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Week 4 ETEC 668 Quantitative Research in Educational Technology Dr. Seungoh Paek February 5, 2014.

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1 Week 4 ETEC 668 Quantitative Research in Educational Technology Dr. Seungoh Paek February 5, 2014

2 Tonight’s Agenda  Research Presentations  Introduction to SPSS  Group Discussion

3 Research Presentations

4 Groups 1.Alicia & Rochelle 2.Chloe & Nat 3.Joe & Penn 4.Jonathan & Yasmin Number Generator


6 Let ’ s review… WWhat are the four types of measurement scales? (Clue: N.O.I.R) –N–Nominal –O–Ordinal –I–Interval –R–Ratio

7 When to use which … Level of Measurement Statistics for Measuring NominalOrdinalI/R Central Tendency ModeMedianMean Dispersion/ Variability -RangeVariance Std Dev 1 4 23 5

8  igma Freud & Descriptive Statistics Chapter 2 & Chapter 3


10 Data for Practice

11 Using SPSS



14 R  R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

15 RStudio  RStudio is a free and open source integrated development environment (IDE) for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. RStudio


17 PSPP Download PSPP - For Mac, click here. For Window, click

18  igma Freud & Descriptive Statistics A Picture is Really Worth a Thousand Words

19 Outline  Why pictures are worth “ a thousand words ”  How to create: Histogram Polygon  Using SPSS to create & modify charts  Different types of charts and their uses

20 Why Illustrate Data?  When describing a set of scores you will want to use two things… – One score for describing the group of data Measure of Central Tendency – Measure of how diverse or different the scores are from one another Measure of Variability/Dispersion – However, a visual representation of these two measures is much more effective when examining distributions.

21 Ten Ways to a Great Figure  Minimize the “ junk ”  Plan before you start creating  Say what you mean…mean what you say  Label everything  Communicate ONE idea  Keep things balanced  Maintain the scale in the graph  Remember…simple is best  Limit the number of words  The chart alone should convey what you want to say

22 Frequency Distributions  Method of tallying, and representing the number of times a certain score occurs – Group scores into interval classes/ranges  Creating class intervals – Range of 2, 5, 10, or 20 data points – 10 -20 data points cover entire range of data – List class interval with a multiple of the interval – Largest interval goes at the top

23 Histograms  Class Intervals Along the x-Axis

24 Histograms Hand Drawn Histogram

25 Frequency Polygon  “ continuous line that represents the frequencies of scores within a class interval ”

26 Cumulative Frequency Distribution

27 Fat & Skinny of Frequency Distributions  Distributions can be different in four different ways… – Average value – Variability – Skewness – Kurtosis

28 Average Value

29 Variability

30 Skewness (lack of symmetry/lopsidedness)  Positive & Negative Skewness

31 Kurtosis (flat vs. peaked)  Platykurtic (flat) & Leptokurtic (peaked)

32 Cool Ways to Chart Data  Column Chart

33 Cool Ways to Chart Data  Line Chart

34 Cool Ways to Chart Data  Pie Chart

35 Using the Computer to Illustrate Data  Creating Histogram Graphs

36 Using the Computer to Illustrate Data  Creating Bar Graphs

37 Using the Computer to Illustrate Data  Creating Line Graphs

38 Using the Computer to Illustrate Data  Creating Pie Graphs

39 Conducting a Literature Review

40 7-part Model for Conceptualizing Quantitative Ed Tech Research 1.Select a Topic 2.Identify the Research Problem 3.Conduct a Literature Review 4.State the Research questions and hypotheses 5.Determine the Research Design 6.Determine the Methods 7.Identify Data Analysis Procedures

41 Purposes of Literature Review in Quantitative Research 1.Clarify the research project 2.Clarify the research problem 3.Verify the significance of the research problem – worth studying ? 4.Specify the purpose of the study 5.Identify relevant studies 6.Identify relevant theories 7.Clarify research subproblems

42 Purposes of Literature Review in Quantitative Research 8. Develop definitions of major variables 9. Identify limitations and assumptions 10. Select a research design 11. Identify tools of measurement 12. Direct data collection & analysis 13. Interpret findings

