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Jordan McGuigan Sara Christensen.  Document the network protocol  The network protocol provides an interface in which to communicate with other tables.

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Presentation on theme: "Jordan McGuigan Sara Christensen.  Document the network protocol  The network protocol provides an interface in which to communicate with other tables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jordan McGuigan Sara Christensen

2  Document the network protocol  The network protocol provides an interface in which to communicate with other tables in an orderly and consistent manner. Each action happens the same way every time so that they are interpreted by the other connected tables in the same way  This would allow the network protocol to be abstracted network protocol so that other clients (iPad, browser with websockets, Macs) can be coded andcan connect to the same table system  Ability to run a dedicated server

3  Look over code, specifically networking code  What needs to be transmitted -- for example, iPad, what is sent out by the iPad and what needs to be transmitted back?  Help Sara in her abstraction and mapping process  Look at high-level MITRE requirements  Provide technical details for abstraction based of code, requirements and technical knowledge.

4  High Level Architecture: the first consistent standard for creating component- based computer models and simulations -- internationally standardized, therefore creating a worldwide market for modeling components  Purpose  Scope ▪ Themes/Use Cases  Definition of Terms  Acronyms & Abbreviations  Document Structure  MITRE Requirements  Cost  Stakeholder Management  Rules  Runtime Infrastructure  Object Model Template  Networking

5 Janelle Hilliard Josiah Peterham Sara Christensen

6  Users – Strategic Planners  Primary Use Case  Marking Up a Map for Strategy Planning ▪ Map image loaded onto the workspace (board) via a toolbox ▪ Users, both local and remotes, can view the map ▪ Using the toolboxes, users can draw on the map and place items ▪ Content can be selected and manipulated (moved, resized, rotated, etc) ▪ Audio and video from the workspace is recorded for future reference

7  Possible Additions to the System  Security (login or identity recognition)  Image Scanner to load graphs and charts  Personal work area that slides out with each of the four toolbars(for 4 separate individuals on the same table)- to be able to draw/create something without distracting what’s being worked on cooperatively  Access to government database for military purposes to pull files from when needed  Ability to replay conference(audio and visual) in personal work area

8  Continued  Workspace has sliding feature for when area gets too cluttered but more information needs to be added(ability to slide back and forward)  Receive radio transmissions from individuals on the field(ie. airplane on front line) - tie into other communication networks?  Speech to text recognition to add onto the handwriting to text translation  “Self destruct” mechanism in case of any type of breach  Extra kinect camera for gesture recognition a little farther away from the table area

9  Using the MITRE project in other areas:  Business  Engineering  Education  Art  Others

10  User(s)  Executives and Employees  Use Case(s)  Meeting to discuss company stats and other figures  Possible Additions to the System  Ability to add graphs and other visual aids  Ability to view and mark-up/edit documents (word, excel,

11  User(s)  Users working with blueprints or models  Use Case(s)  Reviewing blueprints, plots, models, etc.  Possible Additions to the System  Import blueprint and model files onto the whiteboard  Rotate and manipulate a 3D image  3D scanning of prototypes  Product/Item recognition, can display dimensions ie. height, width, length, etc  Layers of images to view various aspects of a virtual model (normal view, stress test view, etc)

12  User(s)  Professors, student, faculty  Use Case(s)  Collaborative work on school documents i.e. classplans  Digital whiteboard  Possible Additions to the System  Plug-ins to match content for different kinds of classes (math equations, physics formulas, etc)

13  User(s)  Collaborative, storyboard, animation artists  Use Case(s)  Presenting ideas to the team  Simultaneously working on an art piece  Possible Additions to the System  More detailed art system like Photoshop (brush sizes, color mixing, filters, etc)  Image editing (hue, contrast, brightness)  Selection tools (box, polygon, free form, and magic wand)  Preset shape options  Fills and gradient fills ▪ May require being able to hold 2 colors at the same time  Integration with various digital pen tools i.e. Wacom

14  Other Possible Uses  Personal/Home, Gaming  Possible Additions to the System  Web browser  Customizable toolbar for each individual  Ability to add personal apps  Game piece recognition

15  Comfort Level  Horizontal vs Vertical  Location & Placement of the UI bars  Single board vs Individual stations  orientation of text  options for remote users  combining board with remote individual stations  Setup  Time it takes to setup the system  Stability and resistance to error  Complexity  Weight and travel requirements

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