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Status of Municipal Education in Mumbai (AcademicYears 2008-09 to 2011-12) Supported by FORD FOUNDATION 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of Municipal Education in Mumbai (AcademicYears 2008-09 to 2011-12) Supported by FORD FOUNDATION 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of Municipal Education in Mumbai (AcademicYears 2008-09 to 2011-12) Supported by FORD FOUNDATION 1

2 Mumbai Municipal Education Factoids 2 Primary Education is an Obligatory Duty Under Mumbai Municipal Act 1888. Annual education budget for the year 2012-13 is Rs.2342 cores. MCGM has 1,319 schools which cater to 4,39,108 students* and has 12,407 teachers with a student-teacher ratio of 35. According to our household survey, 19% of children in Mumbai go to Municipal Schools.** * - For the year 2012-13, the number of total students is not available; hence the last year students number has been used. ** - The household survey was commissioned to Hansa Research & was conducted in March- April 2012 across Mumbai. Out of the total sample size of 15,191 households, 5,167 households had children going to school & the questions related to education were further administered to them.

3 According to the Education Budget, MCGM spends Rs. 53,335/- for per student. Annual fee on an average in Private (aided) Schools across the city range from Rs.15,000/- to Rs. 36,000/-. 3 Comparison of MCGM ‘fees’ & private school fees

4 Year No. of Candidates Appeared Total PassPass in (%) MCGM School Private School MCGM School Private School MCGM School Private School Mar-0910,269155,3345299125,72752%81% Mar-109,401159,6385545131,33259%82% Mar-1111,515159,5726806131,23059%82% Mar-1212,455164,5377623136,18761%83% Comparison between MCGM and Private School SSC Results 4

5 Middle school Scholarship Examination (4th Standard) Year Candidates Appeared Scholarship Holders Scholarship Holders in % MCGM School Private School MCGM School Private School MCGM School Private School 201113551353665621520.4%6.1% 20129637316354320870.4%6.6% High School Scholarship Examination (7th Standard) 20119871261041416580.1%6.4% 2012716026387817660.1%6.7% Comparison between Private MCGM School: Scholarship Awarded 4th and 7th Standard 5 In 4 th standard out of 100 who received the scholarship there were only 9 from MCGM school and 91 from private school.

6 R/NSD Dropout (Per 100)10612 Passout (In %)NA53%41% No. of teachers225522118 No. of whom inspection report available16132471 Preparation of lessonsProper93%71%92% Able to explain the SubjectNatural92%69%89% Teaching TechniqueModern89%65%77% Question TechniqueEnergetic93%66%87% Skill of the teacher to attract attention of studentsGood89%66%86% Knowledge of the SubjectEnough91%66%87% Clarity in ExplanationGood92%66%85% Use of education materialProper93%65%86% Annual ProgressSatisfactory90%69%86% Attention Paid to Weak StudentsEnough88%68%85% Correction in writing of studentsProper90%68%86% Attention paid to the handwriting of studentsGood87%64%86% CurriculumComplete92%67%85% Attachments for daily teachingRegularly18%42%48% Provision of education materialRepeatedly87%61%82% Liking in extra curricular mattersGood lecture taken90%69%86% Attention on WorkHealthy77%80%87% Attention on Students Sympathetic77%81%85% Co-operation to colleagues and officersHeartily Co-operation given77%85%83% R/North, S and D Ward Education Inspection Data 6

7 Questions Asked by Councillors ( Mar’12 to Sep’12 ) 227 councillors have asked only 68 questions on education in 325 meetings of various committees. Only 36 questions were asked in the education committee by its 22 elected members in 12 meetings. None of Mumbai’s councillors have asked any question on pass out rates or inspection reports, while only one question was asked on dropouts. 7

8 Household Survey According to our household survey, 19% of children in Mumbai go to Municipal Schools. 83% of the parents of the children going to municipal schools would like to send their child to the private schools 89% of those willing to send their child to the Private school find expense of a private school as a major deterrent 61% of the children going to municipal schools take private tuitions / coaching classes 8

9 THANK YOU !!! 9

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