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Young Author Book Trouble Paper. Catchy Title: Rhyming or Alliteration? The HHH (Haunted House Hunters) I’d never forget the day that we went into.

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1 Young Author Book Trouble Paper



4 Catchy Title: Rhyming or Alliteration? The HHH (Haunted House Hunters) I’d never forget the day that we went into that very Mysterious house, I mean very mysterious and scary. Here is how it goes. I was watching a boring baby show with my brother. Then I got bored, so I thought that I could probably go meet my friend in the forest where there was this is this very old house. Dalton said “Let’s go inside and find out what is in there.” But I didn’t think that we should do that because the house looks kind of scary. “Oh come on, Scardy cat,” Dalton said. “Oh fine,” I replied. So, we went in. Then you’d never guess what happened next. When we got in there, it was really dark. Lucky for us, Dalton had his super powerful flashlight. He turned it on into the pitch black living room. When the flashlight was on, Dalton found some furniture and a TV. When he sat down, he found the remote covered in cob webs. “Wait,” I shouted. “It’s a trap!” “Don’t be silly,” he laughed. When he pushed the power button, it didn’t come on. “What is going on,” he said. “is it even plugged in?” Then we heard some foot steps in the hallway. “Wwwwwwhat is that” I shivered. “Don’t be scared," said Dalton. “It’s probably a waiter, waiting to serve us with some delicious hamburgers.” “Dalton," I said with a serious face. “Please don’t tell me you have a hamburger attack.” Then, after all the excitement, we saw an old stair case. As we went up the stairs, there were creaks coming from the stairs. We also smelled something bad. We went up the stairs carefully and quietly so that we could follow the smell When we got close to the top, we saw a wall of hung dead people. Dalton tried to touch one of them. “Noooooooooooooo!” I shouted. But it was to late. When he touched it, a big, giant cage fell on us. “Now, look what you’ve done!” I yelled with a furious look on my face. “Don’t worry dude. I’ll get us out of here,” he replied." How?!” I said. “I don’t know.” he replied. Then, Dalton found the key. But it was too far away. Lucky for us, he had his mega magno stick. But, the key wasn’t magnetic. But, I had my super long hook of which can spread out to almost a hundred feet. I got it out and I got the key. Then, I put the key in the lock and the cage opened. As soon as we got out, we ran to the front door. But the door was locked, and we had no key. So, we ran to the basement. When we got there, there were to many ghosts coming after us from every direction. “Heeeeeeelp uuuuuus!” we yelled in terror. Then we realised…. It was all just a dream. We told our parents all about our dream. “Calm down, one at a time!” they said. Then, we stopped talking. “You guys are in big trouble for spending the night at a haunted house without asking!” they said. “Awe, Mom!” we said sadly. Our punishment was that we got grounded from HHH (Haunted House Hunter) for a week. How we got caught was that our moms were both in a car with a dead cow tied to the roof. We learned two things; that haunted houses are scary, and that dead people smell bad.

5 Intro Examples: What do you get when a browbeating boy meets the cookie chucker? You get a boy with a concussion. You should never ask me to help you brush your hair! If you do you’ll have a minty-fresh hair day. Mom + cell phone +dishwasher = drama. What do you get when you cross a mad mom, a cell phone, and a dishwasher?

6 Riddle introduction. “What do you get cross a strict mom, a clean house, a paintball gun, and a rebellious 5 th grader with an itchy trigger finger? You get an abstract art masterpiece and a year of grounding.”

7 Body #1 Use transitions and put at least 2 feelings and thoughts in this paragraph… “You’d never guess what happened next….” “It all started…” Explain where you were / who you were with “I was bored and I thought it would be fun…” “You’d never guess what happened next….”

8 Body #2 Use transitions and put at least 2 feelings and thoughts in this paragraph… “The next thing I knew…” Explain what you did wrong here. How did you feel? What did you fear?

9 Body #3 Use transitions and put at least 2 feelings and thoughts in this paragraph… “What did you do to try to avoid trouble? What were you thinking? How did you get caught? What did your parents say?

10 Body #4 The chase! Describe in detail how you tried to escape Make sure to explain how you were feeling and what you were thinking! Also Explain how you were captured!

11 Conclusion: What was your punishment? What did you learn… a serious lesson. What funny thing did you learn?

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