hittites  Hittites: from Palestine and Syria, Egypt had expanded to their area = bringing them to Egypt

16 Revolution Amenhotep becomes Ikhnaton  Changes name to Ikhnaton  Tries to get Egypt to worship Aten (sun) only making Egypt monothestic Hatshepsut becomes first female Pharaoh  Husband dies and his son is not worthy for throne because his mother was a “lesser”  Hatshepsut took over as Queen

17 Science and Technology Hieroglyphics  Picture form of writing Rosetta Stone  Papyrus Reeds split and placed close together, wet and dried together Calendar  Track flooding and planting  365 days/12 months/30 days each/5 feast days

18 Science and Technology Mathematics  # system developed for tax and geometry purposes Architecture  Sphinx Old Kingdom, located in Giza Considered guardians ½ human ½ lion  Valley of the Kings New Kingdom Pharaoh tombs Medicine  Discovered pulse  Set bones  Surgery

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