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Exit data from classes of 2009 (597) & 2010 (644) Academic Profiles of SCAHS Students at Penn State.

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1 Exit data from classes of 2009 (597) & 2010 (644) Academic Profiles of SCAHS Students at Penn State





6  372 students took 756 AP tests. 86% of the test taken scored a 3 or higher  77 AP and Advanced Courses offered  National Merit/Achievement: ◦ 29 Commended ◦ 15 Semi-Finalists ◦ 15 Finalists ◦ 1 Achievement Finalist ◦ 1 Hispanic Finalist



9  Processed 1,579 College Applications to 310 different colleges or post-secondary schools  PSU: 479 Applied, 471 Accepted, 354 Attending  PSU Schreyer Honors College: 98 Applied, 36 Accepted, 27 Attending

10 The overall graduation rate of students admitted to University Park from SCAHS is 75.3%; the rate among students admitted for fall semester is 95.7%




14  Penn State credits earned before matriculation ◦ Average of 9% of SCAHS students earned credits prior to admission ◦ Typically 6 or fewer credits  Advanced Placement credits ◦ Approximately 25% of SCAHS students earned AP credits  Lower than PSU average overall, but  Average number of credits per SCAHS students is slightly higher than PSU average  FTCAP Placement Score (all students who matriculated at UP) ◦ Distinction between SCAHS students Fall Admissions and SCAHS students Summer Admissions  Fall admissions compare favorably to PSU norm  Summer admissions do not compare favorably to PSU norm

15  SCAHS fall admissions students compare very favorably with peer group at University Park  Attending a larger high school helps to prepare students to successfully navigate University Park campus  SCAHS scheduling is similar to college scheduling (may help to prepare students for the experience of scheduling at the collegiate level)  Students who are at risk academically/socially tend to experience more difficulty with: ◦ Self-initiating ◦ Self-advocating

16  Consider ways to provide students with more opportunities to develop these skills/abilities in order to better prepare students for success at University Park: ◦ Ability to engage in complex thinking such as synthesizing and/or applying knowledge across disciplines (verses information finding) ◦ Ability to act responsibly  Self-initiate  Self-advocate  Organizational skills (time, responsibilities, etc.) ◦ Ability to study

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