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River Civilizations & Egypt Nadzak The development of farming was so AWESOME it’s considered a REVOLUTION! The Neolithic Revolution ?

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Presentation on theme: "River Civilizations & Egypt Nadzak The development of farming was so AWESOME it’s considered a REVOLUTION! The Neolithic Revolution ?"— Presentation transcript:


2 River Civilizations & Egypt Nadzak


4 The development of farming was so AWESOME it’s considered a REVOLUTION! The Neolithic Revolution ?

5 1st Farming Domestication of animals soooo Sturdier shelters / homes Steady food supply then Larger population Special skills – different jobs – trade!

6 ivilizations! Cities Central government Religion Social & economic classes Arts & architecture Writing omplex culture!

7 ?????

8 Farming and domestication of animals led to what?

9 Shelters, steady food supply, larger population & specialized skills

10 What happened during the Neolithic Revolution?

11 Agriculture was developed.

12 List 5 traits of civilizations?

13 Surplus of food – leads to trade Cities Division of labor – different types of jobs Organized institutions – gov’t, religion System of written communication – cuneiform, hieroglyphics, Sanskrit

14 The Epic of Gilgamesh

15 what it is epic what it’s not So what? context


17 Why would anyone wish to build a civilization in the middle of the desert in what is now lower Iraq ?



20 Rocky deserts cover 40% of the land 30% is mountainous with bitter cold winters The South is marshy and damp Why would anyone want to live there?

21 Because... Most people in ancient Mesopotamia and in modern day Iraq live near the Tigris & Euphrates rivers in the Fertile Crescent!

22 Civilization began in an area known as the Fertile Crescent. Located near the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf Rich soil – shaped like crescent Eastern section between Tigris & Euphrates = Mesopotamia – “land between two rivers” Western section = Mediterranean Sumerian, Babylonia, Phoenician & Egyptian cultures evolved here





27 BUT... the Tigris & Euphrates rivers FLOODED! Even though floods were good for soil they could be

28 Soooo... what did people do?

29 Why did they need teamwork?

30 Did you know... There are carp in the rivers of Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia) that get to be 300 pounds Shark swim in from the Persian Gulf

31 all early civilizations developed along major rivers river valleys were ideal locations for civilizations to arise since they provided important resources (such was water, food, and fertile soil), natural trade/transportation routes, and, in some cases a natural defense against attacks

32 rivers could be dangerous in times of flooding and that civilizations had to take measures to control flooding and/or lessen the severity of the impact in spite of these attempts to control flooding, early civilizations often suffered devastating losses

33 ?????

34 Why did ancient peoples settle along rivers?

35 They provided important resources (such was water, food, and fertile soil), natural trade/transportation routes, and, in some cases a natural defense against attacks.

36 What is ancient Mesopotamia called now?


38 The Fertile Crescent is between what 2 rivers?

39 Tigris and Euphrates

40 Why were rivers often dangerous during ancient times?

41 Unpredictable flooding

42 What’s the name for “land between 2 rivers”?

43 Mesopotamia

44 What civilizations began in Mesopotamia?

45 Sumerian, Babylonia, Phoenician & Egyptian

46 Where was Mesopotamia?

47 near the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf



50 societies were divided into hierarchies of labor development of government - particularly law codes (Hammurabi’s Code) ziggurats, pyramids, temples were examples of architecture


52 writing systems included pictographs and symbols (hieroglyphics & cuneiform) the religious systems were often connected to nature architecture was related to religion and defense (ziggurats & pyramids)



55 The umerians had the first civilization in ancient Mesopotamia about 3000 B.C. Sumer was a series of city-states? WHAT did you think a CITY-STATE was? The first type of writing CUNIEFORM began in umer


57 Sumerians 1 st people in Fertile Crescent 3500 – 2000 BC(BCE = before common era) Farmed & raised cattle Traders & artists Built temples & monuments called ziggurats Cuneiform = wedge-shaped Studied science & math & developed calendar Army used complex weapons made of metal

58 what it is scribe what it’s not So what? context

59 What did you learn about Sumer in your reading?

60 Sumerians … 1)Cities were walled out of mud bricks 2)Most Sumerians were peasants or farmers 3)They built large temples (ziggurats) to worships their gods & goddesses (deities) 4)They had social classes The rulerPriests & soldiers Scribes, merchants & craftsworkers

61 The Ziggurat of UR

62 About 1000 years later...

63 The BABYLONIANS came into the picture!


65 Babylon became an empire under Nebuchadnezzar II.

66 Babylonians Babylon located on Euphrates River – capital & impt center for trade & religion Hammurabi’s Code (1792 – 1750 BC) Believed in astrology – led to astronomy = study of universe

67 Babylonian king - Hammurabi

68 Hammurabi … 1)Hammurabi came up with the first set of laws 2)He believed in an “eye for an eye” 3)He was the first to CODIFY a set of laws 4)Hammurabi put the 282 laws he collected from across his empire on stone pillars and placed them everywhere! HEY! If you don’t know about a law and you break it can you still get in trouble?

69 what it is codify what it’s not So what? context

70 Then what happened?

71 The Persians came to town!

72 What did you learn about the Persians in your reading?

73 What you should have learned … 1)Power in the city-states changed alot 2)Weak kings bit the dust!! 3)Cyrus the Great of Persia created a humungous empire when Iran is now 4)Cyrus was a JUST ruler!

74 Some more stuff you should have learned … 1)Darius took command after Cyrus 2)He enlarged the empire to reach from Europe to India! Holla! 3)Darius set up a centralized government & organized into satrapies – how is that like the United States? 4)The ROYAL ARMY, paid for with taxes, protected the empire




78 what it is famine what it’s not So what? context

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