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Egypt Predynastic Period 3100BCE – 2650 BCE Old Kingdom 2650 BCE – 2134 BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Egypt Predynastic Period 3100BCE – 2650 BCE Old Kingdom 2650 BCE – 2134 BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt Predynastic Period 3100BCE – 2650 BCE Old Kingdom 2650 BCE – 2134 BCE

2 Predynastic Period

3 In the Beginning Upper Egypt Nile River valley 6 – 20 km wide Settlements are sparse and spread out People lived close to the desert Lower Egypt North of present-day Cairo is a fertile delta spreading northeast and northwest Good pasture land Outlet to Mediterranean Abundant in birds

4 Unification 3100 BCE War between Upper and Lower Egypt Upper Egypt, led by King Menes was triumphant Menes is remembered as the Ruler who united the two kingdoms

5 One Kingdom Later rulers, after Menes, wore the Double Crown of Egypt It represents both Kingdoms


7 Menes Founding King of 1 st Dynasty Founded the City of Memphis His queen was named Berenib Died a mysterious death, he was said to be attacked by wild dogs and crocodiles

8 Hieroglyphics

9 Hieroglyphics Early system of writing Picture symbols represent words and ideas Similar to cuneiform

10 Hieroglyphics Appear on tablets Also appear on many common objects of their time Hieroglyphics have been translated and they reveal much about ancient Egypt

11 The Old Kingdom Known as “The Age of the Pyramids” 2650 BCE – 2134 BCE

12 The Power of the Ruler First Pyramid was ordered built by King Djoser It was 60M high It stands as a symbol of the ultimate power enjoyed by Egyptian Kings

13 Step Pyramid at Saqqara


15 Advanced Engineers Egyptians were great engineers Aside from the pyramids, they also built elaborate temples and irrigation systems



18 Traders and Travelers Potter’s Wheel came from Mesopotamia Timber came from Syria Oil and Wine came from Crete


20 How was the Country Ruled? Rulers divided the state into provinces or districts Each had its own governor Governor was appointed by the pharaoh

21 Threats to the Kingdom In the Old Kingdom, there was no large standing army Provincial Governors raised armies whenever a threat surfaced The army was disbanded or put to other tasks when the threat was dealt with

22 End of Old Kingdom Next – Middle Kingdom

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