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The Ancient Civilizations.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ancient Civilizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ancient Civilizations

2 Indo-European Migrations: 4m-2m BC
The Middle East: “The Crossroads of Three Continents”

3 The Ancient Fertile Crescent Area
The Middle East: “The Cradle of Civilization”

4 What is a Civilization? an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.

5 What does a society need in order to be called a Civilization?
Cities as centers for trade Record Keeping a form of writing Specialized Jobs and skilled workers Institutions- Government, Religion, Education Advanced Technologies and Tools

6 Cities as centers for trade
A place for people to bring things to trade for other items Protection, Culture, Easier life

7 Record Keeping - Writing
Babylonian - Cuneiform Inca-Quipu Egyptian hieroglyphics

8 Specialized Jobs Jewelry Maker Scribes Farmers Mr. Edge Stone Mason
Military Al Asad, Iraq

9 Religion Institutions Government Code of Hammurabi E D U C A T I O N

10 Advanced Technologies and Tools

11 Sumerians

12 Sumerian Religion - Polytheistic
Enki Innana Anthropomorphic Gods

13 Mesopotamian Trade “The Cuneiform World”

14 Gilgamesh – Story Telling

15 Gilgamesh Epic Tablet: Flood Story

16 Cuneiform: “Wedge-Shaped” Writing

17 Cuneiform Writing

18 Sumerian Scribes “Tablet House”

19 Sumerian Cylinder Seals

20 Ziggurat at Ur Temple “Mountain of the Gods”

21 The Royal Standard of Ur

22 Mesopotamian Harp

23 Board Game From Ur

24 Sophisticated Metallurgy Skills at Ur

25 Sargon of Akkad: The World’s First Empire [Akkadians]

26 The Babylonian Empires

27 Hammurabi’s [r. 1792-1750 B. C. ] Code

28 Hammurabi, the Judge

29 Babylonian Math

30 Babylonian Numbers

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