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SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Starting Your SPIL Planning Early May 28, 2014 Presenters: Ann McDaniel Brad Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Starting Your SPIL Planning Early May 28, 2014 Presenters: Ann McDaniel Brad Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Starting Your SPIL Planning Early May 28, 2014 Presenters: Ann McDaniel Brad Williams

2 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Things to Consider Who should be involved in writing the SPIL? When should the process begin? At what points do you need to gather public input/feedback? Who needs to approve and sign the SPIL? When do you need to submit it to RSA? 2

3 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Webinar Objectives Upon completion of this webinar/teleconference, participants will be able to— Describe regulatory basis for the development and submission of the SPIL Describe the benefits of a logical, organized, and systematic approach to preparing the SPIL Identify significant steps, milestones, and deadlines in SPIL development for maximum results Describe effective practices in SPIL planning and development as shared by SILC directors from the states of West Virginia and New York 3

4 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Who Should be Involved in Writing the SPIL? Who is required? SILC DSU Who else should be involved? Everyone who cares about IL in your state CILs IL Consumers By including all the partners & interested parties from the beginning, you get buy in from all 4

5 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization When Should the Process Begin? Sooner than you may think! Deadlines to consider Getting public input before writing Getting public feedback after writing Getting SILC approval before submitting Getting DSU approval before submitting Getting signatures before submitting All this takes time―so you need to start your process now! 5

6 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Other Tasks to Complete that Affect the SPIL Assess Consumer Satisfaction with current SPIL Needs Assessment – what needs should be considered in SPIL planning? Assess Effectiveness of current SPIL throughout the SPIL planning process – use what you learn to inform the SPIL writing process You will need to begin these tasks NOW 6

7 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization At What Points Do You Need Public Input? Rehab Act requires public input prior to writing SPIL This means public meetings of some type or some other form of getting input needs to be conducted Rehab Act requires public feedback on the draft SPIL before it is approved and submitted Public meetings must be held with advance notice Draft SPIL must be available to public in advance of the meeting Option to submit written comments should be offered 7

8 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Who Needs to Approve & Sign the SPIL? Rehab Act requires approval by the SILC and the Designated State Unit(s) SILC approval should be given by vote at a full SILC meeting DSU(s) should have their own process for securing approval Once approved, SPIL must be signed by the SILC Chairperson and the Director of the DSU(s) Signatures must be secured prior to submission to RSA 8

9 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization When Do You Need to Submit it to RSA? SPIL must be submitted to RSA, on their on-line MIS, by June 30, 2016 Submission must include verification of signatures Person who actually inputs the information into the MIS must have a passcode from RSA to do so – allow time for this: –Must secure passcode in advance –Passcode must be periodically updated – so allow time in case an update is required when you try to sign in 9

10 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization All This Takes Time! Work backward from the submission deadline Determine deadlines for all the required steps Start earlier than you think you need to―there will be unanticipated delays! 10

11 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Questions & Answers 11

12 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization West Virginia SILC SPIL Development Timelines 12

13 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization West Virginia SILC SPIL Timeline SPIL Writing Team – formed by February 2015 Includes representatives from the SILC, DSU, and CILs Organizes public meetings to gather input Facilitates public meetings Divides up the work of writing the SPIL Considers all public input and feedback in writing and finalizing the draft Determines who will do final writing & submission 13

14 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Gather Public Input by July 2015 Organize public meetings or other forum to gather input Make sure to gather input statewide Compile all the input gathered and provide to SPIL writing team SPIL Writing Team should consider― Public input SILC, DSU & CILs input Information from Consumer Satisfaction & Needs Assessments 14

15 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Start Writing Draft SPIL by August 2015 Determine who will pull all the pieces together Divide the work Gather information/input as needed during writing process Have SPIL Writing Team meetings as you go along to make sure everything is agreed upon 15

16 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Finalize Draft SPIL by February 2016 This is the first full draft of the SPIL Once you have the full draft, it should be reviewed by Public SILC members DSU CILs 16

17 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Gather Public Comment by April 2016 Plan for gathering public comment Have public meetings Provide for input on-line Have Team members gather input from their constituencies Etc. Implement your plan Provide all public comment to the SPIL Writing Team 17

18 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Finalize Draft SPIL by May 2016 SPIL Writing Team reviews all public comments received Determines whether revisions need to be made Incorporates any revisions and finalizes SPIL for SILC and DSU approval 18

