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Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Rich Whittecar Ocean Earth Atmospheric Sciences Old Dominion University.

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Presentation on theme: "Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Rich Whittecar Ocean Earth Atmospheric Sciences Old Dominion University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Rich Whittecar Ocean Earth Atmospheric Sciences Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia

2 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia BS - Ocean and Earth Science tracks: Geology Earth Science Education Biological Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Physical Oceanography BS - Ocean and Earth Science tracks: Geology Earth Science Education Biological Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Physical Oceanography

3 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Writing Intensive (WI) course: >50% of course grade from writing assignments returned with comments that evaluate writing issues Writing Intensive (WI) course: >50% of course grade from writing assignments returned with comments that evaluate writing issues

4 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia 1. Interpret the landforms to predict the properties of the materials in the shallow subsurface. 2. Use electronic sources of geomorphic information 3. Assess the environmental hazards at a site 4. Practice writing a scientific report 1. Interpret the landforms to predict the properties of the materials in the shallow subsurface. 2. Use electronic sources of geomorphic information 3. Assess the environmental hazards at a site 4. Practice writing a scientific report

5 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Rich Whittecar Ocean Earth Atmospheric Sciences Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia

6 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Volcanic Landforms: Writing Captions Tectonic/Volcanic Landforms: Writing Paragraphs

7 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Septic System Operation and Failure: Writing Sections (Appendix)

8 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Soil Survey Maps and Tables Illustrations: Slopes Flooded Soils Septic System Suitability

9 Cm Cv LoF HsB HsC2 HsD HsC2 LfB GlC2 LnD3 WmB EmC2 EmD2 ElC2 HaD HsB ArB Cm HsC2 SrC ChC LnD2 Cv RtE LlB HsC2 HsB2 AlB HsC2 HsB SrC LoF SrC LnD3 CeC2 LlC2 LfD2 LoD LlC2 CeC2 ArB SrC GlC2 EmB WmB LlB2 EnC3 ChC LlB2 LlC2 LnC3 ElC2 ElB MvB

10 Cm Cv LoF HsB HsC2 HsD HsC2 LfB GlC2 LnD3 WmB EmC2 EmD2 ElC2 HaD HsB ArB Cm HsC2 SrC ChC LnD2 Cv RtE LlB HsC2 HsB2 AlB HsC2 HsB SrC LoF SrC LnD3 CeC2 LlC2 LfD2 LoD LlC2 CeC2 ArB SrC GlC2 EmB WmB LlB2 EnC3 ChC LlB2 LlC2 LnC3 ElC2 ElB MvB Slope Map “Madison County site”

11 Suitability for Dwellings with Basements NRCS Web Soil Survey

12 Potential for Flooding NRCS Web Soil Survey

13 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Debris Flow Chutes and Fans: Map Exercise

14 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Stream Hydrograph: Illustration Q2Q2 Q2Q2

15 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to Western VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to Western VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Visit 1 Site and Comparable Landscapes in Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valley

16 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Outline (oral review 1) Introduction + Regional Geologic Setting (oral review 2) Outline (oral review 1) Introduction + Regional Geologic Setting (oral review 2)

17 Report: Analysis of geomorphic hazards on potential home site, western Virginia Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Tectonic Geomorph Weathering/Soils Mass Movements Fluvial Geomorph Trip to West’n VA Coastal Geomorph Glacial Geomorph Quaternary History Introduction Regional Geologic Setting On-Site Geomorphic Hazards … flooding, clay, expansive soils, moderate-high slopes, … House Site Recommendations Introduction Regional Geologic Setting On-Site Geomorphic Hazards … flooding, clay, expansive soils, moderate-high slopes, … House Site Recommendations

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