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2011 GLCC 15th ANNIVERSARY MESSAGE SERIES 2: The Gospel - The Key to the Unsearchable Riches of Christ I. INTRO  How often do I hear the well-worn sighing,

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Presentation on theme: "2011 GLCC 15th ANNIVERSARY MESSAGE SERIES 2: The Gospel - The Key to the Unsearchable Riches of Christ I. INTRO  How often do I hear the well-worn sighing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 GLCC 15th ANNIVERSARY MESSAGE SERIES 2: The Gospel - The Key to the Unsearchable Riches of Christ I. INTRO  How often do I hear the well-worn sighing, “Ang hirap ng buhay!” ~ Jn 16:33  Sometimes it seems that circumstances are even worse for Christians.

2 ~ In addition to all the frustrations and heartaches of life common to everyone, we have an enemy – the Devil (1Pet 5:8).  Underlying all the other problems we face, however, is the greatest problem of all – our sin. ~ Not the sins of other people against us, as painful as those may be, but our own sin against God.

3 II. LIVING IN SPIRITUAL POVERTY  Richard Lovelace has written that many Christians “below the surface of their lives are guilt-ridden and insecure... [and] draw the assurance of their acceptance with God from their sincerity, their past experience of conversion, their recent religious performance or the relative infrequency of their conscious, willful disobedience.”

4  Why is this true? ~ One answer is that we have a narrow view of the gospel, tending to see it only as a door we walk through to become a Christian. ~ In this view, the gospel is only for unbelievers.  Another reason for our quiet desperation is that many people have a pragmatic view of the gospel. ~ What can the gospel do for me? ~ What can the gospel do for me?

5  We fail to see the gospel as the solution to our greatest problem – our guilt, condemnation, and alienation from God. ~ Beyond that, we fail to see it as the basis of our day-to-day acceptance with Him.  The apostle Paul wrote of preaching “to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph 3:8).

6 ~ Paul was not referring to financial wealth but to the glorious truths of the gospel. ~ We don’t understand the riches of the gospel.

7 III. THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL  The reality of present-day Christendom is that most professing Christians actually know very little of the gospel, let alone understand its implications for their day-to-day lives.  The word gospel means, essentially, “good news.” ~ And it is specifically good news about our relationship with God.

8 ~ It is the good news that directly addresses the ultimate bad news of our lives. ~ Rom 1:18 ~ Eph 2:3  In Paul’s message, the Good News always outweighs the bad news. ~ Eph 2:1-9

9 ~ What could be a greater contrast than an object of God’s wrath seated with His Son in a position of glory?  This good news doesn’t begin when we die. ~ It certainly does address that issue, but it also tells us that there is good news for us now.

10 ~ We can begin each day with the deeply encouraging realization that I am accepted by God, not on the basis of my personal performance, but on the basis of the infinitely perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ.  Think again of the story of the former slave. ~ His inheritance far surpasses his debt. ~ His inheritance far surpasses his debt.

11  This is the truth of the gospel. ~ We owe an enormous spiritual debt to God – a debt we can’t begin to pay. ~ The gospel tells us that Jesus Christ paid our debt, but it also tells us far more. ~ We are now His sons and daughters, heirs with Jesus Christ of all His unsearchable riches!

12  Why did the apostle Paul develop at such length the bad news of our situation? ~ We can’t begin to appreciate the good news of the gospel until we see our deep need. ~ Few people ever think about the dreadful implications of being under the wrath of God. ~ And most of all, none of us even begins to realize how truly sinful we are.

13  Jesus once told a story about a king’s servant who owed his master ten thousand talents (Matt 18:21-35). ~ In the context of the story, that immense sum represents a spiritual debt that every one of us owes to God. ~ It is the debt of our sins.

14  This is what the gospel is all about. ~ Jesus paid our debt to the full. ~ But He did far more than relieve us of debt. ~ He also purchased for us an eternal inheritance. ~ That’s why Paul wrote of the “unsearchable riches of Christ.”


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