19 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Send Draft to SILC & DSU by May 2016 Provide draft in timely manner to allow thorough review prior to approval Request DSU to implement their approval process Request SILC to implement their approval process 19

20 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC & DSU Approval by June 1, 2016 This is the date of the last West Virginia SILC meeting prior to submission of the SPIL SILC should― Review thoroughly Ask any remaining questions Full SILC should vote on approval SILC Chairperson should be authorized to sign on behalf of the SILC 20

21 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Signatures Secured by June 15, 2016 Secure signatures from― SILC Chairperson DSU Director DSU for Blind Director if applicable Maintain original signatures on file 21

22 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Input SPIL into RSA MIS by June 24, 2016 Start input process EARLY Allow for possible delays Don’t try to input on the last day – the system is overwhelmed and it takes MUCH longer! Signed SPIL is due to RSA by June 30, 2016! 22

23 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization New York SILC SPIL Development Timelines 23

24 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (November-December) Assess Impact of Current SPIL SPIL Evaluator works with executive director to develop objective evaluation forms based on outcomes and targets for the year. The evaluator touches base with the chair of each committee to review the process. Committees review their assigned SPIL objectives in last quarter of the year on a scheduled conference call. Executive director helps to facilitate the process on the calls, summarizes comments, and sends completed forms to SPIL Evaluator. 24

25 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (December) Assess Impact of Current SPIL 2012 SPIL Evaluation Summary: Objective # 2 – CBVH IL Fee For Service (FFS) Consumer Satisfaction Survey Subcommittee Reviews 2012 Performance Targets: 350 legally blind consumers receiving CBVH Independent Living Fee For Services. Information/data: Based on information received from CBVH and their central database, 461 individuals received CBVH IL FFS during the past year. The outcome was exceeded. Committee Comments: (Met/Exceeded/Not Met): Exceeded. Any Recommendations for Next Year: One person felt that the base number of 350 should be increased to 400. Another felt that 350 would still be reasonable next cycle. 25

26 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (January) Assess Impact of Current SPIL SPIL Evaluator reviews results from collective evaluations, then tabulates results into an initial draft report. Information related to individual objectives is sent out electronically to the SPIL Committee members for the purpose of overall review and final recommendations based on progress and results in consideration of the next SPIL. The final recommendations are sent to SPIL Evaluator & included in draft report. The committee gives their feedback into a final report, which is issued & reviewed at the May full council meeting. A copy of the 2012 SPIL Evaluation report is posted at the following link on the NYSILC website: Evaluation-Report4-26-13FINAL%20.doc. Evaluation-Report4-26-13FINAL%20.doc 26

27 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (February) Convene a Needs Assessment Committee (NAC) The NAC identifies questions to be investigated for the report, what types of data exist and what has to be obtained by other means, and projects the timeframes for the collection of necessary information to generate the draft and final reports. The preliminary results help to structure the facilitation outline. The final needs assessment report helps to prioritize needs during SPIL formulation—to what is actionable in the next SPIL. The needs assessment also challenges the network to do more by constantly asking “so what?” It can provide the basis for system advocacy and legislative initiatives. A copy of the 2012 NYSILC Needs Assessment is posted at the following link on the NYSILC website: Needs-Assessment-Report-10-11-12.pdf Needs-Assessment-Report-10-11-12.pdf 27

28 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (May) SPIL Committee Develops Outreach Materials to Obtain SPIL Feedback Facilitation Outline Public Hearing Notice and Locations CIL Focus Group Packet SILC/SPIL Background Information Written Comment Solicitations 28

29 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (July) Review Preliminary Needs Assessment Data & CIL Consumer Satisfaction Survey Results Incorporate into Facilitation Outline/SPIL Outreach Materials. Identify priorities from needs assessment preliminary data. The employment rate for New Yorkers with disabilities ages 18-64 is 31.2%―a 40.8% gap compared to persons without disabilities in the State. 2010 CIL Statewide Consumer Satisfaction Survey The number of consumers served in the 55-older age group statewide increased dramatically between 2008 and 2010, from 1309 to 2420. This increase of nearly 85% came at a time when the first of the Baby Boomers reached retirement age, and might be related in part to the growing need of this large sector of the population for additional services. 29