43 Use of the Literature  In quantitative research, typically there’s substantial amount of literature at the beginning of a study to: – provide direction for the research questions or hypotheses. – describe a problem – introduce a theory  Deductively as a framework for the research questions or hypotheses  At the end of study, literature is revisited to compare the results with existing findings in the literature

44 Steps in Conducting Lit Review 1.Identify key words, descriptors, useful in locating materials in a library 2.With key words in mind, search library catalogs, focus initially on journals & books related to topic 3.Search online databases typically reviewed by social science researchers, e.g ERIC, PsycINFO, ProQuest, Google Scholar, etc. 4.Initially, try to locate about 50 research articles or books related to your topic

45 Steps in Conducting Lit Review 5.Skim this initial group of articles or chapters & duplicate those that are central to your topic 6.As you find useful literature, create a literature map – visual picture of groupings of literature on the topic 7.Draft summaries of the most relevant articles – include precise citations for the articles using APA, preferably use EndNotes

46 Steps in Conducting Lit Review 8.Assemble the lit review by organizing it thematically or by important concepts 9.End the lit review with a summary of the major themes and suggest how your study further adds to the literature.

47 Priority for Selecting Literature Material  Begin with broad synthesis of the literature, e.g. summaries of the literature on your topic in journal article, encyclopedia.  Next, look for refereed journal articles in respected, national journal. Start with most recent issues and work backward in time.  Follow up on references/bibliographies at the end of key articles for more sources  Turn to books related to the topic  Next search recent conference papers  Time permitting, scan the entries in Dissertation Abstracts  Also search the Web

48 GROUP RESEARCH PROJECT Possible Group Research Project Topic

49 7-part Model for Conceptualizing Quantitative Ed Tech Research 1.Select a Topic 2.Identify the Research Problem 3.Conduct a Literature Review 4.State the Research questions and hypotheses 5.Determine the Research Design 6.Determine the Methods 7.Identify Data Analysis Procedures

50 Selecting a Topic  Identify general area of interest, focus  Find something that you’re passionate about  Topic that would “make a difference”  Something fun that you’re curious about (hopefully!)  Groups’ topic areas – future schools; cyber charter school; tech integration; what else?

51 Start with Questions  As a researcher in the field of educational technology, what do you think is your task? In other words, what do you want to do as a ETEC researcher?  Is there an exemplary research paper that you have read about the field of educational technology?  What changes do you want to make to the field? Is there a contribution that you want to make? If so, in which area of this multidisciplinary area?

52 Identify the Research Problem  Determine problem/concern within your topic area  How important is the problem to the field  How does it expand on existing knowledge  Requires knowledge of the literature & current research activities  Bounce research problem/focus off others

53 Library & Research Tools

54 Library Services 

55 Voyager – Combined UH Libraries   Basic Search tab – Search by title, keyword, author, call number – Limit by Manoa, DVD, Last 5 years  Guided Search tab – Boolean term combinations AND, OR, NOT

56 Voyager – Combined UH Libraries  Reserves – PDF format – Search by instructor’s name, campus, and/or course – Frequently linked from WebCT courses  Intrasystem Loan (within UH Libraries) – – Free for neighbor island students – Use “Request” tool in Voyager Login requires barcode Pick up at your local UH library

57 Electronic Resources  Linked from Library Homepage – E-resources & Databases  Business / Humanities /Social Science  ERIC (via Ebscohost version) – UHM License only – Activate your ID code Enter ID barcode OR Enter UH username & Password

58 Google Scholar  Google Scholar – – Advanced search tips Author search Publication restrict Date restrict Phrase search Intitle: requires following term in document title – Settings  Library links

59 Online Resources  ts/literature_review.html ts/literature_review.html  eviewofLiterature.html eviewofLiterature.html  APA style manual: – – 60/01/ 60/01/

60 What to do in Week 04 1.Do the required readings for Week 05. – Salkind, N. J. Chapter 7. Hypotheticals and You: Testing Your Questions – Salkind, N. J. Chapter 8. Are Your Curves Normal? Probability and Why It Counts 2.Choose an article that interests you and complete an article critique workshop (Due by Tuesday, February 11 th ). article critique workshop 3.Continue the group discussion on the final research paper, and post the literature review outline for your paper to the Forum in Laulima (Due by Tuesday, February 18 th ).

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