30 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (September-October) Receive Feedback on Formulation of SPIL Public Hearings: At least three held geographically dispersed throughout state. Held at CILs. Public notice sent out in advance. Local center helps to encourage participation. Targeted Focus Groups at Public Events/Conferences Typically, non-IL disability stakeholder input at strategically scheduled events or conferences SAANYS (intellectual/developmental disabilities), NYAPRS (mental health), CDPAANYS (consumer directed personal assistance). 30

31 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (September-October) Receive Feedback on Formulation of SPIL, cont’d. CIL Facilitated Focus Groups All centers encouraged to assert local control & provide input by facilitating their own focus group. Consumers more familiar with their own center. Reduces transportation barriers. Written Comment Accepted by email, online in response to website request, fax, or letter (mail). Electronic format emerging as primary mechanism. Last SPIL, over 500 pages of online comment. Also consider Survey Monkey and expanded distribution via social networking. 31

32 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (September-October ) Receive Feedback on Formulation of SPIL, cont’d. 2 All Modes Identified to Obtain SPIL Feedback Utilize a Facilitation Outline Facilitation Outline: (Excerpt) Use of Title VII, Part B Funds What do you think are the top technical assistance and training needs of the statewide network? What is the best way to increase public awareness about CILs & issues important to people with disabilities? What populations are currently unserved or underserved by the network of Centers? What is the best way CILs can conduct outreach to these populations? What has worked well in your community? 32

33 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization (September-October) Receive Feedback on Formulation of SPIL, cont’d. 3 Use of Title VII, Part C Funds –How can the statewide network best use new Title VII, Part C funds? –How can NYSILC encourage the maintenance and growth of a statewide network of centers? –How should NYSILC best address the infusion of short-term federal funds to the network of CILs? Link to NYSILC Formulation Materials posted at the following link on the NYSILC website: Formulation-Materials8912final.doc Formulation-Materials8912final.doc 33

34 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization NY SPIL Development Timeline Year One Conduct statewide consumer satisfaction survey and summarize results in a report. (October-December) Assess Impact of Current SPIL: Committees evaluate SPIL objectives. (May) SPIL Evaluation Report reviewed and accepted by full council. Year Two (October-December) Assess Impact of Current SPIL: Committees evaluate SPIL objectives. (January-May) Assess Impact of Current SPIL: SPIL Committee makes recommendations on current objectives related to upcoming SPIL. (February-July) Convene a Needs Assessment Committee (NAC) to produce preliminary results by July and a report by September. (May) SPIL Evaluation Report reviewed and accepted by full council. (May) SPIL Committee starts process to develop outreach materials to obtain public input starting in September. 34

35 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization NY SPIL Development Timeline, cont’d. Year Two (cont’d.) (July) Review preliminary NAC results and statewide consumer satisfaction survey trends for facilitation outline. (September-October) Receive Public Input on SPIL. (November) Needs Assessment Report reviewed and accepted at full council meeting. (November-December) SPIL Committee Reviews Input and Identifies Priorities and Funding. Year Three (December-January) Key Elements of Plan sent out for public comment. Makes changes accordingly. (February) SPIL drafted and sent out to SILC for 30 day review. (March) SILC Review and Approval of SPIL. (March-June) Technical Review and Edits/Signatures of SILC Chair & DSU Directors. (June) Input Final SPIL into RSA MIS. 35

36 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization NY SPIL Development Timeline, cont’d. 2 Year Three (cont’d.) (June) Signed SPIL transmitted to RSA. (September) Review, Negotiation, & Technical Edits of SPIL with RSA. (October) New SPIL Approved by RSA. Note: When the SPIL evaluation is conducted going into Oct-Dec and the months going forward, it will include a review of the third year of the SPIL objectives, a three-year summary, and commentary about the process. 36

37 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Questions & Answers 38

38 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Contact Information Ann McDaniel: Phone: (304) 766-4624 Brad Williams: Phone: (518) 427-1060 38

39 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Wrap Up & Evaluation Please click the link below to complete your evaluation of this program: 40

40 SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC-NET Attribution Support for development of this Webinar/teleconference was provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration under grant number H132B070001. No official endorsement of the Department of Education should be inferred. Permission is granted for duplication of any portion of this PowerPoint presentation, providing that the following credit is given to the project: Developed as part of the SILC-NET, a project of the IL-NET, an ILRU/NCIL/APRIL National Training and Technical Assistance Program. 40

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